Test IRC client using RX Java and Java FX

Updated 5 years ago

Docker container for TapChat

Updated 5 years ago

Small HTTP server that redirects to artifacts from the latest github release for a project

Updated 5 years ago

Dockerised version of Google's mtail

Updated 5 years ago

Utility IRC bot

Updated 5 years ago

WebHook broker that accepts notifications from multiple platforms and performs simple actions in response

Updated 5 years ago

Clean the Docker Registry by removing untagged repositories

Updated 5 years ago

Warframe related tools

Updated 5 years ago

Yet Another OTP generator

Updated 6 years ago

Docker image for taskwarrior server

Updated 6 years ago

Requests Let's Encrypt certificates using a HTTP-01 challenge

Updated 6 years ago

Docker container for the Unifi controller application

Updated 6 years ago

Writes configuration files for nginx based on running services and certificates

Updated 6 years ago

Docker container with utilities for troubleshooting and debugging

Updated 6 years ago

Compose files, instructions and extras for using my automatic proxy containers

Updated 6 years ago

Automatically requests Let's Encrypt certificates for containers with a vhost label

Updated 6 years ago

Library for interacting with etcd-based service reporting. Intended to be used as a base image.

Updated 6 years ago

Docker container that lists running containers and stores information on them in etcd

Updated 6 years ago

Solutions to Advent of Code 2017

Updated 6 years ago

Desktop tool for browsing account info from EVE-Online

Updated 6 years ago