Incomplete PHP library to access static data from eve-online

Updated 5 years ago

Test IRC client using RX Java and Java FX

Updated 5 years ago

Solutions to Advent of Code 2017

Updated 6 years ago

Desktop tool for browsing account info from EVE-Online

Updated 6 years ago

Incomplete go app to HUP nginx when a config file changes

Updated 6 years ago

Docker container for DFBnc

Updated 6 years ago

Context-detection API for Android developed as a university project

Updated 6 years ago

Java poker implementation

Updated 6 years ago

PHP OpenID consumer

Updated 6 years ago

Java IRC bot

Updated 6 years ago

Quote database webapp

Updated 6 years ago

Incomplete RESTful API for IRC

Updated 6 years ago

PHP scripts to display a more user-friendly overview of nagios status

Updated 6 years ago

Skeleton project for building Java using Ant and Ivy

Updated 6 years ago

Frontend for viewing Dungeon Defender layouts

Updated 6 years ago

C# app to record currently focused window

Updated 6 years ago

Unfinished website for an EVE-online corporation

Updated 6 years ago

PHP/JavaScript webapp to analyse spending habits

Updated 6 years ago

Unsupported library containing some previously-useful java methods

Updated 6 years ago

Unsupported library that attempts to punch holes through NAT

Updated 6 years ago