WebHook broker that accepts notifications from multiple platforms and performs simple actions in response
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. import hashlib
  2. import jenkins
  3. import requests
  4. import os
  5. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  6. from flask import Flask
  7. BASE_URL = os.environ["LAS_BASE_URL"]
  8. SECRET = os.environ["LAS_SECRET"]
  9. server = jenkins.Jenkins(
  10. os.environ["LAS_JENKINS_URL"],
  11. username=os.environ["LAS_JENKINS_USER"],
  12. password=os.environ["LAS_JENKINS_PASSWORD"],
  13. )
  14. def get_hook_url(service, identifier):
  15. nonce = (service + SECRET + identifier).encode("ascii")
  16. token = hashlib.sha256(nonce).hexdigest()
  17. return f"{BASE_URL}hooks/{service}/{identifier}/{token}"
  18. def get_jenkins_jobs():
  19. for job in server.get_all_jobs():
  20. config = BeautifulSoup(server.get_job_config(job["fullname"]), features="xml")
  21. for git_config in config.find_all("scm", class_="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM"):
  22. branch_spec = git_config.find("branches").find("name").text
  23. yield job["fullname"], branch_spec, git_config.find("url").text
  24. def maybe_install_gitea_hook(project):
  25. gitea_url = f"{os.environ['LAS_GITEA_URL']}api/v1/repos/{project}/hooks"
  26. hook_url = get_hook_url("gitea", project)
  27. hooks = requests.get(
  28. gitea_url, params={"access_token": os.environ["LAS_GITEA_TOKEN"]}
  29. ).json()
  30. if hook_url not in [hook["config"]["url"] for hook in hooks]:
  31. body = {
  32. "active": True,
  33. "config": {"content_type": "json", "url": hook_url},
  34. "events": [
  35. "create",
  36. "delete",
  37. "fork",
  38. "push",
  39. "issues",
  40. "issue_comment",
  41. "pull_request",
  42. "repository",
  43. "release",
  44. ],
  45. "type": "gitea",
  46. }
  47. requests.post(
  48. gitea_url,
  49. json=body,
  50. params={"access_token": "5b8de94a7201bc923e99813850327caf75b85e70"},
  51. ).json()
  52. def get_gitea_repos():
  53. repos = requests.get(
  54. f"{os.environ['LAS_GITEA_URL']}api/v1/user/repos",
  55. params={"access_token": os.environ["LAS_GITEA_TOKEN"]},
  56. ).json()
  57. for repo in repos:
  58. maybe_install_gitea_hook(repo["full_name"])
  59. yield repo["full_name"], repo["ssh_url"], repo["clone_url"]
  60. app = Flask(__name__)
  61. @app.route("/")
  62. def handle_index():
  63. return app.send_static_file("index.html")
  64. app.run()