WebHook broker that accepts notifications from multiple platforms and performs simple actions in response
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

main.py 3.1KB

  1. import re
  2. from functools import wraps
  3. from flask import Flask, abort, request, Response
  4. from lineandsinker.common import get_hook_key
  5. from lineandsinker.services import gitea_factory, jenkins_factory, reportbot_factory
  6. url_pattern = re.compile(
  7. "^/hooks/(?P<service>[^/]+)/(?P<identifier>.*)/(?P<key>[^/]+)$"
  8. )
  9. def authenticate(f):
  10. @wraps(f)
  11. def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  12. path = request.path
  13. match = url_pattern.match(path)
  14. if not match:
  15. return Response("Bad request", 400)
  16. expected_key = get_hook_key(match.group("service"), match.group("identifier"))
  17. if expected_key != match.group("key"):
  18. app.logger.info(f"Bad request to {path}: expected key {expected_key}")
  19. return Response("Invalid key", 403)
  20. return f(*args, **kwargs)
  21. return wrapper
  22. jenkins_service = jenkins_factory()
  23. gitea_service = gitea_factory()
  24. reportbot_service = reportbot_factory()
  25. repos = dict((name, [ssh, clone]) for name, ssh, clone in gitea_service.get_repos())
  26. jobs = list(jenkins_service.get_jobs())
  27. app = Flask(__name__)
  28. @app.route("/")
  29. def handle_index():
  30. return app.send_static_file("index.html")
  31. @app.route("/hooks/gitea/<path:repo>/<hash>", methods=["POST"])
  32. @authenticate
  33. def handle_hook_gitea(repo):
  34. app.logger.info(f"Received hook for repo {repo}")
  35. if repo not in repos:
  36. app.logger.info(f"Repository not found. Known repos: {repos.keys()}")
  37. abort(404)
  38. if request.headers.get("X-Gitea-Event") == "push":
  39. urls = repos[repo]
  40. for name, spec, url in jobs:
  41. if url in urls:
  42. # TODO: Check branches
  43. app.logger.info(f"Found matching job: {name} with URL {url}")
  44. jenkins_service.build_job(name)
  45. data = request.get_json()
  46. if not data["repository"]["private"]:
  47. repo = data["repository"]["full_name"]
  48. commits = len(data["commits"])
  49. compare = data["compare_url"]
  50. pusher = data["pusher"]["login"]
  51. reportbot_service.announce(
  52. f"\002[git]\002 {pusher} pushed {commits} commit{'s' if commits != 1 else ''} to {repo}: {compare}"
  53. )
  54. for commit in data["commits"][:3]:
  55. reportbot_service.announce(
  56. f"\002[git]\002 {commit['id'][:10]}: {commit['message'][:100]}"
  57. )
  58. return "", 204
  59. @app.route("/hooks/docker/registry/<hash>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
  60. @authenticate
  61. def handle_docker_registry():
  62. for event in request.get_json()["events"]:
  63. if (
  64. event["action"] == "push"
  65. and "vnd.docker.distribution.manifest" in event["target"]["mediaType"]
  66. and "tag" in event["target"]
  67. ):
  68. repo = event["target"]["repository"]
  69. tag = event["target"]["tag"]
  70. host = event["request"]["host"]
  71. user = event["actor"]["name"]
  72. reportbot_service.announce(
  73. f"\002[registry]\002 New manifest pushed to {host}/{repo}:{tag} by {user}"
  74. )
  75. return "", 204
  76. if __name__ == "__main__":
  77. app.run("")