Incomplete RESTful API for IRC
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

build.xml 1.7KB

  1. <project name="RestIRC" default="dist" basedir=".">
  2. <description>REST-ful API to access IRC</description>
  3. <import file="build-ivy.xml"/>
  4. <property name="src" location="src"/>
  5. <property name="build" location="build"/>
  6. <property name="dist" location="dist"/>
  7. <target name="init" depends="-init-dependencies">
  8. <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
  9. </target>
  10. <target name="compile" depends="init,-get-version" description="compile the source">
  11. <path id="compile-classpath">
  12. <fileset dir="lib">
  13. <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  14. </fileset>
  15. </path>
  16. <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" includeantruntime="false" classpathref="compile-classpath"/>
  17. <echo file="${build}/name/smithc/chris/version">${version}</echo>
  18. </target>
  19. <target name="-init-version">
  20. <path id="jgit-classpath">
  21. <fileset dir="lib">
  22. <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  23. </fileset>
  24. </path>
  25. <taskdef name="git-describe" classname="org.mdonoughe.JGitDescribeTask" classpathref="jgit-classpath"/>
  26. </target>
  27. <target name="-get-version" depends="-init-version">
  28. <git-describe dir=".git" property="version" />
  29. </target>
  30. <target name="dist" depends="compile,-get-version" description="generate the distribution">
  31. <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
  32. <jar jarfile="${dist}/RestIRC-${version}.jar" basedir="${build}"/>
  33. </target>
  34. <target name="clean" description="clean up">
  35. <delete dir="${build}"/>
  36. <delete dir="${dist}"/>
  37. </target>
  38. <target name="run" depends="compile">
  39. <path id="run-classpath">
  40. <pathelement path="${build}"/>
  41. <fileset dir="lib">
  42. <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  43. </fileset>
  44. </path>
  45. <java classpathref="run-classpath" classname="name.smith.chris.restirc.RestIrc"/>
  46. </target>
  47. </project>