Basic PHP document management system, including automatic detection of corporate logos in letters
Вы не можете выбрать более 25 тем Темы должны начинаться с буквы или цифры, могут содержать дефисы(-) и должны содержать не более 35 символов.

lightbox.js 18KB

  1. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // Lightbox v2.04
  4. // by Lokesh Dhakar -
  5. // Last Modification: 2/9/08
  6. //
  7. // For more information, visit:
  8. //
  9. //
  10. // Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License -
  11. // - Free for use in both personal and commercial projects
  12. // - Attribution requires leaving author name, author link, and the license info intact.
  13. //
  14. // Thanks: Scott Upton(, Peter-Paul Koch(, and Thomas Fuchs( for ideas, libs, and snippets.
  15. // Artemy Tregubenko ( for cleanup and help in updating to latest ver of proto-aculous.
  16. //
  17. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. /*
  19. Table of Contents
  20. -----------------
  21. Configuration
  22. Lightbox Class Declaration
  23. - initialize()
  24. - updateImageList()
  25. - start()
  26. - changeImage()
  27. - resizeImageContainer()
  28. - showImage()
  29. - updateDetails()
  30. - updateNav()
  31. - enableKeyboardNav()
  32. - disableKeyboardNav()
  33. - keyboardAction()
  34. - preloadNeighborImages()
  35. - end()
  36. Function Calls
  37. - document.observe()
  38. */
  39. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. //
  41. // Configurationl
  42. //
  43. LightboxOptions = Object.extend({
  44. fileLoadingImage: 'images/loading.gif',
  45. fileBottomNavCloseImage: 'images/closelabel.gif',
  46. overlayOpacity: 0.8, // controls transparency of shadow overlay
  47. animate: true, // toggles resizing animations
  48. resizeSpeed: 7, // controls the speed of the image resizing animations (1=slowest and 10=fastest)
  49. borderSize: 10, //if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable
  50. // When grouping images this is used to write: Image # of #.
  51. // Change it for non-english localization
  52. labelImage: "Image",
  53. labelOf: "of"
  54. }, window.LightboxOptions || {});
  55. // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. var Lightbox = Class.create();
  57. Lightbox.prototype = {
  58. imageArray: [],
  59. activeImage: undefined,
  60. // initialize()
  61. // Constructor runs on completion of the DOM loading. Calls updateImageList and then
  62. // the function inserts html at the bottom of the page which is used to display the shadow
  63. // overlay and the image container.
  64. //
  65. initialize: function() {
  66. this.updateImageList();
  67. this.keyboardAction = this.keyboardAction.bindAsEventListener(this);
  68. if (LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed > 10) LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed = 10;
  69. if (LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed < 1) LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed = 1;
  70. this.resizeDuration = LightboxOptions.animate ? ((11 - LightboxOptions.resizeSpeed) * 0.15) : 0;
  71. this.overlayDuration = LightboxOptions.animate ? 0.2 : 0; // shadow fade in/out duration
  72. // When Lightbox starts it will resize itself from 250 by 250 to the current image dimension.
  73. // If animations are turned off, it will be hidden as to prevent a flicker of a
  74. // white 250 by 250 box.
  75. var size = (LightboxOptions.animate ? 250 : 1) + 'px';
  76. // Code inserts html at the bottom of the page that looks similar to this:
  77. //
  78. // <div id="overlay"></div>
  79. // <div id="lightbox">
  80. // <div id="outerImageContainer">
  81. // <div id="imageContainer">
  82. // <img id="lightboxImage">
  83. // <div style="" id="hoverNav">
  84. // <a href="#" id="prevLink"></a>
  85. // <a href="#" id="nextLink"></a>
  86. // </div>
  87. // <div id="loading">
  88. // <a href="#" id="loadingLink">
  89. // <img src="images/loading.gif">
  90. // </a>
  91. // </div>
  92. // </div>
  93. // </div>
  94. // <div id="imageDataContainer">
  95. // <div id="imageData">
  96. // <div id="imageDetails">
  97. // <span id="caption"></span>
  98. // <span id="numberDisplay"></span>
  99. // </div>
  100. // <div id="bottomNav">
  101. // <a href="#" id="bottomNavClose">
  102. // <img src="images/close.gif">
  103. // </a>
  104. // </div>
  105. // </div>
  106. // </div>
  107. // </div>
  108. var objBody = $$('body')[0];
  109. objBody.appendChild(Builder.node('div',{id:'overlay'}));
  110. objBody.appendChild(Builder.node('div',{id:'lightbox'}, [
  111. Builder.node('div',{id:'outerImageContainer'},
  112. Builder.node('div',{id:'imageContainer'}, [
  113. Builder.node('img',{id:'lightboxImage'}),
  114. Builder.node('div',{id:'hoverNav'}, [
  115. Builder.node('a',{id:'prevLink', href: '#' }),
  116. Builder.node('a',{id:'nextLink', href: '#' })
  117. ]),
  118. Builder.node('div',{id:'loading'},
  119. Builder.node('a',{id:'loadingLink', href: '#' },
  120. Builder.node('img', {src: LightboxOptions.fileLoadingImage})
  121. )
  122. )
  123. ])
  124. ),
  125. Builder.node('div', {id:'imageDataContainer'},
  126. Builder.node('div',{id:'imageData'}, [
  127. Builder.node('div',{id:'imageDetails'}, [
  128. Builder.node('span',{id:'caption'}),
  129. Builder.node('span',{id:'numberDisplay'})
  130. ]),
  131. Builder.node('div',{id:'bottomNav'},
  132. Builder.node('a',{id:'bottomNavClose', href: '#' },
  133. Builder.node('img', { src: LightboxOptions.fileBottomNavCloseImage })
  134. )
  135. )
  136. ])
  137. )
  138. ]));
  139. $('overlay').hide().observe('click', (function() { this.end(); }).bind(this));
  140. $('lightbox').hide().observe('click', (function(event) { if (event.element().id == 'lightbox') this.end(); }).bind(this));
  141. $('outerImageContainer').setStyle({ width: size, height: size });
  142. $('prevLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.changeImage(this.activeImage - 1); }).bindAsEventListener(this));
  143. $('nextLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.changeImage(this.activeImage + 1); }).bindAsEventListener(this));
  144. $('loadingLink').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.end(); }).bind(this));
  145. $('bottomNavClose').observe('click', (function(event) { event.stop(); this.end(); }).bind(this));
  146. var th = this;
  147. (function(){
  148. var ids =
  149. 'overlay lightbox outerImageContainer imageContainer lightboxImage hoverNav prevLink nextLink loading loadingLink ' +
  150. 'imageDataContainer imageData imageDetails caption numberDisplay bottomNav bottomNavClose';
  151. $w(ids).each(function(id){ th[id] = $(id); });
  152. }).defer();
  153. },
  154. //
  155. // updateImageList()
  156. // Loops through anchor tags looking for 'lightbox' references and applies onclick
  157. // events to appropriate links. You can rerun after dynamically adding images w/ajax.
  158. //
  159. updateImageList: function() {
  160. this.updateImageList = Prototype.emptyFunction;
  161. document.observe('click', (function(event){
  162. var target = event.findElement('a[rel^=lightbox]') || event.findElement('area[rel^=lightbox]');
  163. if (target) {
  164. event.stop();
  165. this.start(target);
  166. }
  167. }).bind(this));
  168. },
  169. //
  170. // start()
  171. // Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to imageArray.
  172. //
  173. start: function(imageLink) {
  174. $$('select', 'object', 'embed').each(function(node){ = 'hidden' });
  175. // stretch overlay to fill page and fade in
  176. var arrayPageSize = this.getPageSize();
  177. $('overlay').setStyle({ width: arrayPageSize[0] + 'px', height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px' });
  178. new Effect.Appear(this.overlay, { duration: this.overlayDuration, from: 0.0, to: LightboxOptions.overlayOpacity });
  179. this.imageArray = [];
  180. var imageNum = 0;
  181. if ((imageLink.rel == 'lightbox')){
  182. // if image is NOT part of a set, add single image to imageArray
  183. this.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, imageLink.title]);
  184. } else {
  185. // if image is part of a set..
  186. this.imageArray =
  187. $$(imageLink.tagName + '[href][rel="' + imageLink.rel + '"]').
  188. collect(function(anchor){ return [anchor.href, anchor.title]; }).
  189. uniq();
  190. while (this.imageArray[imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) { imageNum++; }
  191. }
  192. // calculate top and left offset for the lightbox
  193. var arrayPageScroll = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();
  194. var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (document.viewport.getHeight() / 10);
  195. var lightboxLeft = arrayPageScroll[0];
  196. this.lightbox.setStyle({ top: lightboxTop + 'px', left: lightboxLeft + 'px' }).show();
  197. this.changeImage(imageNum);
  198. },
  199. //
  200. // changeImage()
  201. // Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image container.
  202. //
  203. changeImage: function(imageNum) {
  204. this.activeImage = imageNum; // update global var
  205. // hide elements during transition
  206. if (LightboxOptions.animate);
  207. this.lightboxImage.hide();
  208. this.hoverNav.hide();
  209. this.prevLink.hide();
  210. this.nextLink.hide();
  211. // HACK: Opera9 does not currently support scriptaculous opacity and appear fx
  212. this.imageDataContainer.setStyle({opacity: .0001});
  213. this.numberDisplay.hide();
  214. var imgPreloader = new Image();
  215. // once image is preloaded, resize image container
  216. imgPreloader.onload = (function(){
  217. this.lightboxImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage][0];
  218. this.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height);
  219. }).bind(this);
  220. imgPreloader.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage][0];
  221. },
  222. //
  223. // resizeImageContainer()
  224. //
  225. resizeImageContainer: function(imgWidth, imgHeight) {
  226. // get current width and height
  227. var widthCurrent = this.outerImageContainer.getWidth();
  228. var heightCurrent = this.outerImageContainer.getHeight();
  229. // get new width and height
  230. var widthNew = (imgWidth + LightboxOptions.borderSize * 2);
  231. var heightNew = (imgHeight + LightboxOptions.borderSize * 2);
  232. // scalars based on change from old to new
  233. var xScale = (widthNew / widthCurrent) * 100;
  234. var yScale = (heightNew / heightCurrent) * 100;
  235. // calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if necessary
  236. var wDiff = widthCurrent - widthNew;
  237. var hDiff = heightCurrent - heightNew;
  238. if (hDiff != 0) new Effect.Scale(this.outerImageContainer, yScale, {scaleX: false, duration: this.resizeDuration, queue: 'front'});
  239. if (wDiff != 0) new Effect.Scale(this.outerImageContainer, xScale, {scaleY: false, duration: this.resizeDuration, delay: this.resizeDuration});
  240. // if new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary,
  241. // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker.
  242. var timeout = 0;
  243. if ((hDiff == 0) && (wDiff == 0)){
  244. timeout = 100;
  245. if (Prototype.Browser.IE) timeout = 250;
  246. }
  247. (function(){
  248. this.prevLink.setStyle({ height: imgHeight + 'px' });
  249. this.nextLink.setStyle({ height: imgHeight + 'px' });
  250. this.imageDataContainer.setStyle({ width: widthNew + 'px' });
  251. this.showImage();
  252. }).bind(this).delay(timeout / 1000);
  253. },
  254. //
  255. // showImage()
  256. // Display image and begin preloading neighbors.
  257. //
  258. showImage: function(){
  259. this.loading.hide();
  260. new Effect.Appear(this.lightboxImage, {
  261. duration: this.resizeDuration,
  262. queue: 'end',
  263. afterFinish: (function(){ this.updateDetails(); }).bind(this)
  264. });
  265. this.preloadNeighborImages();
  266. },
  267. //
  268. // updateDetails()
  269. // Display caption, image number, and bottom nav.
  270. //
  271. updateDetails: function() {
  272. // if caption is not null
  273. if (this.imageArray[this.activeImage][1] != ""){
  274. this.caption.update(this.imageArray[this.activeImage][1]).show();
  275. }
  276. // if image is part of set display 'Image x of x'
  277. if (this.imageArray.length > 1){
  278. this.numberDisplay.update( LightboxOptions.labelImage + ' ' + (this.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + LightboxOptions.labelOf + ' ' + this.imageArray.length).show();
  279. }
  280. new Effect.Parallel(
  281. [
  282. new Effect.SlideDown(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration, from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }),
  283. new Effect.Appear(this.imageDataContainer, { sync: true, duration: this.resizeDuration })
  284. ],
  285. {
  286. duration: this.resizeDuration,
  287. afterFinish: (function() {
  288. // update overlay size and update nav
  289. var arrayPageSize = this.getPageSize();
  290. this.overlay.setStyle({ height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px' });
  291. this.updateNav();
  292. }).bind(this)
  293. }
  294. );
  295. },
  296. //
  297. // updateNav()
  298. // Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation.
  299. //
  300. updateNav: function() {
  302. // if not first image in set, display prev image button
  303. if (this.activeImage > 0);
  304. // if not last image in set, display next image button
  305. if (this.activeImage < (this.imageArray.length - 1));
  306. this.enableKeyboardNav();
  307. },
  308. //
  309. // enableKeyboardNav()
  310. //
  311. enableKeyboardNav: function() {
  312. document.observe('keydown', this.keyboardAction);
  313. },
  314. //
  315. // disableKeyboardNav()
  316. //
  317. disableKeyboardNav: function() {
  318. document.stopObserving('keydown', this.keyboardAction);
  319. },
  320. //
  321. // keyboardAction()
  322. //
  323. keyboardAction: function(event) {
  324. var keycode = event.keyCode;
  325. var escapeKey;
  326. if (event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { // mozilla
  327. escapeKey = event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE;
  328. } else { // ie
  329. escapeKey = 27;
  330. }
  331. var key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
  332. if (key.match(/x|o|c/) || (keycode == escapeKey)){ // close lightbox
  333. this.end();
  334. } else if ((key == 'p') || (keycode == 37)){ // display previous image
  335. if (this.activeImage != 0){
  336. this.disableKeyboardNav();
  337. this.changeImage(this.activeImage - 1);
  338. }
  339. } else if ((key == 'n') || (keycode == 39)){ // display next image
  340. if (this.activeImage != (this.imageArray.length - 1)){
  341. this.disableKeyboardNav();
  342. this.changeImage(this.activeImage + 1);
  343. }
  344. }
  345. },
  346. //
  347. // preloadNeighborImages()
  348. // Preload previous and next images.
  349. //
  350. preloadNeighborImages: function(){
  351. var preloadNextImage, preloadPrevImage;
  352. if (this.imageArray.length > this.activeImage + 1){
  353. preloadNextImage = new Image();
  354. preloadNextImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage + 1][0];
  355. }
  356. if (this.activeImage > 0){
  357. preloadPrevImage = new Image();
  358. preloadPrevImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage - 1][0];
  359. }
  360. },
  361. //
  362. // end()
  363. //
  364. end: function() {
  365. this.disableKeyboardNav();
  366. this.lightbox.hide();
  367. new Effect.Fade(this.overlay, { duration: this.overlayDuration });
  368. $$('select', 'object', 'embed').each(function(node){ = 'visible' });
  369. },
  370. //
  371. // getPageSize()
  372. //
  373. getPageSize: function() {
  374. var xScroll, yScroll;
  375. if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {
  376. xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX;
  377. yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;
  378. } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac
  379. xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
  380. yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;
  381. } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari
  382. xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;
  383. yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;
  384. }
  385. var windowWidth, windowHeight;
  386. if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer
  387. if(document.documentElement.clientWidth){
  388. windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  389. } else {
  390. windowWidth = self.innerWidth;
  391. }
  392. windowHeight = self.innerHeight;
  393. } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
  394. windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  395. windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  396. } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers
  397. windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
  398. windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
  399. }
  400. // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport
  401. if(yScroll < windowHeight){
  402. pageHeight = windowHeight;
  403. } else {
  404. pageHeight = yScroll;
  405. }
  406. // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport
  407. if(xScroll < windowWidth){
  408. pageWidth = xScroll;
  409. } else {
  410. pageWidth = windowWidth;
  411. }
  412. return [pageWidth,pageHeight];
  413. }
  414. }
  415. document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { new Lightbox(); });