Context-detection API for Android developed as a university project
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  1. % This file was created with JabRef 2.3.1.
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  3. @INPROCEEDINGS{Liao2007a,
  4. author = {Lin Liao and Tanzeem Choudhury and Dieter Fox and Henry A. Kautz},
  5. title = {Training Conditional Random Fields Using Virtual Evidence Boosting},
  6. booktitle = {IJCAI},
  7. year = {2007},
  8. pages = {2530-2535},
  9. bibsource = {DBLP,},
  10. crossref = {DBLP:conf/ijcai/2007},
  11. ee = {},
  12. file = {Liao2007a.pdf:Liao2007a.pdf:PDF},
  13. owner = {chris},
  14. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  15. }
  16. @INPROCEEDINGS{Mahdaviani2007,
  17. author = {Maryam Mahdaviani and Tanzeem Choudhury},
  18. title = {Fast and Scalable Training of Semi-Supervised CRFs with Application
  19. to Activity Recognition},
  20. booktitle = {NIPS},
  21. year = {2007},
  22. bibsource = {DBLP,},
  23. crossref = {DBLP:conf/nips/2007},
  24. ee = {},
  25. file = {Mahdaviani2007.pdf:Mahdaviani2007.pdf:PDF},
  26. owner = {chris},
  27. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  28. }
  29. @MISC{Abowd1997,
  30. author = {Gregory D. Abowd and Christopher G. Atkeson and Jason Hong and Sue
  31. Long and Rob Kooper},
  32. title = {Cyberguide: A Mobile Context-Aware Tour Guide},
  33. year = {1997},
  34. citeseercitationcount = {0},
  35. citeseerurl = {},
  36. file = {Abowd1997.pdf:Abowd1997.pdf:PDF},
  37. owner = {chris},
  38. pdf = {Abowd1997.pdf},
  39. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  40. }
  41. @ARTICLE{Bannach2008,
  42. author = {Bannach, D. and Lukowicz, P. and Amft, O.},
  43. title = {Rapid Prototyping of Activity Recognition Applications},
  44. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  45. year = {2008},
  46. volume = {7},
  47. pages = {22--31},
  48. number = {2},
  49. month = {April--June },
  50. comment = {The concept of the CRN Toolbox stems from the observation that most
  51. activity recognition systems rely on a relatively small set of algorithms.
  52. These include sliding-window signal partitioning, standard time and
  53. frequency domain features, classifiers, and time series or event-based
  54. modeling algorithms.},
  55. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.36},
  56. file = {Bannach2008.pdf:Bannach2008.pdf:PDF},
  57. owner = {chris},
  58. pdf = {Bannach2008.pdf},
  59. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  60. }
  61. @ARTICLE{Bellavista2008,
  62. author = {Bellavista, P. and Kupper, A. and Helal, S.},
  63. title = {Location-Based Services: Back to the Future},
  64. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  65. year = {2008},
  66. volume = {7},
  67. pages = {85--89},
  68. number = {2},
  69. month = {April--June },
  70. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.34},
  71. file = {Bellavista2008.pdf:Bellavista2008.pdf:PDF},
  72. owner = {chris},
  73. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  74. }
  75. @INPROCEEDINGS{Bellotti2008,
  76. author = {Bellotti, Victoria and Begole, Bo and Chi, Ed H. and Ducheneaut,
  77. Nicolas and Fang, Ji and Isaacs, Ellen and King, Tracy and Newman,
  78. Mark W. and Partridge, Kurt and Price, Bob and Rasmussen, Paul and
  79. Roberts, Michael and Schiano, Diane J. and Walendowski, Alan},
  80. title = {Activity-based serendipitous recommendations with the Magitti mobile
  81. leisure guide},
  82. booktitle = {CHI '08: Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference
  83. on Human factors in computing systems},
  84. year = {2008},
  85. pages = {1157--1166},
  86. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  87. publisher = {ACM},
  88. citeulike-article-id = {2859755},
  89. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  90. citeulike-linkout-1 = {},
  91. doi = {10.1145/1357054.1357237},
  92. isbn = {9781605580111},
  93. keywords = {ibm, iphone, triage},
  94. owner = {chris},
  95. posted-at = {2008-06-03 19:57:41},
  96. priority = {5},
  97. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  98. url = {}
  99. }
  100. @INPROCEEDINGS{Caros2005,
  101. author = {Carós, JS. and Chételat, O. and Celka, P. and Dasen, S.},
  102. title = {Very low complexity algorithm for ambulatory activity classification},
  103. booktitle = {European Medical \& Biological Engineering Conference and IFMBE European
  104. Conference on Biomedical Engineering},
  105. year = {2005},
  106. file = {Caros2005.pdf:Caros2005.pdf:PDF},
  107. owner = {chris},
  108. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  109. }
  110. @ARTICLE{Choudhury2008,
  111. author = {Choudhury, T. and Consolvo, S. and Harrison, B. and Hightower, J.
  112. and LaMarca, A. and LeGrand, L. and Rahimi, A. and Rea, A. and Bordello,
  113. G. and Hemingway, B. and Klasnja, P. and Koscher, K. and Landay,
  114. J.A. and Lester, J. and Wyatt, D. and Haehnel, D.},
  115. title = {The Mobile Sensing Platform: An Embedded Activity Recognition System},
  116. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  117. year = {2008},
  118. volume = {7},
  119. pages = {32--41},
  120. number = {2},
  121. month = {April--June },
  122. comment = {Requirements, general architecture, privacy - audio.
  123. Structured prediction - temporal/structure & activity/context dependencies.
  124. Difficulties with training (labelling large amount of data); semi-supervised
  125. training},
  126. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.39},
  127. file = {Choudhury2008.pdf:Choudhury2008.pdf:PDF},
  128. owner = {chris},
  129. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  130. }
  131. @ARTICLE{Davies2008,
  132. author = {Davies, Nigel and Siewiorek, Daniel P. and Sukthankar, Rahul},
  133. title = {Activity-Based Computing},
  134. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  135. year = {2008},
  136. volume = {7},
  137. pages = {20--21},
  138. number = {2},
  139. comment = {General intro and basic history},
  140. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.26},
  141. file = {Davies2008.pdf:Davies2008.pdf:PDF},
  142. issn = {1536-1268},
  143. keywords = {activity recognition, activity-based computing, context-aware computing},
  144. owner = {chris},
  145. pdf = {Davies2008.pdf},
  146. timestamp = {2009.11.30}
  147. }
  148. @ARTICLE{Serugendo2008,
  149. author = {Di Marzo Serugendo, G.},
  150. title = {Activity-Based Computing},
  151. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  152. year = {2008},
  153. volume = {7},
  154. pages = {58--61},
  155. number = {2},
  156. month = {April--June },
  157. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.25},
  158. file = {Serugendo2008.pdf:Serugendo2008.pdf:PDF},
  159. owner = {chris},
  160. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  161. }
  162. @INPROCEEDINGS{Dornbush2005,
  163. author = {Dornbush, S. and Fisher, K. and McKay, K. and Prikhodko, A. and Segall,
  164. Z.},
  165. title = {XPOD - A Human Activity and Emotion Aware Mobile Music Player},
  166. booktitle = {Proc. 2nd International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications
  167. and Systems},
  168. year = {2005},
  169. pages = {1--6},
  170. doi = {10.1109/MTAS.2005.207159},
  171. file = {Dornbush2005.pdf:Dornbush2005.pdf:PDF},
  172. keywords = {audio equipment, humanities, mobile handsets, XPod, emotion aware
  173. mobile music player, human activity, mobile MP3 player, mobile devices,
  174. mobile phone user experience},
  175. owner = {chris},
  176. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  177. }
  178. @MISC{Eagle2004,
  179. author = {Eagle, N. and Pentland, A.},
  180. title = {Mobile Matchmaking: Proximity Sensing and Cueing},
  181. year = {2004},
  182. file = {Eagle2004.pdf:Eagle2004.pdf:PDF},
  183. journal = {IEEE Pervasive, Special Issue on Smart Phones},
  184. owner = {chris},
  185. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  186. }
  187. @MISC{Floreen2008,
  188. author = {Patrik Floréen and Joonas Kukkonen and Eemil Lagerspetz and Petteri
  189. Nurmi and Jukka Suomela},
  190. title = {BeTelGeuse: Tool for Context Data Gathering via Bluetooth},
  191. year = {2008},
  192. file = {Floreen2008.pdf:Floreen2008.pdf:PDF},
  193. owner = {chris},
  194. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  195. }
  196. @MASTERSTHESIS{Garakani2009,
  197. author = {AB Garakani},
  198. title = {Real-Time Classification of Everyday Fitness Activities on Windows
  199. Mobile},
  200. school = {University of Washington},
  201. year = {2009},
  202. file = {Garakani2009.pdf:Garakani2009.pdf:PDF},
  203. owner = {chris},
  204. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  205. }
  206. @MISC{Hein2008,
  207. author = {Albert Hein and Thomas Kirste},
  208. title = {Towards Recognizing Abstract Activities: An Unsupervised Approach},
  209. year = {2008},
  210. = {},
  211. abstract = {Abstract. The recognition of abstract high-level activities using
  212. wearable sensors is an important prerequisite for context aware mobile
  213. assistance, especially in AAL and medical care applications. A major
  214. difficulty in detecting this type of activities is that different
  215. activities often share similar motion patterns. One possible solution
  216. is to aggregate these activities from shorter, easier to detect base
  217. level actions, but the explicit annotation of these is not trivial
  218. and very time consuming. In this paper we introduce a simple clustering
  219. based method for the recognition of compound activities at a high
  220. level of abstraction using k-Means as an unsupervised learning algorithm.
  221. A general problem of these methods is that the resulting cluster
  222. affiliations are typically not human readable and some kind of interpretation
  223. is needed. To achieve this, we developed a hybrid approach using
  224. a generative probabilistic model built on top of the clusterer. We
  225. adapted a Hidden Markov Model for mapping the cluster memberships
  226. onto high-level activities and sucessfully evaluated the feasibility
  227. of this technique using experimental data from two test runs of a
  228. home care scenario showing a higher accuracy and robustness than
  229. conventional discriminative methods.},
  230. file = {Hein2008.pdf:Hein2008.pdf:PDF},
  231. institution = {CiteSeerX - Scientific Literature Digital Library and Search Engine
  232. [] (United States)},
  233. keywords = {High-Level Activities, Clustering, Probabilistic Models, AAL},
  234. owner = {chris},
  235. timestamp = {2009.12.01},
  236. url = {}
  237. }
  238. @INPROCEEDINGS{Lee2007,
  239. author = {Jae Young Lee and Hoff, W.},
  240. title = {Activity Identification Utilizing Data Mining Techniques},
  241. booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing WMVC '07},
  242. year = {2007},
  243. pages = {12--12},
  244. month = {Feb. },
  245. doi = {10.1109/WMVC.2007.4},
  246. owner = {chris},
  247. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  248. }
  249. @INPROCEEDINGS{Lester2006,
  250. author = {Lester, Jonathan and Choudhury, Tanzeem and Borriello, Gaetano},
  251. title = {A Practical Approach to Recognizing Physical Activities},
  252. booktitle = {Pervasive Computing},
  253. year = {2006},
  254. pages = {1--16},
  255. = {We are developing a personal activity recognition system that is practical,
  256. reliable, and can be incorporated into a variety of health-care related
  257. applications ranging from personal fitness to elder care. To make
  258. our system appealing and useful, we require it to have the following
  259. properties: (i) data only from a single body location needed, and
  260. it is not required to be from the same point for every user; (ii)
  261. should work out of the box across individuals, with personalization
  262. only enhancing its recognition abilities; and (iii) should be effective
  263. even with a cost-sensitive subset of the sensors and data features.
  264. In this paper, we present an approach to building a system that exhibits
  265. these properties and provide evidence based on data for 8 different
  266. activities collected from 12 different subjects. Our results indicate
  267. that the system has an accuracy rate of approximately 90\% while
  268. meeting our requirements. We are now developing a fully embedded
  269. version of our system based on a cell-phone platform augmented with
  270. a Bluetooth-connected sensor board.},
  271. citeulike-article-id = {997656},
  272. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  273. citeulike-linkout-1 = {},
  274. doi = {10.1007/11748625_1},
  275. file = {Lester2006.pdf:Lester2006.pdf:PDF},
  276. journal = {Pervasive Computing},
  277. keywords = {accelerometer, activity-recognition},
  278. owner = {chris},
  279. posted-at = {2007-10-12 10:21:05},
  280. priority = {2},
  281. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  282. url = {}
  283. }
  284. @ARTICLE{Liao2007,
  285. author = {Liao, Lin and Fox, Dieter and Kautz, Henry},
  286. title = {Extracting Places and Activities from GPS Traces Using Hierarchical
  287. Conditional Random Fields},
  288. journal = {Int. J. Rob. Res.},
  289. year = {2007},
  290. volume = {26},
  291. pages = {119--134},
  292. number = {1},
  293. abstract = {Learning patterns of human behavior from sensor data is extremely
  294. important for high-level activity inference. This paper describes
  295. how to extract a person's activities and significant places from
  296. traces of GPS data. The system uses hierarchically structured conditional
  297. random fields to generate a consistent model of a person's activities
  298. and places. In contrast to existing techniques, this approach takes
  299. the high-level context into account in order to detect the significant
  300. places of a person. Experiments show significant improvements over
  301. existing techniques. Furthermore, they indicate that the proposed
  302. system is able to robustly estimate a person's activities using a
  303. model that is trained from data collected by other persons.},
  304. address = {Thousand Oaks, CA, USA},
  305. citeulike-article-id = {3480910},
  306. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  307. citeulike-linkout-1 = {},
  308. comment = {NOTE: These notes were supplemented by looking at Liao's dissertation
  309. writeup of the same work.
  310. Overview: This is a supervised learning scheme done in several stages...
  311. the results from early stages are used to build the structure of
  312. the model in subsequent stages. Training is done for 3 people, and
  313. tested on a 4th person. For the test person, only GPS pings are used
  314. as input.
  315. specifics: * GPS traces from 4 people, 6 days per person * \~{}40,000
  316. GPS measurements per person * manually labeled all activities and
  317. significant places in these traces * used maximum pseudo-likelihood
  318. for learning
  319. hierarchical graphical model with 3 levels. top level: significant
  320. places (e.g. home, work, bus stop, parking lot, friend) midlevel:
  321. activity sequence (eg. walk, drive, visit, sleep, get on bus, pickup),
  322. bottom level: GPS trace (association to streeet map)
  323. * their typical GPS trace consists of approximately one GPS reading
  324. per second * GPS readings are segmented spatially; we have one activity
  325. node for each spatial segment of GPS pings ** e.g. a 12 hour stay
  326. at a single location is represented by a single activity node * if
  327. street map is available, segmentation is done in association with
  328. the street map (with 10m discretization) * "model can reason explicitly
  329. about the duration of a stay, for which dynamic models such as standard
  330. DBNs or HMMs have only limited support" [12,32]
  331. * two main groups of activities: navigation activities, and significant
  332. activities (in a single place, or at a transportation mode switch)
  333. * "to determine activities, our model relies heavily on temporal
  334. features, such as duration or time of day, and geographic information,
  335. such as locations of restaurants, stores, and bus stops." * "significant
  336. places are those locations that play a significnat role in the activities
  337. of a person: hoe, work, bus stops, parking lots typically used, homes
  338. of friends, etc...) model allows different activites to occur at
  339. same significant place; also, a significnat place can comprise mutiple
  340. different locations, mostly because of signal loss and GPS readings
  341. The CRF Model for Activity Recognition: 1) CRF for GPS denoising *
  342. break up street segments into 10 meter patches * measurement clique
  343. between each ping and all nearby street patches (Gaussian noise model
  344. from center of patch) * consistency cliques: put a Gaussian noise
  345. model on the \_difference\_ between the GPS displacement and the
  346. paired street patch displacement for consecutive pings * smoothness
  347. cliques: encourage street patch predictions to be stay on the same
  348. street, going in the same direction their conditional model for street
  349. patches given GPS pings is given in Eqn 26, bottom of page 10
  350. Output of the CRF model is taken as the spatial segmentation of the
  351. GPS pings... Hierarchical CRF is based on the segmentation, since
  352. one 'activity sequence' is associated with each sequence of points
  353. on the same 10m street patch * bottom layer of 3 layer CRF, now it's
  354. "local evidence" including: ** temporal information (e.g. time od
  355. day, day of week, duration of stay -- these can be discretized) clique
  356. functions are all binary indicators, one for every possible combination
  357. of temporal feature and activity ** average speed through segment
  358. -- discretized ** information extracted from geographic databses,
  359. such as whether a patch is on a bus route, close to abus stop, near
  360. a restaurant or grovery store; use indicator functions to model this
  361. information ** each activity node connected to its neighbors; e.g.
  362. extremely unlikely tha ta person will get on bus at one location
  363. and drive a car at neighboing location right afterwards (?)
  364. * Preliminary CRF\_0: just has activity nodes and local evidence nodes
  365. [notes from thesis] ** adjacent activity nodes are connected, and
  366. each activity node is connected to each 'ftr' with a pairwise potential
  367. ** features are *** gps based: streetpatch, timeofday (first timestamp,
  368. discretized into Moring, Noon, AFternoon, Evening, Night), dayofweek,
  369. duration, *** geo database: nearrestaurant, nearstore, nearbusstop,
  370. onbusroute [latter extracted from geographic databaddses] *** average
  371. speed thru segment (discretized - 'to allow multimodality')
  372. * Significant Places [from thesis] ** from the MAP activity sequence,
  373. they then (by hand? they refer to an IsSignificant() function) associate
  374. each activity with whether or not it belongs to a significant place
  375. (e.g. transport does not connect to a significant place, while getting
  376. on / off a bus does ...); * spatial clustering performed on the locations
  377. of significant places * the cluster centers are the 'signiciant plces'
  378. * edge between each place label and each activity label in its vicinity
  379. * NOTE: the 'place nodes' are not dynamic; we find K lat,longs that
  380. are the locations of the significant places; what we still ned to
  381. infer are the labels for these significant places; e.g. several of
  382. the lat,longs can be 'shopping', or 'friend's house, etc... certain
  383. place labels are associated with certain types of activities * they
  384. want to also add features that count the number of 'home', 'workplace',
  385. etc., labels that are used. However, this requires making a clique
  386. containing all the places, which can be quite large...
  387. generate\_places algorithm: * really not clear -- clustering places
  388. associated with the same activity? how can you get any confidence
  389. in the activities?
  390. * Each place (node at the top level of 3 level CRF) connects to all
  391. activities that seem to occur in the same place -- built into the
  392. structure of the model * multiple activities may occur at the same
  393. place
  394. * each GPS associated with a 10m patch on a street edge * [20] inference
  395. using loopy belief propagation, and parameter learning using pseudo-likelihoodreferences
  396. to chase down: bennewitz [4] learn different motion paths between
  397. places, [23] how to figure out types of places;},
  398. doi = {10.1177/0278364907073775},
  399. file = {Liao2007.pdf:Liao2007.pdf:PDF},
  400. issn = {0278-3649},
  401. keywords = {activity-prediction, place-finding},
  402. owner = {chris},
  403. posted-at = {2008-11-04 21:40:32},
  404. priority = {2},
  405. publisher = {Sage Publications, Inc.},
  406. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  407. url = {}
  408. }
  409. @ARTICLE{Lukowicz2002,
  410. author = {Lukowicz, P. and Junker, H. and St\"{a}ger, M. and von B\"{u}ren,
  411. T. and Tr\"{o}ster, G.},
  412. title = {WearNET: A Distributed Multi-sensor System for Context Aware Wearables},
  413. journal = {UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing},
  414. year = {2002},
  415. volume = {1},
  416. pages = {361--370},
  417. abstract = {This paper describes a distributed, multi-sensor system architecture
  418. designed to provide a wearable computer with a wide range of complex
  419. context information. Starting from an analysis of useful high level
  420. context information we present a top down design that focuses on
  421. the peculiarities of wearable applications. Thus, our design devotes
  422. particular attention to sensor placement, system partitioning as
  423. well as resource requirements given by the power consumption, computational
  424. intensity and communication overhead. We describe an implementation
  425. of our architecture and initial experimental results obtained with
  426. the system.},
  427. citeulike-article-id = {3909016},
  428. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  429. citeulike-linkout-1 = {},
  430. doi = {10.1007/3-540-45809-3_28},
  431. file = {Lukowicz2002.pdf:Lukowicz2002.pdf:PDF},
  432. keywords = {action, sensors},
  433. owner = {chris},
  434. posted-at = {2009-01-19 18:25:29},
  435. priority = {5},
  436. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  437. url = {}
  438. }
  439. @INPROCEEDINGS{Maurer2006,
  440. author = {Maurer, U. and Rowe, A. and Smailagic, A. and Siewiorek, D.P.},
  441. title = {eWatch: a wearable sensor and notification platform},
  442. booktitle = {Proc. International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor
  443. Networks BSN 2006},
  444. year = {2006},
  445. pages = {4 pp.--145},
  446. doi = {10.1109/BSN.2006.24},
  447. file = {Maurer2006.pdf:Maurer2006.pdf:PDF},
  448. keywords = {Bluetooth, biomedical equipment, electric sensing devices, patient
  449. monitoring, watches, wearable computers, Bluetooth communication,
  450. eWatch platform, notification platform, online nearest neighbor classification,
  451. power aware hardware, software architecture, wearable computing platform,
  452. wearable sensors, wireless links, wrist watch form factor},
  453. owner = {chris},
  454. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  455. }
  456. @MISC{Miluzzo2009,
  457. author = {Miluzzo, E., and Oakley, J., and Lu, H., and Lane, N., and Peterson,
  458. R., and Campbell, A.},
  459. title = {Evaluating the iPhone as a Mobile Platform for People-Centric Sensing
  460. Applications},
  461. year = {2009},
  462. file = {Miluzzo2009.pdf:Miluzzo2009.pdf:PDF},
  463. owner = {chris},
  464. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  465. }
  466. @INPROCEEDINGS{Nicolai2006,
  467. author = {Tom Nicolai and Nils Behrens and Holger Kenn},
  468. title = {Exploring Social Context with the Wireless Rope},
  469. booktitle = {In Proc. Workshop MONET: LNCS 4277},
  470. year = {2006},
  471. file = {Nicolai2006.pdf:Nicolai2006.pdf:PDF},
  472. owner = {chris},
  473. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  474. }
  475. @ARTICLE{Parkka2006,
  476. author = {Parkka, J. and Ermes, M. and Korpipaa, P. and Mantyjarvi, J. and
  477. Peltola, J. and Korhonen, I.},
  478. title = {Activity classification using realistic data from wearable sensors},
  479. journal = {Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on},
  480. year = {2006},
  481. volume = {10},
  482. pages = {119--128},
  483. number = {1},
  484. abstract = {Automatic classification of everyday activities can be used for promotion
  485. of health-enhancing physical activities and a healthier lifestyle.
  486. In this paper, methods used for classification of everyday activities
  487. like walking, running, and cycling are described. The aim of the
  488. study was to find out how to recognize activities, which sensors
  489. are useful and what kind of signal processing and classification
  490. is required. A large and realistic data library of sensor data was
  491. collected. Sixteen test persons took part in the data collection,
  492. resulting in approximately 31 h of annotated, 35-channel data recorded
  493. in an everyday environment. The test persons carried a set of wearable
  494. sensors while performing several activities during the 2-h measurement
  495. session. Classification results of three classifiers are shown: custom
  496. decision tree, automatically generated decision tree, and artificial
  497. neural network. The classification accuracies using leave-one-subject-out
  498. cross validation range from 58 to 97\% for custom decision tree classifier,
  499. from 56 to 97\% for automatically generated decision tree, and from
  500. 22 to 96\% for artificial neural network. Total classification accuracy
  501. is 82\% for custom decision tree classifier, 86\% for automatically
  502. generated decision tree, and 82\% for artificial neural network.},
  503. booktitle = {Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on},
  504. citeulike-article-id = {3759728},
  505. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  506. citeulike-linkout-1 = {},
  507. citeulike-linkout-2 = {},
  508. citeulike-linkout-3 = {},
  509. doi = {10.1109/TITB.2005.856863},
  510. keywords = {activity, coact, health, walton, wearable},
  511. owner = {chris},
  512. pdf = {Parkka2006.pdf},
  513. posted-at = {2008-12-09 14:55:55},
  514. priority = {2},
  515. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  516. url = {}
  517. }
  518. @MISC{Patterson2004,
  519. author = {Donald J. Patterson and Dieter Fox and Henry Kautz and Kenneth Fishkin
  520. and Mike Perkowitz and Matthai Philipose},
  521. title = {Contextual Computer Support for Human Activity},
  522. year = {2004},
  523. citeseercitationcount = {0},
  524. citeseerurl = {},
  525. file = {Patterson2004.pdf:Patterson2004.pdf:PDF},
  526. owner = {chris},
  527. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  528. }
  529. @MISC{Philipose2003,
  530. author = {Matthai Philipose and Sunny Consolvo and Kenneth Fishkin and Perkowitz
  531. Ian Smith},
  532. title = {Fast, Detailed Inference of Diverse Daily Human Activities},
  533. year = {2003},
  534. file = {Philipose2003.pdf:Philipose2003.pdf:PDF},
  535. owner = {chris},
  536. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  537. }
  538. @ARTICLE{Philipose2004,
  539. author = {Philipose, M. and Fishkin, K.P. and Perkowitz, M. and Patterson,
  540. D.J. and Fox, D. and Kautz, H. and Hahnel, D.},
  541. title = {Inferring activities from interactions with objects},
  542. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  543. year = {2004},
  544. volume = {3},
  545. pages = {50--57},
  546. number = {4},
  547. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2004.7},
  548. file = {Philipose2004.pdf:Philipose2004.pdf:PDF},
  549. issn = {1536-1268},
  550. keywords = {computerised monitoring, data mining, home automation, home computing,
  551. radiofrequency identification, ubiquitous computing, ADL inferencing,
  552. ADL monitoring, Proactive Activity Toolkit, daily living activity
  553. recognition, daily living activity recording, data mining, elder
  554. care, pervasive computing, probabilistic inference engine, radio-frequency-identification
  555. technology, ADL monitoring, Proact, Proactive Activity Toolkit, context-aware
  556. computing, sensor networks},
  557. owner = {chris},
  558. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  559. }
  560. @MISC{Philipose2003a,
  561. author = {Philipose, M. and Fishkin, K. and Perkowitz, M. and Patterson, D.
  562. and Hähnel, D.},
  563. title = {The Probabilistic Activity Toolkit: Towards Enabling Activity-Aware
  564. Computer Interfaces},
  565. year = {2003},
  566. file = {Philipose2003a.pdf:Philipose2003a.pdf:PDF},
  567. owner = {chris},
  568. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  569. }
  570. @ARTICLE{Reynolds2008,
  571. author = {Reynolds, F.},
  572. title = {Camera Phones: A Snapshot of Research and Applications},
  573. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  574. year = {2008},
  575. volume = {7},
  576. pages = {16--19},
  577. number = {2},
  578. month = {April--June },
  579. comment = {"over one billion camera phones were sold last year"},
  580. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.28},
  581. file = {Reynolds2008.pdf:Reynolds2008.pdf:PDF},
  582. owner = {chris},
  583. pdf = {Reynolds2008.pdf},
  584. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  585. }
  586. @INPROCEEDINGS{Rudstroem2004,
  587. author = {Åsa Rudström and Martinn Svensson and Martin Svensson and Rickard
  588. Cöster and Kristina Höök},
  589. title = {MobiTip: Using Bluetooth as a Mediator of Social Context},
  590. booktitle = {In Ubicomp 2004 Adjunct Proceedings},
  591. year = {2004},
  592. file = {Rudstroem2004.pdf:Rudstroem2004.pdf:PDF},
  593. owner = {chris},
  594. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  595. }
  596. @MISC{Schapire1999,
  597. author = {Schapire, Robert E.},
  598. title = {A Brief Introduction to Boosting},
  599. year = {1999},
  600. abstract = {Boosting is a general method for improving the accuracy of any given
  601. learning algorithm. This short paper introduces the boosting algorithm
  602. AdaBoost, and explains the underlying theory of boosting, including
  603. an explanation of why boosting often does not suffer from overfitting.
  604. Some examples of recent applications of boosting are also described.
  605. Background Boosting is a general method which attempts to \&\#034;boost\&\#034;
  606. the accuracy of any given learning algorithm. Boosting has its roots
  607. in a theoretical framework for studying machine learning called the
  608. \&\#034;PAC\&\#034; learning model, due to Valiant [37]; see Kearns
  609. and Vazirani [24] for a good introduction to this model. Kearns and
  610. Valiant [22, 23] were the first to pose the question of whether a
  611. \&\#034;weak\&\#034; learning algorithm which performs just slightly
  612. better than random guessing in the PAC model can be \&\#034;boosted\&\#034;
  613. into an arbitrarily accurate \&\#034;strong\&\#034; learning algorithm.
  614. Schapire [30] came up with the first provable polynomial-time boosting
  615. algorithm in ...},
  616. citeulike-article-id = {6212085},
  617. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  618. comment = {- history, algorithm, description of two bounds},
  619. file = {Schapire1999.pdf:Schapire1999.pdf:PDF},
  620. keywords = {boosting},
  621. owner = {chris},
  622. posted-at = {2009-11-25 20:48:42},
  623. priority = {2},
  624. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  625. url = {}
  626. }
  627. @MISC{Schilit1994,
  628. author = {Bill Schilit and Norman Adams and Roy Want},
  629. title = {Context-Aware Computing Applications},
  630. year = {1994},
  631. citeseercitationcount = {0},
  632. citeseerurl = {},
  633. file = {Schilit1994.pdf:Schilit1994.pdf:PDF},
  634. owner = {chris},
  635. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  636. }
  637. @MISC{Schmidt2008,
  638. author = {Albrecht Schmidt and Kofi Asante Aidoo and Antti Takaluoma and Urpo
  639. Tuomela and Kristof Van Laerhoven and Walter Van de Velde},
  640. title = {iLearn on the iPhone: Real-Time Human Activity Classification on
  641. Commodity Mobile Phones},
  642. year = {2008},
  643. file = {Schmidt2008.pdf:Schmidt2008.pdf:PDF},
  644. owner = {chris},
  645. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  646. }
  647. @ARTICLE{Schmidt1999,
  648. author = {Schmidt, A. and Aidoo, K. A. and Takaluoma, A. and Tuomela, U. and
  649. Van Laerhoven, K. and Van de Velde, W.},
  650. title = {Advanced Interaction in Context},
  651. journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  652. year = {1999},
  653. volume = {1707},
  654. pages = {89--??},
  655. abstract = {. Mobile information appliances are increasingly used in numerous
  656. different situations and locations, setting new requirements to their
  657. interaction
  658. methods. When the user's situation, place or activity changes, the
  659. functionality
  660. of the device should adapt to these changes. In this work we propose
  661. a layered
  662. real-time architecture for this kind of context-aware adaptation based
  663. on
  664. redundant collections of low-level sensors. Two kinds of sensors are
  665. distinguished: physical and logical...},
  666. citeulike-article-id = {1284635},
  667. citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
  668. file = {Schmidt1999.pdf:Schmidt1999.pdf:PDF},
  669. keywords = {context, mobile, pervasive, ubicomp},
  670. owner = {chris},
  671. posted-at = {2007-05-09 07:15:21},
  672. priority = {4},
  673. timestamp = {2009.12.03},
  674. url = {}
  675. }
  676. @MISC{Shen2004,
  677. author = {Jianqiang Shen},
  678. title = {Machine Learning for Activity Recognition},
  679. year = {2004},
  680. file = {Shen2004.pdf:Shen2004.pdf:PDF},
  681. owner = {chris},
  682. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  683. }
  684. @INPROCEEDINGS{Song2005,
  685. author = {Song, K. and Wang, Y.},
  686. title = {Remote Activity Monitoring of the Elderly Using a Two-Axis Accelerometer},
  687. booktitle = {CACS Automatic Control Conference},
  688. year = {2005},
  689. file = {Song2005.pdf:Song2005.pdf:PDF},
  690. owner = {chris},
  691. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  692. }
  693. @ARTICLE{Stiefmeier2008,
  694. author = {Stiefmeier, T. and Roggen, D. and Troster, G. and Ogris, G. and Lukowicz,
  695. P.},
  696. title = {Wearable Activity Tracking in Car Manufacturing},
  697. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  698. year = {2008},
  699. volume = {7},
  700. pages = {42--50},
  701. number = {2},
  702. month = {April--June },
  703. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.40},
  704. file = {Stiefmeier2008.pdf:Stiefmeier2008.pdf:PDF},
  705. owner = {chris},
  706. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  707. }
  708. @ARTICLE{Tentori2008,
  709. author = {Tentori, M. and Favela, J.},
  710. title = {Activity-Aware Computing for Healthcare},
  711. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  712. year = {2008},
  713. volume = {7},
  714. pages = {51--57},
  715. number = {2},
  716. month = {April--June },
  717. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2008.24},
  718. file = {Tentori2008.pdf:Tentori2008.pdf:PDF},
  719. owner = {chris},
  720. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  721. }
  722. @ARTICLE{Voida2002,
  723. author = {Voida, S. and Mynatt, E.D. and MacIntyre, B. and Corso, G.M.},
  724. title = {Integrating virtual and physical context to support knowledge workers},
  725. journal = IEEE_M_PVC,
  726. year = {2002},
  727. volume = {1},
  728. pages = {73--79},
  729. number = {3},
  730. doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2002.1037725},
  731. file = {Voida2002.pdf:Voida2002.pdf:PDF},
  732. issn = {1536-1268},
  733. keywords = {distributed processing, groupware, management information systems,
  734. user interfaces, Kimura system, data sources, electronic whiteboard,
  735. knowledge workers, networked peripheral devices, pervasive computing},
  736. owner = {chris},
  737. timestamp = {2009.12.01}
  738. }
  739. @INPROCEEDINGS{Wang2009,
  740. author = {Wang, Yi and Lin, Jialiu and Annavaram, Murali and Jacobson, Quinn
  741. A. and Hong, Jason and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar and Sadeh, Norman},
  742. title = {A framework of energy efficient mobile sensing for automatic user
  743. state recognition},
  744. booktitle = {MobiSys '09: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Mobile
  745. systems, applications, and services},
  746. year = {2009},
  747. pages = {179--192},
  748. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  749. publisher = {ACM},
  750. doi = {},
  751. file = {Wang2009.pdf:Wang2009.pdf:PDF},
  752. isbn = {978-1-60558-566-6},
  753. location = {Krak\'{o}w, Poland},
  754. owner = {chris},
  755. pdf = {Wang2009.pdf},
  756. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  757. }
  758. @INPROCEEDINGS{Wyatt2007,
  759. author = {Wyatt, D. and Choudhury, T. and Kautz, H.},
  760. title = {Capturing Spontaneous Conversation and Social Dynamics: A Privacy-Sensitive
  761. Data Collection Effort},
  762. booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
  763. Processing ICASSP 2007},
  764. year = {2007},
  765. volume = {4},
  766. pages = {IV-213--IV-216},
  767. doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2007.367201},
  768. file = {Wyatt2007.pdf:Wyatt2007.pdf:PDF},
  769. issn = {1520-6149},
  770. keywords = {data acquisition, speech intelligibility, UW dynamic social network,
  771. paralinguistic features, privacy constraints, privacy-sensitive data
  772. collection effort, prosodic features, social dynamics, spontaneous
  773. conversation, spontaneous face-to-face conversations, Data acquisition,
  774. oral communication, privacy, speech analysis},
  775. owner = {chris},
  776. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
  777. }
  778. @INPROCEEDINGS{Yang2008,
  779. author = {Sung-Ihk Yang and Sung-Bae Cho},
  780. title = {Recognizing human activities from accelerometer and physiological
  781. sensors},
  782. booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration
  783. for Intelligent Systems MFI 2008},
  784. year = {2008},
  785. pages = {100--105},
  786. month = {20--22 Aug. },
  787. doi = {10.1109/MFI.2008.4648116},
  788. owner = {chris},
  789. timestamp = {2009.12.03}
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  792. @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}
  793. @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:}
  794. @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:}