Old ansible configuration for servers
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dmdirc-buildagent.yml 2.8KB

  1. ---
  2. # Sets up accounts for DMDirc build agents
  3. - hosts: dmdirc-buildagents
  4. sudo: yes
  5. user: root
  6. vars:
  7. home_dir: /home/{{ teamcity_user }}/
  8. agent_sh: "{{ home_dir }}/bin/agent.sh"
  9. conf: "{{ home_dir }}/conf/buildAgent.properties"
  10. pid: "{{ home_dir }}/logs/buildAgent.pid"
  11. temp_key: /etc/ansible/data/auto/keys/teamcity-{{ ansible_hostname }}
  12. htaccess: /home/dmdirc/www/private/.htaccess
  13. header: "# {{ inventory_hostname }}"
  14. tasks:
  15. - name: create teamcity user
  16. user: name={{ teamcity_user }} generate_ssh_key=yes
  17. - name: install pre-requisites
  18. apt: pkg={{ item }}
  19. with_items:
  20. - ant
  21. - git
  22. - unzip
  23. - nsis
  24. - dpkg-dev
  25. - cdbs
  26. - debhelper
  27. - javahelper
  28. - mkisofs
  29. - alien
  30. - fakeroot
  31. - include: includes/install-java8
  32. - name: fetch agent zip
  33. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  34. get_url: url=http://teamcity.dmdirc.com/update/buildAgent.zip dest={{ home_dir }}
  35. - name: unpack agent zip
  36. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  37. command: creates={{ agent_sh }} chdir={{ home_dir }} unzip -o buildAgent.zip
  38. - name: make agent.sh executable
  39. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  40. file: path={{ agent_sh }} mode=0755
  41. - name: copy default configuration
  42. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  43. command: creates={{ conf }} chdir={{ home_dir }}/conf cp buildAgent.dist.properties buildAgent.properties
  44. - name: set teamcity server URL
  45. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  46. lineinfile: dest={{ conf }} regexp=^serverUrl= line=serverUrl=http://teamcity.dmdirc.com/
  47. - name: set build agent name
  48. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  49. lineinfile: dest={{ conf }} regexp=^name= line=name={{ inventory_hostname }}
  50. - name: add dmdirc.com to known hosts
  51. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  52. lineinfile: dest={{ home_dir }}/.ssh/known_hosts regexp=^dmdirc.com
  53. line="dmdirc.com, {{ hostvars['renji.org.uk']['ssh_public_key'] }}"
  54. - name: retrieve public key
  55. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"
  56. fetch: src={{ home_dir }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub dest={{ temp_key }} flat=yes
  57. - name: add SSH key to dmdirc-artifacts
  58. delegate_to: renji.org.uk
  59. authorized_key: key="{{ lookup('file', temp_key) }}" user=dmdirc-artifacts
  60. - name: add header to private .htaccess file
  61. delegate_to: renji.org.uk
  62. sudo_user: dmdirc
  63. lineinfile: dest={{ htaccess }} line="{{ header }}" insertafter="^# Build agents:"
  64. - name: add all IP addresses to .htaccess file
  65. delegate_to: renji.org.uk
  66. sudo_user: dmdirc
  67. lineinfile: dest={{ htaccess }} line="Allow from {{ item }}" insertafter="{{ header }}"
  68. with_items: ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
  69. - include: includes/launch-app pid_file="{{ pid }}" start_command="{{ agent_sh }} start"
  70. sudo_user: "{{ teamcity_user }}"