# Line and Sinker ![Hooks, lines and sinkers](static/las.jpg) Line and Sinker (LaS) works with WebHooks from multiple services in order to bridge them together. Think of it as a personal ifttt instance for development and infrastructure tooling. ## Configuration All configuration is done using environment variables to facilitate easy deployment in a docker container. Global settings: Environment variable | Description -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- `LAS_BASE_URL` | Base web-facing URL at which LaS is accessible, used to generate hook URLs `LAS_SECRET` | Random string used to generate secure hook URLs ### URL format LaS accepts WebHook calls to URLs in the format of `/hook///`, where `` is the service calling (e.g. GitHub, Jenkins), `` is some service-specific identifier for the hook (e.g. the name of a repository or project), and `` is a hex-encoded sha-256 hash of the service, LaS secret, and identifier concatenated together. The secret prevents anyone that discovers the endpoint from triggering hooks spuriously or maliciously. ## Supported services ### Docker registry LaS accepts hooks from the docker registry. There are no configuration options. ### Gitea Environment variable | Description -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- `LAS_GITEA_URL` | Base URL of the Gitea instance to connect to `LAS_GITEA_TOKEN` | Application token to use to authenticate to Gitea LaS automatically adds itself as a hook for all repositories it has access to using the given token. ### Jenkins Environment variable | Description -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- `LAS_JENKINS_URL` | Base URL of the Jenkins instance to connect to `LAS_JENKINS_USER` | Username of the Jenkins account to use to connect `LAS_JENKINS_PASSWORD` | Password of the Jenkins account to use LaS accepts Jenkins webhooks but does not automatically create them. It can start Jenkins jobs in response to other events. ### ReportBot Environment variable | Description -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- `LAS_REPORTBOT_URL` | The full URL to the report API endpoint `LAS_REPORTBOT_KEY` | The authentication key to use `LAS_REPORTBOT_CHANNEL` | The channel to send messages to LaS can send messages to a ReportBot instance. ### Slack LaS accepts Slack-style webhooks. There are no configuration options. ## Contributing All code is formatted using [Black](https://github.com/ambv/black) with default settings. There is a [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) config file to enable automatic black formatting on commit; to enable it simply: pip install pre-commit pre-commit install