+++ +++ :source-highlighter: pygments :source-language: console == Linux === Random commands Split some pages from a PDF:: [source] ---- $ pdftk myoldfile.pdf cat 1 2 4 5 output mynewfile.pdf ---- Resizing disks:: [source] ---- $ fdisk # delete and recreate the partition $ resize2fs # resize to the new partition ---- Adjust IO priority:: [source] ---- $ iotop -c 3 pid # -c 3 is "when idle" ---- Take a screenshot of an area:: [source] ---- $ scrot -s output.png ---- === Alpine https://www.alpinelinux.org/[Alpine] is a lightweight linux distribution that uses musl libc and busybox. It is often used in docker images due to its relatively small footprint. ==== Notes * The equivalent of Ubuntu's `build-essential` is `build-base`