--- title: "TLS" --- == TLS === Alert codes [options="header",cols=">s,<10"] |=============================================================================== | Code | Meaning | 0 | Close notify | 10 | Unexpected message | 20 | Bad record MAC | 21 | Decryption failed | 22 | Record overflow | 30 | Decompression failed | 40 | Handshake failed | 41 | No certificate (SSL 3.0) | 42 | Certificate is bad | 43 | Certificate is not supported | 44 | Certificate was revoked | 45 | Certificate is expired | 46 | Unknown certificate | 47 | Illegal parameter | 48 | CA is unknown | 49 | Access was denied | 50 | Decode error | 51 | Decrypt error | 60 | Export restriction | 70 | Error in protocol version | 71 | Insufficient security | 80 | Internal error | 86 | Inappropriate fallback | 90 | User canceled | 100 | No renegotiation is allowed | 109 | An extension was expected but was not seen | 110 | An unsupported extension was sent | 111 | Could not retrieve the specified certificate | 112 | The server name sent was not recognized | 115 | The SRP/PSK username is missing or not known | 116 | Certificate is required | 120 | No supported application protocol could be negotiated |=============================================================================== Source: https://www.gnutls.org/manual/html_node/The-TLS-Alert-Protocol.html