# github-release-redirector Small go application that listens for incoming HTTP requests and redirects to assets from the latest release published to a GitHub repository. ## Usage ```console $ go install . $ github-release-redirector -port 1234 -repo user/repo ``` or using docker: ```console $ docker run -p 8080:8080 csmith/github-release-redirector -repo user/repo ``` ## Options ``` Usage of github-release-redirector: -port int the port to listen on for HTTP requests (default 8080) -redirect string if specified, requests for / will be redirected to this url -repo string the repository to redirect releases for, in user/repo format [required] ``` ## Notes If the `-redirect` option is specified, then requests to the root (i.e. `/`) will be redirected to that URL, and no further processing will be done for that request. Releases are refreshed at startup and then once an hour. Assets are matched on their name, so an asset attached to the latest release named "myproject-installer-1.2.3.exe" will be available at the URL `/myproject-installer-1.2.3.exe`. Any url not mapped to an asset is responded to with a 404 not found error; if there is no latest release available all requests will respond with 500 internal server error. The service listens only on HTTP, not HTTPS. For production use it should be placed behind an SSL-terminating proxy such as Traefik, Nginx or HAProxy. ## Licence This software is released under the MIT licence. See the LICENCE file for full details.