package certs import ( "" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "time" ) // CertificateDeployer deploys certificates according to their configuration. type CertificateDeployer struct { logger *zap.SugaredLogger certChannel <-chan model.FoundCertificate deployChannel chan bool certs map[string]model.FoundCertificate hostnames map[string]*model.Hostname } // NewCertificateDeployer creates a new CertificateDeployer. func NewCertificateDeployer(logger *zap.SugaredLogger, channel <-chan model.FoundCertificate) *CertificateDeployer { deployer := &CertificateDeployer{ logger: logger, certChannel: channel, deployChannel: make(chan bool, 1), certs: make(map[string]model.FoundCertificate), } go deployer.monitor() go deployer.deployAll() return deployer } func (c *CertificateDeployer) monitor() { for { select { case cert := <-c.certChannel: c.certs[cert.Hostname] = cert c.deployChannel <- true } } } func (c *CertificateDeployer) deployAll() { for { select { case <-c.deployChannel: c.logger.Debug("Checking for certificates requiring deployment") for _, hostname := range c.hostnames { if cert, ok := c.certs[hostname.Name]; ok { c.deploySingle(cert, hostname) } else { c.logger.Warnf("No certificate found for %s", hostname.Name) } } } } } func (c *CertificateDeployer) deploySingle(cert model.FoundCertificate, hostname *model.Hostname) { if (hostname.CertActions & model.COMBINE) == model.COMBINE { chain := c.readFile(cert.FullChain) pkey := c.readFile(cert.PrivateKey) c.deployFile("combined.pem", append(chain, pkey...), cert.ModTime, hostname) } else { c.deployFile("cert.pem", c.readFile(cert.Cert), cert.ModTime, hostname) c.deployFile("chain.pem", c.readFile(cert.Chain), cert.ModTime, hostname) c.deployFile("fullchain.pem", c.readFile(cert.FullChain), cert.ModTime, hostname) c.deployFile("privkey.pem", c.readFile(cert.PrivateKey), cert.ModTime, hostname) } } func (c *CertificateDeployer) deployFile(name string, content []byte, modTime time.Time, hostname *model.Hostname) { var target string if (hostname.CertActions & model.FLATTEN) == model.FLATTEN { target = path.Join(hostname.CertDestination, hostname.Name+".pem") } else { target = path.Join(hostname.CertDestination, hostname.Name, name) } info, err := os.Stat(target) if err == nil && info.ModTime().After(modTime) { c.logger.Debugf("Not writing %s as it was modified more recently than our cert", target) return } err = ioutil.WriteFile(target, content, 0700) if err != nil { c.logger.Warnf("Unable to write certificate %s - %s", target, err.Error()) } else { c.logger.Infof("Updated certificate file %s", target) } } func (c *CertificateDeployer) readFile(name string) []byte { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name) if err != nil { c.logger.Errorf("Unable to read certificate file %s - %s", name, err.Error()) } return data } func (c *CertificateDeployer) UpdateHostnames(hostnames map[string]*model.Hostname) { c.hostnames = hostnames c.deployChannel <- true }