# Docker service reporter library This is a docker image intended as a base layer for things interacting with my [service reporter container](https://github.com/csmith/docker-service-reporter). It provides a python library for interacting with etcd, with convenience functions for retrieving the higher-level data structures (such as containers and labels) that the reporter service creates. ## Tests [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/csmith/docker-service-reporter-lib.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/csmith/docker-service-reporter-lib) A separate Dockerfile for tests is located in the tests directory. It depends on a 'dev' label of csmith/service-reporter-lib. You can build and run the tests like so: ``` docker build -t csmith/service-reporter-lib:dev . docker build -t csmith/service-reporter-lib-test:dev test docker run --rm -it csmith/service-reporter-lib-test:dev ```