# Automatic Nginx proxy config generator This uses my [docker-service-reporter](https://github.com/csmith/docker-service-reporter/) container to generate an nginx config file defining virtual hosts that proxy to docker containers with appropriate labels. ## How? The `service-reporter` container populates `etcd` with details about known containers. This container monitors `etcd` for a label specifying vhosts and proxy ports, and puts them into a template file for nginx to use. ## Labels You must label any container that you wish to proxy. The following labels are understood: * `com.chameth.proxy=` -- specifies the port on the container that the proxy should connect to * `com.chameth.proxy.protocol=` -- the protocol to use when connecting to the container. Optional, defaults to HTTP. * `com.chameth.vhost=` -- the virtual host that the proxy will accept connections on. You can specify alternate hosts/aliases by separating them with commas. ## Usage Create a named volume for your nginx config, if you don't already have one: ``` docker volume create --name nginx-config ``` This should be mounted at `/nginx-config`. Then run this container. It takes the same arguments as `service-reporter`: ``` --etcd-host (default: etcd) hostname where ectd is running --etcd-port (default: 2379) port to connect to ectd on --etcd-prefix (default: /docker) prefix to read keys from --name (default: unknown) name of the host running docker ``` And some additional arguments: ``` --cert-path (default: /letsencrypt/certs/%s/fullchain.pem) path to the SSL cert. --trusted-cert-path (default: /letsencrypt/certs/%s/chain.pem) path to the CA certs used in SSL stapling. --cert-key-path (default: /letsencrypt/certs/%s/privkey.pem) path to the SSL cert's private key. ``` For certificate paths, '%s' will be replaced with the (primary) vhost for each site. So running the container will look something like: ``` docker run -d \ --name service-nginx \ --restart always \ -v nginx-config:/nginx-config \ csmith/service-nginx:latest ``` ## Config files The container will write out the config to /nginx-config/vhosts.conf (which should put it at the root of the nginx-config volume if you're using the configuration described above). Each service has an include directive that allows site-specific config files to be placed in a directory. For example, if a container has a vhost label of `example.com,www.example.com`, you can create a file at `/example.com/foo.conf` in the nginx-data volume and it will be included within that site's `server` block. It's intended that `nginx-config` is mounted under `/etc/nginx/conf.d/` when running nginx so global configuration files can be placed alongside the `vhost.conf` file.