docker-rerun =============================================================================== `docker-rerun` is a small utility script that makes it easy to re-run docker containers using the same arguments you used previously. Want to update to a newer image, or add a missing port publication? docker-rerun's got you covered. ## How to use In the most basic usage, you pass in a container name and it will be stopped, deleted and recreated: $ ./docker-rerun apache To check what exactly is going to be performed beforehand, use the --dry-run option: $ ./docker-rerun --dry-run apache docker stop apache docker rm apache docker run --name=apache -p=80:80/tcp --restart=always apache:latest ## What's supported At present docker-rerun supports a small number of commonly used arguments: * Commands (trailing arguments) * Environment variables (-e/--env) * Names (--name) * Networks (--net) * Port publications (-p) * Restart policies (--restart) * User switching (-u/--user) * Volumes (-v/--volume, and --volumes-from) ## What's not done yet Many other command line arguments: * Labels * Linking and aliases * Permissions and policies Additional options to allow mutating the container config when rerunning. For example: $ ./docker-rerun --image nginx:1.11.1 nginx Should replace the previously used image with the one specified.