45 Commity (master)

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
  Chris Smith de31a64b5e Update README 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith e4900e8d2e Fix line length. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith c9cfd97e0a Remove any existing labels with the same key. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith af72c2002f Merge remote-tracking branch 'greboid/master' 7 lat temu
  Greg Holmes 6f8b0e1287 Fix incorrect label call 7 lat temu
  Greg Holmes 3304fb1fc1 Basic work on supporting labels. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 5eebc48736 Switch coveralls library 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith b6443e3c82 Add support for changing network. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith d4ed1d0887 Add installation instructions to README 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 1cee41eac5 Add a working entrypoint again. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 01dff6b28d Add extra test for port configuration 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 9198bba9c3 Badges badges badges badges 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 4a8407779b Configure coverage 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 9dd9a76d12 Refactor so tests don't shell out to docker_rerun. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith a2bc48df2c Add setup script 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 587690a245 Update the demo link. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 04749427bb Add demo image/link 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 8c9e665f21 Allow setting the tag independently 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 83418b50f1 Add --pull argument to pull an updated image 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith f9497762a4 Fix indentation 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith f840a71cba Add option to expose ports 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 0f2ca13c4d Fail less at markdown 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 5d4616fb90 Add support for modifiers. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 5d578dd321 Remove circleci. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith bea0f0c33c Add support for links, rework tests. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith c3b21eda0f Avoid adding /tcp to port exposures. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 026c384b24 Add support for labels 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 03f7fc91c0 Manually configure nose for circle. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith fc389cf3ef Use sets to diff env vars. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 8e96d1e448 Support for env vars 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 9e7e6e555a Add support for --user, improve tests. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 9fce2046c8 Support for copying commands. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 9251136071 Switch to using Container. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith eec6a841a1 Add Container class 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith fc98a924e6 Make inspect work for images too. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith c4ab2689d1 Tidy up tests and circle config 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 47803134f3 Enable docker on circle 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 0397482230 Add tests. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 0e7d95459e Sort args so they're consistent and testable 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 400ff56572 Add docstrings. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 50b8147ddf Add circle config. 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 6fdd89f2c9 Fix whitespace and line length issues 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 55d52830c9 Actually execute commands... 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith 75c01312a1 More README info 7 lat temu
  Chris Smith bfa5ec7b74 Initial version 7 lat temu