= Go contact form == About Provides a simple, tiny webservice that serves a contact form and sends responses via e-mail. == Usage The simplest way to use this is via docker: docker run -d csmith/contact-form -from form@server.com -to me@email.com ..... You should place this service behind an TLS-terminating proxy, and ensure it is requested over a secure connection. == Command line flags ---- -crsf-key string CRSF key to use -from string address to send e-mail from -port int port to listen on for connections (default 8080) -smtp-host string SMTP server to connect to -smtp-pass string password to supply to the SMTP server -smtp-port int port to use when connecting to the SMTP server (default 25) -smtp-user string username to supply to the SMTP server -subject string e-mail subject (default "Contact form submission") -to string address to send e-mail to ---- _from_, _to_, _smtp-host_, _smtp-user_, and _smtp-pass_ are required; other options have vaguely sensible fallbacks. == Templates The form itself is loaded from `form.html` in the working directory; success and failure pages from `success.html` and `failure.html` respectively. Each is loaded as a https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/[go html.template] and can use the templating syntax described there. The form must contain the `{{ .csrfField }}` template field, which will automatically insert the CSRF token for the request. == Licence This software is licensed under the MIT licence. See the LICENCE.adoc file for the full text.