My public website
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

_articles.sass 1002B

  1. // Deals with article-specific layouts
  2. @import ../colours
  3. article
  4. & + article
  5. padding-top: 50px
  6. border-top: 4px double $gray
  7. margin-top: 50px
  8. header p
  9. position: relative
  10. margin: -1em 0 1.5em 0
  11. color: $gray
  12. font-size: 1.25em
  13. line-height: 1.5em
  14. img
  15. max-width: 100%
  16. img + p
  17. margin-top: 1.5em
  18. p a
  19. color: $link-color
  20. text-decoration-color: $link-underline-color
  21. text-decoration-skip-ink: auto
  22. font-weight: bold
  23. transition: all 0.1s linear
  24. &:visited
  25. color: $visited-link-color
  26. text-decoration-color: $visited-link-underline-color
  27. &:hover, &:focus
  28. color: $active-link-color
  29. text-decoration-color: $active-link-underline-color
  30. .readmore
  31. text-align: right
  32. a
  33. display: inline-block
  34. background-color: $dark-gray
  35. border-radius: 2em
  36. color: #fff
  37. padding: 0.5em 2em
  38. text-decoration: none
  39. transition: background-color 0.1s linear
  40. &:hover
  41. background-color: $cyan