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oragono.yaml 33KB

  1. # This is the default config file for Oragono.
  2. # It contains recommended defaults for all settings, including some behaviors
  3. # that differ from conventional ircds. See conventional.yaml for a config
  4. # with more "mainstream" behavior.
  5. #
  6. # If you are setting up a new oragono server, you should copy this file
  7. # to a new one named 'ircd.yaml', then read the whole file to see which
  8. # settings you want to customize. If you don't understand a setting, or
  9. # aren't sure what behavior you want, most of the defaults are fine
  10. # to start with (you can change them later, even on a running server).
  11. # However, there are a few that you should probably change up front:
  12. # 1. (a human-readable name that identifies your network,
  13. # no spaces or special characters) and (consider using the
  14. # domain name of your server)
  15. # 2. if you have valid TLS certificates (for example, from,
  16. # you should enable them in server.listeners in place of the default
  17. # self-signed certificates
  18. # 3. the operator password in the 'opers' section
  19. # network configuration
  20. network:
  21. # name of the network
  22. name: OragonoTest
  23. # server configuration
  24. server:
  25. # server name
  26. name: oragono.test
  27. # addresses to listen on
  28. listeners:
  29. # The standard plaintext port for IRC is 6667. Allowing plaintext over the
  30. # public Internet poses serious security and privacy issues. Accordingly,
  31. # we recommend using plaintext only on local (loopback) interfaces:
  32. "": # (loopback ipv4, localhost-only)
  33. "[::1]:6667": # (loopback ipv6, localhost-only)
  34. # If you need to serve plaintext on public interfaces, comment out the above
  35. # two lines and uncomment the line below (which listens on all interfaces):
  36. # ":6667":
  37. # Alternately, if you have a TLS certificate issued by a recognized CA,
  38. # you can configure port 6667 as an STS-only listener that only serves
  39. # "redirects" to the TLS port, but doesn't allow chat. See the manual
  40. # for details.
  41. # The standard SSL/TLS port for IRC is 6697. This will listen on all interfaces:
  42. ":6697":
  43. tls:
  44. key: tls.key
  45. cert: tls.crt
  46. # 'proxy' should typically be false. It's only for Kubernetes-style load
  47. # balancing that does not terminate TLS, but sends an initial PROXY line
  48. # in plaintext.
  49. proxy: false
  50. # Example of a Unix domain socket for proxying:
  51. # "/tmp/oragono_sock":
  52. # Example of a Tor listener: any connection that comes in on this listener will
  53. # be considered a Tor connection. It is strongly recommended that this listener
  54. # *not* be on a public interface --- it should be on or unix domain:
  55. # "/hidden_service_sockets/oragono_tor_sock":
  56. # tor: true
  57. # Example of a WebSocket listener.
  58. #"":
  59. # websocket: true
  60. # sets the permissions for Unix listen sockets. on a typical Linux system,
  61. # the default is 0775 or 0755, which prevents other users/groups from connecting
  62. # to the socket. With 0777, it behaves like a normal TCP socket
  63. # where anyone can connect.
  64. unix-bind-mode: 0777
  65. # configure the behavior of Tor listeners (ignored if you didn't enable any):
  66. tor-listeners:
  67. # if this is true, connections from Tor must authenticate with SASL
  68. require-sasl: false
  69. # what hostname should be displayed for Tor connections?
  70. vhost: "tor-network.onion"
  71. # allow at most this many connections at once (0 for no limit):
  72. max-connections: 64
  73. # connection throttling (limit how many connection attempts are allowed at once):
  74. throttle-duration: 10m
  75. # set to 0 to disable throttling:
  76. max-connections-per-duration: 64
  77. # strict transport security, to get clients to automagically use TLS
  78. sts:
  79. # whether to advertise STS
  80. #
  81. # to stop advertising STS, leave this enabled and set 'duration' below to "0". this will
  82. # advertise to connecting users that the STS policy they have saved is no longer valid
  83. enabled: false
  84. # how long clients should be forced to use TLS for.
  85. # setting this to a too-long time will mean bad things if you later remove your TLS.
  86. # the default duration below is 1 month, 2 days and 5 minutes.
  87. duration: 1mo2d5m
  88. # tls port - you should be listening on this port above
  89. port: 6697
  90. # should clients include this STS policy when they ship their inbuilt preload lists?
  91. preload: false
  92. # casemapping controls what kinds of strings are permitted as identifiers (nicknames,
  93. # channel names, account names, etc.), and how they are normalized for case.
  94. # with the recommended default of 'precis', utf-8 identifiers that are "sane"
  95. # (according to RFC 8265) are allowed, and the server additionally tries to protect
  96. # against confusable characters ("homoglyph attacks").
  97. # the other options are 'ascii' (traditional ASCII-only identifiers), and 'permissive',
  98. # which allows identifiers to contain unusual characters like emoji, but makes users
  99. # vulnerable to homoglyph attacks. unless you're really confident in your decision,
  100. # we recommend leaving this value at its default (changing it once the network is
  101. # already up and running is problematic).
  102. casemapping: "precis"
  103. # whether to look up user hostnames with reverse DNS
  104. # (to suppress this for privacy purposes, use the ip-cloaking options below)
  105. lookup-hostnames: true
  106. # whether to confirm hostname lookups using "forward-confirmed reverse DNS", i.e., for
  107. # any hostname returned from reverse DNS, resolve it back to an IP address and reject it
  108. # unless it matches the connecting IP
  109. forward-confirm-hostnames: true
  110. # use ident protocol to get usernames
  111. check-ident: false
  112. # password to login to the server
  113. # generated using "oragono genpasswd"
  114. #password: ""
  115. # motd filename
  116. # if you change the motd, you should move it to ircd.motd
  117. motd: oragono.motd
  118. # motd formatting codes
  119. # if this is true, the motd is escaped using formatting codes like $c, $b, and $i
  120. motd-formatting: true
  121. # addresses/CIDRs the PROXY command can be used from
  122. # this should be restricted to and ::1/128 (unless you have a good reason)
  123. # you should also add these addresses to the connection limits and throttling exemption lists
  124. proxy-allowed-from:
  125. # - localhost
  126. # - ""
  127. # - ""
  128. # controls the use of the WEBIRC command (by IRC<->web interfaces, bouncers and similar)
  129. webirc:
  130. # one webirc block -- should correspond to one set of gateways
  131. -
  132. # SHA-256 fingerprint of the TLS certificate the gateway must use to connect
  133. # (comment this out to use passwords only)
  134. fingerprint: "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789"
  135. # password the gateway uses to connect, made with oragono genpasswd
  136. password: "$2a$04$sLEFDpIOyUp55e6gTMKbOeroT6tMXTjPFvA0eGvwvImVR9pkwv7ee"
  137. # addresses/CIDRs that can use this webirc command
  138. # you should also add these addresses to the connection limits and throttling exemption lists
  139. hosts:
  140. # - localhost
  141. # - ""
  142. # - ""
  143. # allow use of the RESUME extension over plaintext connections:
  144. # do not enable this unless the ircd is only accessible over internal networks
  145. allow-plaintext-resume: false
  146. # maximum length of clients' sendQ in bytes
  147. # this should be big enough to hold bursts of channel/direct messages
  148. max-sendq: 96k
  149. # compatibility with legacy clients
  150. compatibility:
  151. # many clients require that the final parameter of certain messages be an
  152. # RFC1459 trailing parameter, i.e., prefixed with :, whether or not this is
  153. # actually required. this forces Oragono to send those parameters
  154. # as trailings. this is recommended unless you're testing clients for conformance;
  155. # defaults to true when unset for that reason.
  156. force-trailing: true
  157. # some clients (ZNC 1.6.x and lower, Pidgin 2.12 and lower) do not
  158. # respond correctly to SASL messages with the server name as a prefix:
  159. #
  160. # this works around that bug, allowing them to use SASL.
  161. send-unprefixed-sasl: true
  162. # IP-based DoS protection
  163. ip-limits:
  164. # whether to limit the total number of concurrent connections per IP/CIDR
  165. count: true
  166. # maximum concurrent connections per IP/CIDR
  167. max-concurrent-connections: 16
  168. # whether to restrict the rate of new connections per IP/CIDR
  169. throttle: true
  170. # how long to keep track of connections for
  171. window: 10m
  172. # maximum number of new connections per IP/CIDR within the given duration
  173. max-connections-per-window: 32
  174. # how long to ban offenders for. after banning them, the number of connections is
  175. # reset, which lets you use /UNDLINE to unban people
  176. throttle-ban-duration: 10m
  177. # how wide the CIDR should be for IPv4 (a /32 is a fully specified IPv4 address)
  178. cidr-len-ipv4: 32
  179. # how wide the CIDR should be for IPv6 (a /64 is the typical prefix assigned
  180. # by an ISP to an individual customer for their LAN)
  181. cidr-len-ipv6: 64
  182. # IPs/networks which are exempted from connection limits
  183. exempted:
  184. - "localhost"
  185. # - ""
  186. # - "2001:0db8::/32"
  187. # custom connection limits for certain IPs/networks. note that CIDR
  188. # widths defined here override the default CIDR width --- the limit
  189. # will apply to the entire CIDR no matter how large or small it is
  190. custom-limits:
  191. # "":
  192. # max-concurrent-connections: 128
  193. # max-connections-per-window: 1024
  194. # IP cloaking hides users' IP addresses from other users and from channel admins
  195. # (but not from server admins), while still allowing channel admins to ban
  196. # offending IP addresses or networks. In place of hostnames derived from reverse
  197. # DNS, users see fake domain names like pwbs2ui4377257x8.oragono. These names are
  198. # generated deterministically from the underlying IP address, but if the underlying
  199. # IP is not already known, it is infeasible to recover it from the cloaked name.
  200. ip-cloaking:
  201. # whether to enable IP cloaking
  202. enabled: false
  203. # fake TLD at the end of the hostname, e.g., pwbs2ui4377257x8.oragono
  204. netname: "oragono"
  205. # secret key to prevent dictionary attacks against cloaked IPs
  206. # any high-entropy secret is valid for this purpose:
  207. # you MUST generate a new one for your installation.
  208. # suggestion: use the output of `oragono mksecret`
  209. # note that rotating this key will invalidate all existing ban masks.
  210. secret: "siaELnk6Kaeo65K3RCrwJjlWaZ-Bt3WuZ2L8MXLbNb4"
  211. # name of an environment variable to pull the secret from, for use with
  212. # k8s secret distribution:
  213. # secret-environment-variable: "ORAGONO_CLOAKING_SECRET"
  214. # the cloaked hostname is derived only from the CIDR (most significant bits
  215. # of the IP address), up to a configurable number of bits. this is the
  216. # granularity at which bans will take effect for IPv4. Note that changing
  217. # this value will invalidate any stored bans.
  218. cidr-len-ipv4: 32
  219. # analogous granularity for IPv6
  220. cidr-len-ipv6: 64
  221. # number of bits of hash output to include in the cloaked hostname.
  222. # more bits means less likelihood of distinct IPs colliding,
  223. # at the cost of a longer cloaked hostname. if this value is set to 0,
  224. # all users will receive simply `netname` as their cloaked hostname.
  225. num-bits: 64
  226. # secure-nets identifies IPs and CIDRs which are secure at layer 3,
  227. # for example, because they are on a trusted internal LAN or a VPN.
  228. # plaintext connections from these IPs and CIDRs will be considered
  229. # secure (clients will receive the +Z mode and be allowed to resume
  230. # or reattach to secure connections). note that loopback IPs are always
  231. # considered secure:
  232. secure-nets:
  233. # - ""
  234. # account options
  235. accounts:
  236. # is account authentication enabled, i.e., can users log into existing accounts?
  237. authentication-enabled: true
  238. # account registration
  239. registration:
  240. # can users register new accounts for themselves? if this is false, operators with
  241. # the `accreg` capability can still create accounts with `/NICKSERV SAREGISTER`
  242. enabled: true
  243. # global throttle on new account creation
  244. throttling:
  245. enabled: true
  246. # window
  247. duration: 10m
  248. # number of attempts allowed within the window
  249. max-attempts: 30
  250. # this is the bcrypt cost we'll use for account passwords
  251. bcrypt-cost: 9
  252. # length of time a user has to verify their account before it can be re-registered
  253. verify-timeout: "32h"
  254. # callbacks to allow
  255. enabled-callbacks:
  256. - none # no verification needed, will instantly register successfully
  257. # example configuration for sending verification emails
  258. # callbacks:
  259. # mailto:
  260. # sender: ""
  261. # require-tls: true
  262. # helo-domain: "" # defaults to server name if unset
  263. # dkim:
  264. # domain: ""
  265. # selector: "20200229"
  266. # key-file: "dkim.pem"
  267. # # to use an MTA/smarthost instead of sending email directly:
  268. # # mta:
  269. # # server: localhost
  270. # # port: 25
  271. # # username: "admin"
  272. # # password: "hunter2"
  273. # blacklist-regexes:
  274. # # - ".*"
  275. # throttle account login attempts (to prevent either password guessing, or DoS
  276. # attacks on the server aimed at forcing repeated expensive bcrypt computations)
  277. login-throttling:
  278. enabled: true
  279. # window
  280. duration: 1m
  281. # number of attempts allowed within the window
  282. max-attempts: 3
  283. # some clients (notably Pidgin and Hexchat) offer only a single password field,
  284. # which makes it impossible to specify a separate server password (for the PASS
  285. # command) and SASL password. if this option is set to true, a client that
  286. # successfully authenticates with SASL will not be required to send
  287. # PASS as well, so it can be configured to authenticate with SASL only.
  288. skip-server-password: false
  289. # require-sasl controls whether clients are required to have accounts
  290. # (and sign into them using SASL) to connect to the server
  291. require-sasl:
  292. # if this is enabled, all clients must authenticate with SASL while connecting
  293. enabled: false
  294. # IPs/CIDRs which are exempted from the account requirement
  295. exempted:
  296. - "localhost"
  297. # - ''
  298. # nick-reservation controls how, and whether, nicknames are linked to accounts
  299. nick-reservation:
  300. # is there any enforcement of reserved nicknames?
  301. enabled: true
  302. # how many nicknames, in addition to the account name, can be reserved?
  303. additional-nick-limit: 2
  304. # method describes how nickname reservation is handled
  305. # timeout: let the user change to the registered nickname, give them X seconds
  306. # to login and then rename them if they haven't done so
  307. # strict: don't let the user change to the registered nickname unless they're
  308. # already logged-in using SASL or NickServ
  309. # optional: no enforcement by default, but allow users to opt in to
  310. # the enforcement level of their choice
  311. #
  312. # 'optional' matches the behavior of other NickServs, but 'strict' is
  313. # preferable if all your users can enable SASL.
  314. method: strict
  315. # allow users to set their own nickname enforcement status, e.g.,
  316. # to opt out of strict enforcement
  317. allow-custom-enforcement: false
  318. # rename-timeout - this is how long users have 'til they're renamed
  319. rename-timeout: 30s
  320. # format for guest nicknames:
  321. # 1. these nicknames cannot be registered or reserved
  322. # 2. if a client is automatically renamed by the server,
  323. # this is the template that will be used (e.g., Guest-nccj6rgmt97cg)
  324. # 3. if enforce-guest-format (see below) is enabled, clients without
  325. # a registered account will have this template applied to their
  326. # nicknames (e.g., 'katie' will become 'Guest-katie')
  327. guest-nickname-format: "Guest-*"
  328. # when enabled, forces users not logged into an account to use
  329. # a nickname matching the guest template. a caveat: this may prevent
  330. # users from choosing nicknames in scripts different from the guest
  331. # nickname format.
  332. force-guest-format: false
  333. # when enabled, forces users logged into an account to use the
  334. # account name as their nickname. when combined with strict nickname
  335. # enforcement, this lets users treat nicknames and account names
  336. # as equivalent for the purpose of ban/invite/exception lists.
  337. force-nick-equals-account: true
  338. # multiclient controls whether oragono allows multiple connections to
  339. # attach to the same client/nickname identity; this is part of the
  340. # functionality traditionally provided by a bouncer like ZNC
  341. multiclient:
  342. # when disabled, each connection must use a separate nickname (as is the
  343. # typical behavior of IRC servers). when enabled, a new connection that
  344. # has authenticated with SASL can associate itself with an existing
  345. # client
  346. enabled: true
  347. # if this is disabled, clients have to opt in to bouncer functionality
  348. # using nickserv or the cap system. if it's enabled, they can opt out
  349. # via nickserv
  350. allowed-by-default: true
  351. # whether to allow clients that remain on the server even
  352. # when they have no active connections. The possible values are:
  353. # "disabled", "opt-in", "opt-out", or "mandatory".
  354. always-on: "opt-in"
  355. # vhosts controls the assignment of vhosts (strings displayed in place of the user's
  356. # hostname/IP) by the HostServ service
  357. vhosts:
  358. # are vhosts enabled at all?
  359. enabled: true
  360. # maximum length of a vhost
  361. max-length: 64
  362. # regexp for testing the validity of a vhost
  363. # (make sure any changes you make here are RFC-compliant)
  364. valid-regexp: '^[0-9A-Za-z.\-_/]+$'
  365. # options controlling users requesting vhosts:
  366. user-requests:
  367. # can users request vhosts at all? if this is false, operators with the
  368. # 'vhosts' capability can still assign vhosts manually
  369. enabled: false
  370. # if uncommented, all new vhost requests will be dumped into the given
  371. # channel, so opers can review them as they are sent in. ensure that you
  372. # have registered and restricted the channel appropriately before you
  373. # uncomment this.
  374. #channel: "#vhosts"
  375. # after a user's vhost has been approved or rejected, they need to wait
  376. # this long (starting from the time of their original request)
  377. # before they can request a new one.
  378. cooldown: 168h
  379. # vhosts that users can take without approval, using `/HS TAKE`
  380. offer-list:
  381. #- "oragono.test"
  382. # support for deferring password checking to an external LDAP server
  383. # you should probably ignore this section! consult the grafana docs for details:
  384. #
  385. # you will probably want to set require-sasl and disable accounts.registration.enabled
  386. # ldap:
  387. # enabled: true
  388. # # should we automatically create users if their LDAP login succeeds?
  389. # autocreate: true
  390. # # example configuration that works with Forum Systems's testing server:
  391. # #
  392. # host: ""
  393. # port: 389
  394. # timeout: 30s
  395. # # example "single-bind" configuration, where we bind directly to the user's entry:
  396. # bind-dn: "uid=%s,dc=example,dc=com"
  397. # # example "admin bind" configuration, where we bind to an initial admin user,
  398. # # then search for the user's entry with a search filter:
  399. # #search-base-dns:
  400. # # - "dc=example,dc=com"
  401. # #bind-dn: "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com"
  402. # #bind-password: "password"
  403. # #search-filter: "(uid=%s)"
  404. # # example of requiring that users be in a particular group
  405. # # (note that this is an OR over the listed groups, not an AND):
  406. # #require-groups:
  407. # # - "ou=mathematicians,dc=example,dc=com"
  408. # #group-search-filter-user-attribute: "dn"
  409. # #group-search-filter: "(uniqueMember=%s)"
  410. # #group-search-base-dns:
  411. # # - "dc=example,dc=com"
  412. # # example of group membership testing via user attributes, as in AD
  413. # # or with OpenLDAP's "memberOf overlay" (overrides group-search-filter):
  414. # attributes:
  415. # member-of: "memberOf"
  416. # channel options
  417. channels:
  418. # modes that are set when new channels are created
  419. # +n is no-external-messages and +t is op-only-topic
  420. # see /QUOTE HELP cmodes for more channel modes
  421. default-modes: +nt
  422. # how many channels can a client be in at once?
  423. max-channels-per-client: 100
  424. # if this is true, new channels can only be created by operators with the
  425. # `chanreg` operator capability
  426. operator-only-creation: false
  427. # channel registration - requires an account
  428. registration:
  429. # can users register new channels?
  430. enabled: true
  431. # restrict new channel registrations to operators only?
  432. # (operators can then transfer channels to regular users using /CS TRANSFER)
  433. operator-only: false
  434. # how many channels can each account register?
  435. max-channels-per-account: 15
  436. # operator classes
  437. oper-classes:
  438. # local operator
  439. "local-oper":
  440. # title shown in WHOIS
  441. title: Local Operator
  442. # capability names
  443. capabilities:
  444. - "local_kill"
  445. - "local_ban"
  446. - "local_unban"
  447. - "nofakelag"
  448. - "roleplay"
  449. # network operator
  450. "network-oper":
  451. # title shown in WHOIS
  452. title: Network Operator
  453. # oper class this extends from
  454. extends: "local-oper"
  455. # capability names
  456. capabilities:
  457. - "remote_kill"
  458. - "remote_ban"
  459. - "remote_unban"
  460. # server admin
  461. "server-admin":
  462. # title shown in WHOIS
  463. title: Server Admin
  464. # oper class this extends from
  465. extends: "local-oper"
  466. # capability names
  467. capabilities:
  468. - "rehash"
  469. - "die"
  470. - "accreg"
  471. - "sajoin"
  472. - "samode"
  473. - "vhosts"
  474. - "chanreg"
  475. # ircd operators
  476. opers:
  477. # operator named 'admin'; log in with /OPER admin [password]
  478. admin:
  479. # which capabilities this oper has access to
  480. class: "server-admin"
  481. # custom whois line
  482. whois-line: is a cool dude
  483. # custom hostname
  484. vhost: "n"
  485. # modes are the modes to auto-set upon opering-up
  486. modes: +is acjknoqtuxv
  487. # operators can be authenticated either by password (with the /OPER command),
  488. # or by certificate fingerprint, or both. if a password hash is set, then a
  489. # password is required to oper up (e.g., /OPER dan mypassword). to generate
  490. # the hash, use `oragono genpasswd`.
  491. password: "$2a$04$LiytCxaY0lI.guDj2pBN4eLRD5cdM2OLDwqmGAgB6M2OPirbF5Jcu"
  492. # if a SHA-256 certificate fingerprint is configured here, then it will be
  493. # required to /OPER. if you comment out the password hash above, then you can
  494. # /OPER without a password.
  495. #fingerprint: "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789"
  496. # if 'auto' is set (and no password hash is set), operator permissions will be
  497. # granted automatically as soon as you connect with the right fingerprint.
  498. #auto: true
  499. # logging, takes inspiration from Insp
  500. logging:
  501. -
  502. # how to log these messages
  503. #
  504. # file log to a file
  505. # stdout log to stdout
  506. # stderr log to stderr
  507. # (you can specify multiple methods, e.g., to log to both stderr and a file)
  508. method: stderr
  509. # filename to log to, if file method is selected
  510. # filename: ircd.log
  511. # type(s) of logs to keep here. you can use - to exclude those types
  512. #
  513. # exclusions take precedent over inclusions, so if you exclude a type it will NEVER
  514. # be logged, even if you explicitly include it
  515. #
  516. # useful types include:
  517. # * everything (usually used with exclusing some types below)
  518. # server server startup, rehash, and shutdown events
  519. # accounts account registration and authentication
  520. # channels channel creation and operations
  521. # commands command calling and operations
  522. # opers oper actions, authentication, etc
  523. # services actions related to NickServ, ChanServ, etc.
  524. # internal unexpected runtime behavior, including potential bugs
  525. # userinput raw lines sent by users
  526. # useroutput raw lines sent to users
  527. type: "* -userinput -useroutput"
  528. # one of: debug info warn error
  529. level: info
  530. #-
  531. # # example of a file log that avoids logging IP addresses
  532. # method: file
  533. # filename: ircd.log
  534. # type: "* -userinput -useroutput -connect-ip"
  535. # level: debug
  536. # debug options
  537. debug:
  538. # when enabled, oragono will attempt to recover from certain kinds of
  539. # client-triggered runtime errors that would normally crash the server.
  540. # this makes the server more resilient to DoS, but could result in incorrect
  541. # behavior. deployments that would prefer to "start from scratch", e.g., by
  542. # letting the process crash and auto-restarting it with systemd, can set
  543. # this to false.
  544. recover-from-errors: true
  545. # optionally expose a pprof http endpoint:
  546. # it is strongly recommended that you don't expose this on a public interface;
  547. # if you need to access it remotely, you can use an SSH tunnel.
  548. # set to `null`, "", leave blank, or omit to disable
  549. # pprof-listener: "localhost:6060"
  550. # datastore configuration
  551. datastore:
  552. # path to the datastore
  553. path: ircd.db
  554. # if the database schema requires an upgrade, `autoupgrade` will attempt to
  555. # perform it automatically on startup. the database will be backed
  556. # up, and if the upgrade fails, the original database will be restored.
  557. autoupgrade: true
  558. # connection information for MySQL (currently only used for persistent history):
  559. mysql:
  560. enabled: false
  561. host: "localhost"
  562. # port is unnecessary for connections via unix domain socket:
  563. #port: 3306
  564. user: "oragono"
  565. password: "hunter2"
  566. history-database: "oragono_history"
  567. timeout: 3s
  568. # languages config
  569. languages:
  570. # whether to load languages
  571. enabled: true
  572. # default language to use for new clients
  573. # 'en' is the default English language in the code
  574. default: en
  575. # which directory contains our language files
  576. path: languages
  577. # limits - these need to be the same across the network
  578. limits:
  579. # nicklen is the max nick length allowed
  580. nicklen: 32
  581. # identlen is the max ident length allowed
  582. identlen: 20
  583. # channellen is the max channel length allowed
  584. channellen: 64
  585. # awaylen is the maximum length of an away message
  586. awaylen: 500
  587. # kicklen is the maximum length of a kick message
  588. kicklen: 1000
  589. # topiclen is the maximum length of a channel topic
  590. topiclen: 1000
  591. # maximum number of monitor entries a client can have
  592. monitor-entries: 100
  593. # whowas entries to store
  594. whowas-entries: 100
  595. # maximum length of channel lists (beI modes)
  596. chan-list-modes: 60
  597. # maximum number of messages to accept during registration (prevents
  598. # DoS / resource exhaustion attacks):
  599. registration-messages: 1024
  600. # message length limits for the new multiline cap
  601. multiline:
  602. max-bytes: 4096 # 0 means disabled
  603. max-lines: 100 # 0 means no limit
  604. # fakelag: prevents clients from spamming commands too rapidly
  605. fakelag:
  606. # whether to enforce fakelag
  607. enabled: true
  608. # time unit for counting command rates
  609. window: 1s
  610. # clients can send this many commands without fakelag being imposed
  611. burst-limit: 5
  612. # once clients have exceeded their burst allowance, they can send only
  613. # this many commands per `window`:
  614. messages-per-window: 2
  615. # client status resets to the default state if they go this long without
  616. # sending any commands:
  617. cooldown: 2s
  618. # the roleplay commands are semi-standardized extensions to IRC that allow
  619. # sending and receiving messages from pseudo-nicknames. this can be used either
  620. # for actual roleplaying, or for bridging IRC with other protocols.
  621. roleplay:
  622. # are roleplay commands enabled at all? (channels and clients still have to
  623. # opt in individually with the +E mode)
  624. enabled: true
  625. # require the "roleplay" oper capability to send roleplay messages?
  626. require-oper: false
  627. # require channel operator permissions to send roleplay messages?
  628. require-chanops: false
  629. # add the real nickname, in parentheses, to the end of every roleplay message?
  630. add-suffix: true
  631. # message history tracking, for the RESUME extension and possibly other uses in future
  632. history:
  633. # should we store messages for later playback?
  634. # by default, messages are stored in RAM only; they do not persist
  635. # across server restarts. however, you should not enable this unless you understand
  636. # how it interacts with the GDPR and/or any data privacy laws that apply
  637. # in your country and the countries of your users.
  638. enabled: false
  639. # how many channel-specific events (messages, joins, parts) should be tracked per channel?
  640. channel-length: 1024
  641. # how many direct messages and notices should be tracked per user?
  642. client-length: 256
  643. # how long should we try to preserve messages?
  644. # if `autoresize-window` is 0, the in-memory message buffers are preallocated to
  645. # their maximum length. if it is nonzero, the buffers are initially small and
  646. # are dynamically expanded up to the maximum length. if the buffer is full
  647. # and the oldest message is older than `autoresize-window`, then it will overwrite
  648. # the oldest message rather than resize; otherwise, it will expand if possible.
  649. autoresize-window: 1h
  650. # number of messages to automatically play back on channel join (0 to disable):
  651. autoreplay-on-join: 0
  652. # maximum number of CHATHISTORY messages that can be
  653. # requested at once (0 disables support for CHATHISTORY)
  654. chathistory-maxmessages: 100
  655. # maximum number of messages that can be replayed at once during znc emulation
  656. # (, or automatic replay on initial reattach to a persistent client):
  657. znc-maxmessages: 2048
  658. # options to delete old messages, or prevent them from being retrieved
  659. restrictions:
  660. # if this is set, messages older than this cannot be retrieved by anyone
  661. # (and will eventually be deleted from persistent storage, if that's enabled)
  662. #expire-time: 1w
  663. # if this is set, logged-in users cannot retrieve messages older than their
  664. # account registration date, and logged-out users cannot retrieve messages
  665. # older than their sign-on time (modulo grace-period, see below):
  666. enforce-registration-date: false
  667. # but if this is set, you can retrieve messages that are up to `grace-period`
  668. # older than the above cutoff time. this is recommended to allow logged-out
  669. # users to do session resumption / query history after disconnections.
  670. grace-period: 1h
  671. # options to store history messages in a persistent database (currently only MySQL):
  672. persistent:
  673. enabled: false
  674. # store unregistered channel messages in the persistent database?
  675. unregistered-channels: false
  676. # for a registered channel, the channel owner can potentially customize
  677. # the history storage setting. as the server operator, your options are
  678. # 'disabled' (no persistent storage, regardless of per-channel setting),
  679. # 'opt-in', 'opt-out', and 'mandatory' (force persistent storage, ignoring
  680. # per-channel setting):
  681. registered-channels: "opt-out"
  682. # direct messages are only stored in the database for logged-in clients;
  683. # you can control how they are stored here (same options as above).
  684. # if you enable this, strict nickname reservation is strongly recommended
  685. # as well.
  686. direct-messages: "opt-out"