Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

responsebuffer.go 11KB

  1. // Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Daniel Oaks <>
  2. // released under the MIT license
  3. package irc
  4. import (
  5. "runtime/debug"
  6. "time"
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. ""
  10. )
  11. const (
  12. //
  13. defaultBatchType = "labeled-response"
  14. )
  15. // ResponseBuffer - put simply - buffers messages and then outputs them to a given client.
  16. //
  17. // Using a ResponseBuffer lets you really easily implement labeled-response, since the
  18. // buffer will silently create a batch if required and label the outgoing messages as
  19. // necessary (or leave it off and simply tag the outgoing message).
  20. type ResponseBuffer struct {
  21. Label string // label if this is a labeled response batch
  22. batchID string // ID of the labeled response batch, if one has been initiated
  23. batchType string // type of the labeled response batch (currently either `labeled-response` or `chathistory`)
  24. // stack of batch IDs of nested batches, which are handled separately
  25. // from the underlying labeled-response batch. starting a new nested batch
  26. // unconditionally enqueues its batch start message; subsequent messages
  27. // are tagged with the nested batch ID, until nested batch end.
  28. // (the nested batch start itself may have no batch tag, or the batch tag of the
  29. // underlying labeled-response batch, or the batch tag of the next outermost
  30. // nested batch.)
  31. nestedBatches []string
  32. messages []ircmsg.IRCMessage
  33. finalized bool
  34. target *Client
  35. session *Session
  36. }
  37. // GetLabel returns the label from the given message.
  38. func GetLabel(msg ircmsg.IRCMessage) string {
  39. _, value := msg.GetTag(caps.LabelTagName)
  40. return value
  41. }
  42. // NewResponseBuffer returns a new ResponseBuffer.
  43. func NewResponseBuffer(session *Session) *ResponseBuffer {
  44. return &ResponseBuffer{
  45. session: session,
  46. target: session.client,
  47. batchType: defaultBatchType,
  48. }
  49. }
  50. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddMessage(msg ircmsg.IRCMessage) {
  51. if rb.finalized {
  52."internal", "message added to finalized ResponseBuffer, undefined behavior")
  53. debug.PrintStack()
  54. // TODO(dan): send a NOTICE to the end user with a string representation of the message,
  55. // for debugging purposes
  56. return
  57. }
  58. rb.session.setTimeTag(&msg, time.Time{})
  59. rb.setNestedBatchTag(&msg)
  60. rb.messages = append(rb.messages, msg)
  61. }
  62. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) setNestedBatchTag(msg *ircmsg.IRCMessage) {
  63. if 0 < len(rb.nestedBatches) {
  64. msg.SetTag("batch", rb.nestedBatches[len(rb.nestedBatches)-1])
  65. }
  66. }
  67. // Add adds a standard new message to our queue.
  68. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Add(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) {
  69. rb.AddMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, prefix, command, params...))
  70. }
  71. // Broadcast adds a standard new message to our queue, then sends an unlabeled copy
  72. // to all other sessions.
  73. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Broadcast(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) {
  74. // can't reuse the IRCMessage object because of tag pollution :-\
  75. rb.Add(tags, prefix, command, params...)
  76. for _, session := range rb.session.client.Sessions() {
  77. if session != rb.session {
  78. session.Send(tags, prefix, command, params...)
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. // AddFromClient adds a new message from a specific client to our queue.
  83. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddFromClient(time time.Time, msgid string, fromNickMask string, fromAccount string, tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) {
  84. msg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, fromNickMask, command, params...)
  85. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags) {
  86. msg.UpdateTags(tags)
  87. }
  88. // attach account-tag
  89. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.AccountTag) && fromAccount != "*" {
  90. msg.SetTag("account", fromAccount)
  91. }
  92. // attach message-id
  93. if len(msgid) > 0 && rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags) {
  94. msg.SetTag("msgid", msgid)
  95. }
  96. // attach server-time
  97. rb.session.setTimeTag(&msg, time)
  98. rb.AddMessage(msg)
  99. }
  100. // AddSplitMessageFromClient adds a new split message from a specific client to our queue.
  101. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddSplitMessageFromClient(fromNickMask string, fromAccount string, tags map[string]string, command string, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) {
  102. if message.Is512() {
  103. if message.Message == "" {
  104. // XXX this is a TAGMSG
  105. rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, fromNickMask, fromAccount, tags, command, target)
  106. } else {
  107. rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, fromNickMask, fromAccount, tags, command, target, message.Message)
  108. }
  109. } else {
  110. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.Multiline) {
  111. batch := composeMultilineBatch(rb.session.generateBatchID(), fromNickMask, fromAccount, tags, command, target, message)
  112. rb.setNestedBatchTag(&batch[0])
  113. rb.setNestedBatchTag(&batch[len(batch)-1])
  114. rb.messages = append(rb.messages, batch...)
  115. } else {
  116. for i, messagePair := range message.Split {
  117. var msgid string
  118. if i == 0 {
  119. msgid = message.Msgid
  120. }
  121. rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, msgid, fromNickMask, fromAccount, tags, command, target, messagePair.Message)
  122. }
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) addEchoMessage(tags map[string]string, nickMask, accountName, command, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) {
  127. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.EchoMessage) {
  128. hasTagsCap := rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags)
  129. if command == "TAGMSG" {
  130. if hasTagsCap {
  131. rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, nickMask, accountName, tags, command, target)
  132. }
  133. } else {
  134. tagsToSend := tags
  135. if !hasTagsCap {
  136. tagsToSend = nil
  137. }
  138. rb.AddSplitMessageFromClient(nickMask, accountName, tagsToSend, command, target, message)
  139. }
  140. }
  141. }
  142. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) sendBatchStart(blocking bool) {
  143. if rb.batchID != "" {
  144. // batch already initialized
  145. return
  146. }
  147. rb.batchID = rb.session.generateBatchID()
  148. message := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil,, "BATCH", "+"+rb.batchID, rb.batchType)
  149. if rb.Label != "" {
  150. message.SetTag(caps.LabelTagName, rb.Label)
  151. }
  152. rb.session.SendRawMessage(message, blocking)
  153. }
  154. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) sendBatchEnd(blocking bool) {
  155. if rb.batchID == "" {
  156. // we are not sending a batch, skip this
  157. return
  158. }
  159. message := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil,, "BATCH", "-"+rb.batchID)
  160. rb.session.SendRawMessage(message, blocking)
  161. }
  162. // Starts a nested batch (see the ResponseBuffer struct definition for a description of
  163. // how this works)
  164. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) StartNestedBatch(batchType string, params ...string) (batchID string) {
  165. batchID = rb.session.generateBatchID()
  166. msgParams := make([]string, len(params)+2)
  167. msgParams[0] = "+" + batchID
  168. msgParams[1] = batchType
  169. copy(msgParams[2:], params)
  170. rb.AddMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil,, "BATCH", msgParams...))
  171. rb.nestedBatches = append(rb.nestedBatches, batchID)
  172. return
  173. }
  174. // Ends a nested batch
  175. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) EndNestedBatch(batchID string) {
  176. if batchID == "" {
  177. return
  178. }
  179. if 0 == len(rb.nestedBatches) || rb.nestedBatches[len(rb.nestedBatches)-1] != batchID {
  180."internal", "inconsistent batch nesting detected")
  181. debug.PrintStack()
  182. return
  183. }
  184. rb.nestedBatches = rb.nestedBatches[0 : len(rb.nestedBatches)-1]
  185. rb.AddMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil,, "BATCH", "-"+batchID))
  186. }
  187. // Convenience to start a nested batch for history lines, at the highest level
  188. // supported by the client (`history`, `chathistory`, or no batch, in descending order).
  189. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) StartNestedHistoryBatch(params ...string) (batchID string) {
  190. var batchType string
  191. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.Batch) {
  192. batchType = "chathistory"
  193. }
  194. if batchType != "" {
  195. batchID = rb.StartNestedBatch(batchType, params...)
  196. }
  197. return
  198. }
  199. // Send sends all messages in the buffer to the client.
  200. // Afterwards, the buffer is in an undefined state and MUST NOT be used further.
  201. // If `blocking` is true you MUST be sending to the client from its own goroutine.
  202. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Send(blocking bool) error {
  203. return rb.flushInternal(true, blocking)
  204. }
  205. // Flush sends all messages in the buffer to the client.
  206. // Afterwards, the buffer can still be used. Client code MUST subsequently call Send()
  207. // to ensure that the final `BATCH -` message is sent.
  208. // If `blocking` is true you MUST be sending to the client from its own goroutine.
  209. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Flush(blocking bool) error {
  210. return rb.flushInternal(false, blocking)
  211. }
  212. // detects whether the response buffer consists of a single, unflushed nested batch,
  213. // in which case it can be collapsed down to that batch
  214. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) isCollapsible() (result bool) {
  215. // rb.batchID indicates that we already flushed some lines
  216. if rb.batchID != "" || len(rb.messages) < 2 {
  217. return false
  218. }
  219. first, last := rb.messages[0], rb.messages[len(rb.messages)-1]
  220. if first.Command != "BATCH" || last.Command != "BATCH" {
  221. return false
  222. }
  223. if len(first.Params) == 0 || len(first.Params[0]) == 0 || len(last.Params) == 0 || len(last.Params[0]) == 0 {
  224. return false
  225. }
  226. return first.Params[0][1:] == last.Params[0][1:]
  227. }
  228. // flushInternal sends the contents of the buffer, either blocking or nonblocking
  229. // It sends the `BATCH +` message if the client supports it and it hasn't been sent already.
  230. // If `final` is true, it also sends `BATCH -` (if necessary).
  231. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) flushInternal(final bool, blocking bool) error {
  232. if rb.finalized {
  233. return nil
  234. }
  235. if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.LabeledResponse) && rb.Label != "" {
  236. if final && rb.isCollapsible() {
  237. // collapse to the outermost nested batch
  238. rb.messages[0].SetTag(caps.LabelTagName, rb.Label)
  239. } else if !final || 2 <= len(rb.messages) {
  240. // we either have 2+ messages, or we are doing a Flush() and have to assume
  241. // there will be more messages in the future
  242. rb.sendBatchStart(blocking)
  243. } else if len(rb.messages) == 1 && rb.batchID == "" {
  244. // single labeled message
  245. rb.messages[0].SetTag(caps.LabelTagName, rb.Label)
  246. } else if len(rb.messages) == 0 && rb.batchID == "" {
  247. // ACK message
  248. message := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil,, "ACK")
  249. message.SetTag(caps.LabelTagName, rb.Label)
  250. rb.session.setTimeTag(&message, time.Time{})
  251. rb.session.SendRawMessage(message, blocking)
  252. }
  253. }
  254. // send each message out
  255. for _, message := range rb.messages {
  256. // attach batch ID, unless this message was part of a nested batch and is
  257. // already tagged
  258. if rb.batchID != "" && !message.HasTag("batch") {
  259. message.SetTag("batch", rb.batchID)
  260. }
  261. // send message out
  262. rb.session.SendRawMessage(message, blocking)
  263. }
  264. // end batch if required
  265. if final {
  266. rb.sendBatchEnd(blocking)
  267. rb.finalized = true
  268. }
  269. // clear out any existing messages
  270. rb.messages = rb.messages[:0]
  271. return nil
  272. }
  273. // Notice sends the client the given notice from the server.
  274. func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Notice(text string) {
  275. rb.Add(nil,, "NOTICE",, text)
  276. }