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ztypes_linux_sparc64.go 12KB

  1. // cgo -godefs -objdir=/tmp/sparc64/cgo -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/sparc64/include linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go
  2. // Code generated by the command above; see DO NOT EDIT.
  3. //go:build sparc64 && linux
  4. // +build sparc64,linux
  5. package unix
  6. const (
  7. SizeofPtr = 0x8
  8. SizeofLong = 0x8
  9. )
  10. type (
  11. _C_long int64
  12. )
  13. type Timespec struct {
  14. Sec int64
  15. Nsec int64
  16. }
  17. type Timeval struct {
  18. Sec int64
  19. Usec int32
  20. _ [4]byte
  21. }
  22. type Timex struct {
  23. Modes uint32
  24. Offset int64
  25. Freq int64
  26. Maxerror int64
  27. Esterror int64
  28. Status int32
  29. Constant int64
  30. Precision int64
  31. Tolerance int64
  32. Time Timeval
  33. Tick int64
  34. Ppsfreq int64
  35. Jitter int64
  36. Shift int32
  37. Stabil int64
  38. Jitcnt int64
  39. Calcnt int64
  40. Errcnt int64
  41. Stbcnt int64
  42. Tai int32
  43. _ [44]byte
  44. }
  45. type Time_t int64
  46. type Tms struct {
  47. Utime int64
  48. Stime int64
  49. Cutime int64
  50. Cstime int64
  51. }
  52. type Utimbuf struct {
  53. Actime int64
  54. Modtime int64
  55. }
  56. type Rusage struct {
  57. Utime Timeval
  58. Stime Timeval
  59. Maxrss int64
  60. Ixrss int64
  61. Idrss int64
  62. Isrss int64
  63. Minflt int64
  64. Majflt int64
  65. Nswap int64
  66. Inblock int64
  67. Oublock int64
  68. Msgsnd int64
  69. Msgrcv int64
  70. Nsignals int64
  71. Nvcsw int64
  72. Nivcsw int64
  73. }
  74. type Stat_t struct {
  75. Dev uint64
  76. _ uint16
  77. Ino uint64
  78. Mode uint32
  79. Nlink uint32
  80. Uid uint32
  81. Gid uint32
  82. Rdev uint64
  83. _ uint16
  84. Size int64
  85. Blksize int64
  86. Blocks int64
  87. Atim Timespec
  88. Mtim Timespec
  89. Ctim Timespec
  90. _ uint64
  91. _ uint64
  92. }
  93. type Dirent struct {
  94. Ino uint64
  95. Off int64
  96. Reclen uint16
  97. Type uint8
  98. Name [256]int8
  99. _ [5]byte
  100. }
  101. type Flock_t struct {
  102. Type int16
  103. Whence int16
  104. Start int64
  105. Len int64
  106. Pid int32
  107. _ int16
  108. _ [2]byte
  109. }
  110. type DmNameList struct {
  111. Dev uint64
  112. Next uint32
  113. Name [0]byte
  114. _ [4]byte
  115. }
  116. const (
  117. FADV_DONTNEED = 0x4
  118. FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5
  119. )
  120. type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct {
  121. Sa_family uint16
  122. Dev_idx uint32
  123. Target_idx uint32
  124. Nfc_protocol uint32
  125. Dsap uint8
  126. Ssap uint8
  127. Service_name [63]uint8
  128. Service_name_len uint64
  129. }
  130. type RawSockaddr struct {
  131. Family uint16
  132. Data [14]int8
  133. }
  134. type RawSockaddrAny struct {
  135. Addr RawSockaddr
  136. Pad [96]int8
  137. }
  138. type Iovec struct {
  139. Base *byte
  140. Len uint64
  141. }
  142. type Msghdr struct {
  143. Name *byte
  144. Namelen uint32
  145. Iov *Iovec
  146. Iovlen uint64
  147. Control *byte
  148. Controllen uint64
  149. Flags int32
  150. _ [4]byte
  151. }
  152. type Cmsghdr struct {
  153. Len uint64
  154. Level int32
  155. Type int32
  156. }
  157. type ifreq struct {
  158. Ifrn [16]byte
  159. Ifru [24]byte
  160. }
  161. const (
  162. SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60
  163. SizeofIovec = 0x10
  164. SizeofMsghdr = 0x38
  165. SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10
  166. )
  167. const (
  168. SizeofSockFprog = 0x10
  169. )
  170. type PtraceRegs struct {
  171. Regs [16]uint64
  172. Tstate uint64
  173. Tpc uint64
  174. Tnpc uint64
  175. Y uint32
  176. Magic uint32
  177. }
  178. type FdSet struct {
  179. Bits [16]int64
  180. }
  181. type Sysinfo_t struct {
  182. Uptime int64
  183. Loads [3]uint64
  184. Totalram uint64
  185. Freeram uint64
  186. Sharedram uint64
  187. Bufferram uint64
  188. Totalswap uint64
  189. Freeswap uint64
  190. Procs uint16
  191. Pad uint16
  192. Totalhigh uint64
  193. Freehigh uint64
  194. Unit uint32
  195. _ [0]int8
  196. _ [4]byte
  197. }
  198. type Ustat_t struct {
  199. Tfree int32
  200. Tinode uint64
  201. Fname [6]int8
  202. Fpack [6]int8
  203. _ [4]byte
  204. }
  205. type EpollEvent struct {
  206. Events uint32
  207. _ int32
  208. Fd int32
  209. Pad int32
  210. }
  211. const (
  212. OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x400000
  213. )
  214. const (
  215. POLLRDHUP = 0x800
  216. )
  217. type Sigset_t struct {
  218. Val [16]uint64
  219. }
  220. const _C__NSIG = 0x41
  221. const (
  222. SIG_BLOCK = 0x1
  223. SIG_UNBLOCK = 0x2
  224. SIG_SETMASK = 0x4
  225. )
  226. type Siginfo struct {
  227. Signo int32
  228. Errno int32
  229. Code int32
  230. _ int32
  231. _ [112]byte
  232. }
  233. type Termios struct {
  234. Iflag uint32
  235. Oflag uint32
  236. Cflag uint32
  237. Lflag uint32
  238. Line uint8
  239. Cc [19]uint8
  240. Ispeed uint32
  241. Ospeed uint32
  242. }
  243. type Taskstats struct {
  244. Version uint16
  245. Ac_exitcode uint32
  246. Ac_flag uint8
  247. Ac_nice uint8
  248. Cpu_count uint64
  249. Cpu_delay_total uint64
  250. Blkio_count uint64
  251. Blkio_delay_total uint64
  252. Swapin_count uint64
  253. Swapin_delay_total uint64
  254. Cpu_run_real_total uint64
  255. Cpu_run_virtual_total uint64
  256. Ac_comm [32]int8
  257. Ac_sched uint8
  258. Ac_pad [3]uint8
  259. _ [4]byte
  260. Ac_uid uint32
  261. Ac_gid uint32
  262. Ac_pid uint32
  263. Ac_ppid uint32
  264. Ac_btime uint32
  265. Ac_etime uint64
  266. Ac_utime uint64
  267. Ac_stime uint64
  268. Ac_minflt uint64
  269. Ac_majflt uint64
  270. Coremem uint64
  271. Virtmem uint64
  272. Hiwater_rss uint64
  273. Hiwater_vm uint64
  274. Read_char uint64
  275. Write_char uint64
  276. Read_syscalls uint64
  277. Write_syscalls uint64
  278. Read_bytes uint64
  279. Write_bytes uint64
  280. Cancelled_write_bytes uint64
  281. Nvcsw uint64
  282. Nivcsw uint64
  283. Ac_utimescaled uint64
  284. Ac_stimescaled uint64
  285. Cpu_scaled_run_real_total uint64
  286. Freepages_count uint64
  287. Freepages_delay_total uint64
  288. Thrashing_count uint64
  289. Thrashing_delay_total uint64
  290. Ac_btime64 uint64
  291. Compact_count uint64
  292. Compact_delay_total uint64
  293. Ac_tgid uint32
  294. Ac_tgetime uint64
  295. Ac_exe_dev uint64
  296. Ac_exe_inode uint64
  297. Wpcopy_count uint64
  298. Wpcopy_delay_total uint64
  299. Irq_count uint64
  300. Irq_delay_total uint64
  301. }
  302. type cpuMask uint64
  303. const (
  304. _NCPUBITS = 0x40
  305. )
  306. const (
  307. CBitFieldMaskBit0 = 0x8000000000000000
  308. CBitFieldMaskBit1 = 0x4000000000000000
  309. CBitFieldMaskBit2 = 0x2000000000000000
  310. CBitFieldMaskBit3 = 0x1000000000000000
  311. CBitFieldMaskBit4 = 0x800000000000000
  312. CBitFieldMaskBit5 = 0x400000000000000
  313. CBitFieldMaskBit6 = 0x200000000000000
  314. CBitFieldMaskBit7 = 0x100000000000000
  315. CBitFieldMaskBit8 = 0x80000000000000
  316. CBitFieldMaskBit9 = 0x40000000000000
  317. CBitFieldMaskBit10 = 0x20000000000000
  318. CBitFieldMaskBit11 = 0x10000000000000
  319. CBitFieldMaskBit12 = 0x8000000000000
  320. CBitFieldMaskBit13 = 0x4000000000000
  321. CBitFieldMaskBit14 = 0x2000000000000
  322. CBitFieldMaskBit15 = 0x1000000000000
  323. CBitFieldMaskBit16 = 0x800000000000
  324. CBitFieldMaskBit17 = 0x400000000000
  325. CBitFieldMaskBit18 = 0x200000000000
  326. CBitFieldMaskBit19 = 0x100000000000
  327. CBitFieldMaskBit20 = 0x80000000000
  328. CBitFieldMaskBit21 = 0x40000000000
  329. CBitFieldMaskBit22 = 0x20000000000
  330. CBitFieldMaskBit23 = 0x10000000000
  331. CBitFieldMaskBit24 = 0x8000000000
  332. CBitFieldMaskBit25 = 0x4000000000
  333. CBitFieldMaskBit26 = 0x2000000000
  334. CBitFieldMaskBit27 = 0x1000000000
  335. CBitFieldMaskBit28 = 0x800000000
  336. CBitFieldMaskBit29 = 0x400000000
  337. CBitFieldMaskBit30 = 0x200000000
  338. CBitFieldMaskBit31 = 0x100000000
  339. CBitFieldMaskBit32 = 0x80000000
  340. CBitFieldMaskBit33 = 0x40000000
  341. CBitFieldMaskBit34 = 0x20000000
  342. CBitFieldMaskBit35 = 0x10000000
  343. CBitFieldMaskBit36 = 0x8000000
  344. CBitFieldMaskBit37 = 0x4000000
  345. CBitFieldMaskBit38 = 0x2000000
  346. CBitFieldMaskBit39 = 0x1000000
  347. CBitFieldMaskBit40 = 0x800000
  348. CBitFieldMaskBit41 = 0x400000
  349. CBitFieldMaskBit42 = 0x200000
  350. CBitFieldMaskBit43 = 0x100000
  351. CBitFieldMaskBit44 = 0x80000
  352. CBitFieldMaskBit45 = 0x40000
  353. CBitFieldMaskBit46 = 0x20000
  354. CBitFieldMaskBit47 = 0x10000
  355. CBitFieldMaskBit48 = 0x8000
  356. CBitFieldMaskBit49 = 0x4000
  357. CBitFieldMaskBit50 = 0x2000
  358. CBitFieldMaskBit51 = 0x1000
  359. CBitFieldMaskBit52 = 0x800
  360. CBitFieldMaskBit53 = 0x400
  361. CBitFieldMaskBit54 = 0x200
  362. CBitFieldMaskBit55 = 0x100
  363. CBitFieldMaskBit56 = 0x80
  364. CBitFieldMaskBit57 = 0x40
  365. CBitFieldMaskBit58 = 0x20
  366. CBitFieldMaskBit59 = 0x10
  367. CBitFieldMaskBit60 = 0x8
  368. CBitFieldMaskBit61 = 0x4
  369. CBitFieldMaskBit62 = 0x2
  370. CBitFieldMaskBit63 = 0x1
  371. )
  372. type SockaddrStorage struct {
  373. Family uint16
  374. Data [118]byte
  375. _ uint64
  376. }
  377. type HDGeometry struct {
  378. Heads uint8
  379. Sectors uint8
  380. Cylinders uint16
  381. Start uint64
  382. }
  383. type Statfs_t struct {
  384. Type int64
  385. Bsize int64
  386. Blocks uint64
  387. Bfree uint64
  388. Bavail uint64
  389. Files uint64
  390. Ffree uint64
  391. Fsid Fsid
  392. Namelen int64
  393. Frsize int64
  394. Flags int64
  395. Spare [4]int64
  396. }
  397. type TpacketHdr struct {
  398. Status uint64
  399. Len uint32
  400. Snaplen uint32
  401. Mac uint16
  402. Net uint16
  403. Sec uint32
  404. Usec uint32
  405. _ [4]byte
  406. }
  407. const (
  408. SizeofTpacketHdr = 0x20
  409. )
  410. type RTCPLLInfo struct {
  411. Ctrl int32
  412. Value int32
  413. Max int32
  414. Min int32
  415. Posmult int32
  416. Negmult int32
  417. Clock int64
  418. }
  419. type BlkpgPartition struct {
  420. Start int64
  421. Length int64
  422. Pno int32
  423. Devname [64]uint8
  424. Volname [64]uint8
  425. _ [4]byte
  426. }
  427. const (
  428. BLKPG = 0x20001269
  429. )
  430. type XDPUmemReg struct {
  431. Addr uint64
  432. Len uint64
  433. Size uint32
  434. Headroom uint32
  435. Flags uint32
  436. _ [4]byte
  437. }
  438. type CryptoUserAlg struct {
  439. Name [64]int8
  440. Driver_name [64]int8
  441. Module_name [64]int8
  442. Type uint32
  443. Mask uint32
  444. Refcnt uint32
  445. Flags uint32
  446. }
  447. type CryptoStatAEAD struct {
  448. Type [64]int8
  449. Encrypt_cnt uint64
  450. Encrypt_tlen uint64
  451. Decrypt_cnt uint64
  452. Decrypt_tlen uint64
  453. Err_cnt uint64
  454. }
  455. type CryptoStatAKCipher struct {
  456. Type [64]int8
  457. Encrypt_cnt uint64
  458. Encrypt_tlen uint64
  459. Decrypt_cnt uint64
  460. Decrypt_tlen uint64
  461. Verify_cnt uint64
  462. Sign_cnt uint64
  463. Err_cnt uint64
  464. }
  465. type CryptoStatCipher struct {
  466. Type [64]int8
  467. Encrypt_cnt uint64
  468. Encrypt_tlen uint64
  469. Decrypt_cnt uint64
  470. Decrypt_tlen uint64
  471. Err_cnt uint64
  472. }
  473. type CryptoStatCompress struct {
  474. Type [64]int8
  475. Compress_cnt uint64
  476. Compress_tlen uint64
  477. Decompress_cnt uint64
  478. Decompress_tlen uint64
  479. Err_cnt uint64
  480. }
  481. type CryptoStatHash struct {
  482. Type [64]int8
  483. Hash_cnt uint64
  484. Hash_tlen uint64
  485. Err_cnt uint64
  486. }
  487. type CryptoStatKPP struct {
  488. Type [64]int8
  489. Setsecret_cnt uint64
  490. Generate_public_key_cnt uint64
  491. Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64
  492. Err_cnt uint64
  493. }
  494. type CryptoStatRNG struct {
  495. Type [64]int8
  496. Generate_cnt uint64
  497. Generate_tlen uint64
  498. Seed_cnt uint64
  499. Err_cnt uint64
  500. }
  501. type CryptoStatLarval struct {
  502. Type [64]int8
  503. }
  504. type CryptoReportLarval struct {
  505. Type [64]int8
  506. }
  507. type CryptoReportHash struct {
  508. Type [64]int8
  509. Blocksize uint32
  510. Digestsize uint32
  511. }
  512. type CryptoReportCipher struct {
  513. Type [64]int8
  514. Blocksize uint32
  515. Min_keysize uint32
  516. Max_keysize uint32
  517. }
  518. type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct {
  519. Type [64]int8
  520. Geniv [64]int8
  521. Blocksize uint32
  522. Min_keysize uint32
  523. Max_keysize uint32
  524. Ivsize uint32
  525. }
  526. type CryptoReportAEAD struct {
  527. Type [64]int8
  528. Geniv [64]int8
  529. Blocksize uint32
  530. Maxauthsize uint32
  531. Ivsize uint32
  532. }
  533. type CryptoReportComp struct {
  534. Type [64]int8
  535. }
  536. type CryptoReportRNG struct {
  537. Type [64]int8
  538. Seedsize uint32
  539. }
  540. type CryptoReportAKCipher struct {
  541. Type [64]int8
  542. }
  543. type CryptoReportKPP struct {
  544. Type [64]int8
  545. }
  546. type CryptoReportAcomp struct {
  547. Type [64]int8
  548. }
  549. type LoopInfo struct {
  550. Number int32
  551. Device uint32
  552. Inode uint64
  553. Rdevice uint32
  554. Offset int32
  555. Encrypt_type int32
  556. Encrypt_key_size int32
  557. Flags int32
  558. Name [64]int8
  559. Encrypt_key [32]uint8
  560. Init [2]uint64
  561. Reserved [4]int8
  562. _ [4]byte
  563. }
  564. type TIPCSubscr struct {
  565. Seq TIPCServiceRange
  566. Timeout uint32
  567. Filter uint32
  568. Handle [8]int8
  569. }
  570. type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct {
  571. Peer uint32
  572. Id uint32
  573. Linkname [68]int8
  574. }
  575. type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct {
  576. Peer uint32
  577. Id [16]int8
  578. }
  579. type PPSKInfo struct {
  580. Assert_sequence uint32
  581. Clear_sequence uint32
  582. Assert_tu PPSKTime
  583. Clear_tu PPSKTime
  584. Current_mode int32
  585. _ [4]byte
  586. }
  587. const (
  588. PPS_GETPARAMS = 0x400870a1
  589. PPS_SETPARAMS = 0x800870a2
  590. PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3
  591. PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4
  592. )
  593. const (
  594. PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x4000
  595. )
  596. type SysvIpcPerm struct {
  597. Key int32
  598. Uid uint32
  599. Gid uint32
  600. Cuid uint32
  601. Cgid uint32
  602. Mode uint32
  603. _ uint16
  604. Seq uint16
  605. _ uint64
  606. _ uint64
  607. }
  608. type SysvShmDesc struct {
  609. Perm SysvIpcPerm
  610. Atime int64
  611. Dtime int64
  612. Ctime int64
  613. Segsz uint64
  614. Cpid int32
  615. Lpid int32
  616. Nattch uint64
  617. _ uint64
  618. _ uint64
  619. }