{ "%s joined the channel": "%s joined the rabble", "*** Could not find your username": "*** We couldn't find your username, mate", "*** Found your username": "*** We found your username, mate", "*** Got a malformed username, ignoring": "*** Mate, your username looks dodgy. I'll ignore it and letcha in anyway", "*** Looking up your username": "*** Give me a sec to ring up your username, mate", "- %s Message of the day - ": "- %s Have a listen to this - ", "Account already exists": "Sorry mate, someone else already grabbed that name", "Account created": "Strewth, we made your account!", "Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Actual user@host, Actual IP", "Added D-Line for %s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %s", "Added K-Line for %s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %s", "Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %[2]s for %[1]s", "Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s": "Gotcha mate, we've banned %[2]s for %[1]s", "Authentication successful": "You've logged in mate!", "Can't change modes for other users": "You can't change modes for other users ya' drongo", "Can't view modes for other users": "You can't take a squiz at other users' modes ya' drongo", "Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Sorry mate, can't join that channel (+%s)", "Channel %s successfully registered": "Noice mate, you successfully regged %s", "Channel doesn't have roleplaying mode available": "Looks like they don't like roleplaying. Or at least, the chanops haven't enabled the mode for it", "Channel list is full": "Mate, you don't need to be in that many channels. Part a couple then come talk to me again", "Core Developers:": "Good cobbers:", "Erroneous nickname": "Bad nickname, mate. Bad nickname", "Help not found": "Sorry mate, no help for that", "JOIN 0 is not allowed": "Can't run JOIN 0 here, mate", "Not enough parameters": "Mate, are you all together? That message needs more params", "Unknown command": "Sorry mate, I dunno that command", "Unknown subcommand": "Sorry mate, I dunno that subcommand", "You are now an IRC operator": "You're now an IRCop mate. Keep it fair dinkum, ey?", "You have been banned from this server (%s)": "Sorry mate, we've banned ya' (%s)", "You may not reregister": "You can't re-reg mate", "You specified too many languages": "Sorry mate, that's too many languages", "You're already logged into an account": "You're already logged in mate", "You're not on that channel": "Join the channel before doing that, mate", "is a $bBot$b on %s": "is totally a bot on %s", "is an unknown mode character to me": "is a mode I don't know at all", "is using a secure connection": "is using TLS, secure as bro" }