package dispatcher import ( "" "" "" "strings" ) // Take a string, parse out the recipients, and send to IRC. // // eg: // hello world [goes to default channel] // #test hello world [goes to #test, if joined] // #test,@alice hello world [goes to #test and alice] // #* hello world [goes to all channels bot is in] func Send(irc *irc.Connection, msg string, log loggo.Logger, origin string) { channels := viper.GetStringSlice("irc.channels") if msg[0] == '#' || msg[0] == '@' { parts := strings.SplitN(msg, " ", 2) if parts[0] == "#*" { for _, channel := range channels { irc.Privmsg(channel, replaceFormatting(parts[1])) } } else { targets := strings.Split(parts[0], ",") for _, target := range targets { if target[0] == '@' { target = target[1:] } irc.Privmsg(target, replaceFormatting(parts[1])) } } log.Infof("from[%s] send[%s] %s", origin, parts[0], parts[1]) } else if len(msg) > 7 && msg[0:6] == "%TOPIC" { parts := strings.SplitN(msg, " ", 3) irc.SendRawf("TOPIC %s :%s", parts[1], replaceFormatting(parts[2])) log.Infof("from[%s] topic[%s] %s", origin, parts[1], parts[2]) } else { if len(channels) > 0 { irc.Privmsg(channels[0], replaceFormatting(msg)) log.Infof("from[%s] send_default[%s] %s", origin, channels[0], msg) } } }