package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "strconv" ) const ( up = '^' down = 'v' left = '<' right = '>' borked = 'X' ) func rotate(from, to rune) rune { if from == up && to == left || from == left && to == down || from == down && to == right || from == right && to == up { return 'L' } else { return 'R' } } func next(picture [][]rune, x, y int, direction rune) (nextDirection, turn rune) { if x > 0 && direction != right && picture[y][x-1] == '#' { nextDirection = left } else if x < len(picture[0])-1 && direction != left && picture[y][x+1] == '#' { nextDirection = right } else if y > 0 && direction != down && picture[y-1][x] == '#' { nextDirection = up } else if y < len(picture)-1 && direction != up && picture[y+1][x] == '#' { nextDirection = down } else { return borked, borked } return nextDirection, rotate(direction, nextDirection) } func follow(picture [][]rune, x, y int, direction rune) (int, int, int) { deltaX, deltaY := 0, 0 switch direction { case up: deltaY = -1 case down: deltaY = 1 case left: deltaX = -1 case right: deltaX = +1 case borked: return x, y, borked } length := 0 for x+deltaX >= 0 && x+deltaX <= len(picture[0])-1 && y+deltaY >= 0 && y+deltaY <= len(picture)-1 && picture[y+deltaY][x+deltaX] == '#' { x += deltaX y += deltaY length++ } return x, y, length } func readPicture(memory []int) [][]rune { vm := intcode.NewVirtualMachine(memory) vm.Input = make(chan int, 1) vm.Output = make(chan int, 1) go vm.Run() var picture [][]rune var currentRow []rune for { char, more := <-vm.Output if !more { break } if char == '\n' && len(currentRow) > 0 { picture = append(picture, currentRow) currentRow = make([]rune, 0) } else { currentRow = append(currentRow, rune(char)) } } return picture } func analysePicture(picture [][]rune) (sum int, robot rune, robotX, robotY int) { robot = borked for y, line := range picture { for x, r := range line { if r == '#' && x > 0 && line[x-1] == '#' && x < len(line)-1 && line[x+1] == '#' && y > 0 && picture[y-1][x] == '#' && y < len(picture)-1 && picture[y+1][x] == '#' { sum += x * y } if r == up || r == down || r == left || r == right { robotX = x robotY = y robot = r } } } return } func buildRoute(picture [][]rune, robot rune, robotX, robotY int) []string { var ( length int turn rune res []string ) for { robot, turn = next(picture, robotX, robotY, robot) robotX, robotY, length = follow(picture, robotX, robotY, robot) if robot == borked { break } res = append(res, string(turn)) res = append(res, strconv.Itoa(length)) } return res } func calculateDust(input []int, m, a, b, c string) int { vm := intcode.NewVirtualMachine(input) vm.Input = make(chan int, 1) vm.Output = make(chan int, 1) vm.Memory[0] = 2 go vm.Run() go func() { for _, line := range []string{m, a, b, c, "n"} { for _, r := range line { vm.Input <- int(r) } vm.Input <- '\n' } }() return common.Last(vm.Output) } func main() { input := common.ReadCsvAsInts("17/input.txt") memory := make([]int, len(input)) copy(memory, input) picture := readPicture(input) sum, robot, robotX, robotY := analysePicture(picture) route := buildRoute(picture, robot, robotX, robotY) m, a, b, c := compress(route) dust := calculateDust(memory, m, a, b, c) fmt.Println(sum) fmt.Println(dust) }