= Advent of Code 2019 This repository contains my solution to 2019's https://adventofcode.com/2018[Advent of Code] puzzles in Go. The easiest way to run these is using docker – simply execute `run.sh <day>` to build a docker image and execute the specific day. I have separate repositories for solutions from previous years: - https://g.c5h.io/archive/aoc-2018[2018] (Nim) - https://g.c5h.io/archive/aoc-2017[2017] (Python) - https://g.c5h.io/archive/aoc-2016[2016] (Python) - https://g.c5h.io/archive/aoc-2015[2015] (Python) ''' To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from the United Kingdom. See link:LICENCE.md[LICENCE.md] for full details.