package main import ( "" "strings" ) func matchesRules(input int) (hasAnyRun bool, hasTwoRun bool, next int) { last := 10 run := 0 for input > 0 { digit := input % 10 if digit > last { // Simple optimisation: if we hit a digit that's larger than the previous (running right-to-left) then // we can predict the next possible number that might match. e.g. 1234111 => 1234444. for input < 100000 { input = 10*input + digit } return false, false, input } else if digit == last { run++ } else { hasTwoRun = hasTwoRun || run == 1 hasAnyRun = hasAnyRun || run > 0 last = digit run = 0 } input = input / 10 } hasTwoRun = hasTwoRun || run == 1 hasAnyRun = hasAnyRun || run > 0 return } func main() { var ( input = strings.Split(common.ReadFileAsStrings("04/input.txt")[0], "-") from = common.MustAtoi(input[0]) to = common.MustAtoi(input[1]) part1 = 0 part2 = 0 ) for i := from; i <= to; i++ { p1, p2, n := matchesRules(i) if p1 { part1++ } if p2 { part2++ } if n > 0 { i = n - 1 } } println(part1) println(part2) }