You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

MessageBuildersTest.kt 4.3KB

  1. package com.dmdirc.ktirc.messages
  2. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.IrcClient
  3. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.model.MessageTag
  4. import io.mockk.mockk
  5. import io.mockk.verify
  6. import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
  7. internal class MessageBuildersTest {
  8. private val mockClient = mockk<IrcClient>()
  9. @Test
  10. fun `sendCapabilityRequest sends CAP REQ message with single argument`() {
  11. mockClient.sendCapabilityRequest(listOf("a"))
  12. verify { mockClient.send("CAP", "REQ", "a") }
  13. }
  14. @Test
  15. fun `sendCapabilityRequest sends CAP REQ message with multiple args`() {
  16. mockClient.sendCapabilityRequest(listOf("a b c"))
  17. verify { mockClient.send("CAP", "REQ", "a b c") }
  18. }
  19. @Test
  20. fun `sendJoin sends correct JOIN message`() {
  21. mockClient.sendJoin("#TheGibson")
  22. verify { mockClient.send("JOIN", "#TheGibson") }
  23. }
  24. @Test
  25. fun `sendPart sends correct PART message without reason`() {
  26. mockClient.sendPart("#TheGibson")
  27. verify { mockClient.send("PART", "#TheGibson") }
  28. }
  29. @Test
  30. fun `sendPart sends correct PART message with reason`() {
  31. mockClient.sendPart("#TheGibson", "Mess with the best...")
  32. verify { mockClient.send("PART", "#TheGibson", "Mess with the best...") }
  33. }
  34. @Test
  35. fun `sendModeRequest sends correct MODE message`() {
  36. mockClient.sendModeRequest("#TheGibson")
  37. verify { mockClient.send("MODE", "#TheGibson") }
  38. }
  39. @Test
  40. fun `sendNickChange sends correct NICK message`() {
  41. mockClient.sendNickChange("AcidBurn")
  42. verify { mockClient.send("NICK", "AcidBurn") }
  43. }
  44. @Test
  45. fun `sendPassword sends correct PASS message`() {
  46. mockClient.sendPassword("hacktheplanet")
  47. verify { mockClient.send("PASS", "hacktheplanet") }
  48. }
  49. @Test
  50. fun `sendPong sends correct PONG message`() {
  51. mockClient.sendPong("abcdef".toByteArray())
  52. verify { mockClient.send("PONG", "abcdef") }
  53. }
  54. @Test
  55. fun `sendMessage sends correct PRIVMSG message`() {
  56. mockClient.sendMessage("acidBurn", "Hack the planet!")
  57. verify { mockClient.send(tagMap(), "PRIVMSG", "acidBurn", "Hack the planet!") }
  58. }
  59. @Test
  60. fun `sendMessage sends correct PRIVMSG message with reply to tag`() {
  61. mockClient.sendMessage("acidBurn", "Hack the planet!", "abc123")
  62. verify { mockClient.send(tagMap(MessageTag.Reply to "abc123"), "PRIVMSG", "acidBurn", "Hack the planet!") }
  63. }
  64. @Test
  65. fun `sendCtcp sends correct CTCP message with no arguments`() {
  66. mockClient.sendCtcp("acidBurn", "ping")
  67. verify { mockClient.send(tagMap(), "PRIVMSG", "acidBurn", "\u0001PING\u0001") }
  68. }
  69. @Test
  70. fun `sendCtcp sends correct CTCP message with arguments`() {
  71. mockClient.sendCtcp("acidBurn", "ping", "12345")
  72. verify { mockClient.send(tagMap(), "PRIVMSG", "acidBurn", "\u0001PING 12345\u0001") }
  73. }
  74. @Test
  75. fun `sendAction sends correct action`() {
  76. mockClient.sendAction("acidBurn", "hacks the planet")
  77. verify { mockClient.send(tagMap(), "PRIVMSG", "acidBurn", "\u0001ACTION hacks the planet\u0001") }
  78. }
  79. @Test
  80. fun `sendUser sends correct USER message`() {
  81. mockClient.sendUser("AcidBurn", "Kate")
  82. verify { mockClient.send("USER", "AcidBurn", "0", "*", "Kate") }
  83. }
  84. @Test
  85. fun `sendUser sends correct AUTHENTICATE message`() {
  86. mockClient.sendAuthenticationMessage("SCRAM-MD5")
  87. verify { mockClient.send("AUTHENTICATE", "SCRAM-MD5") }
  88. }
  89. @Test
  90. fun `sendUser sends correct blank AUTHENTICATE message`() {
  91. mockClient.sendAuthenticationMessage()
  92. verify { mockClient.send("AUTHENTICATE", "+") }
  93. }
  94. @Test
  95. fun `sendTagMessage sends tags`() {
  96. val tags = mapOf(MessageTag.MessageId to "id", MessageTag.AccountName to "foo")
  97. mockClient.sendTagMessage("#thegibson", tags)
  98. verify { mockClient.send(tags, "TAGMSG", "#thegibson") }
  99. }
  100. @Test
  101. fun `sendTagMessage sends tags with reply ID`() {
  102. val tags = mapOf(MessageTag.MessageId to "id", MessageTag.AccountName to "foo")
  103. mockClient.sendTagMessage("#thegibson", tags, "otherId")
  104. verify { mockClient.send(tags + (MessageTag.Reply to "otherId"), "TAGMSG", "#thegibson") }
  105. }
  106. }