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LineBufferedSocket.kt 4.0KB

  1. package
  2. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.util.logger
  3. import kotlinx.coroutines.*
  4. import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
  5. import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
  6. import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
  7. import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.produce
  8. import
  9. import
  10. import
  11. import
  12. import java.nio.ByteBuffer
  13. import
  14. import
  15. import
  16. import
  17. internal interface LineBufferedSocket {
  18. @Throws(CertificateException::class)
  19. fun connect()
  20. fun disconnect()
  21. val sendChannel: SendChannel<ByteArray>
  22. val receiveChannel: ReceiveChannel<ByteArray>
  23. }
  24. /**
  25. * Asynchronous socket that buffers incoming data and emits individual lines.
  26. */
  27. // TODO: Expose advanced TLS options
  28. @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
  29. internal class LineBufferedSocketImpl(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, private val host: String, private val ip: String, private val port: Int, private val tls: Boolean = false) : CoroutineScope, LineBufferedSocket {
  30. companion object {
  31. const val CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\r'.toByte()
  32. const val LINE_FEED = '\n'.toByte()
  33. }
  34. override val coroutineContext = coroutineScope.newCoroutineContext(Dispatchers.IO)
  35. override val sendChannel: Channel<ByteArray> = Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED)
  36. var tlsTrustManager: X509TrustManager? = null
  37. private val log by logger()
  38. private lateinit var socket: Socket
  39. private lateinit var writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel
  40. override fun connect() {
  41. { "Connecting..." }
  42. socket = PlainTextSocket(this)
  43. runBlocking {
  44. if (tls) {
  45. with(SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2")) {
  46. init(null, tlsTrustManager?.let { arrayOf(it) }, SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong())
  47. socket = TlsSocket(this@LineBufferedSocketImpl, socket, this, host)
  48. }
  49. }
  50. socket.connect(InetSocketAddress(ip, port))
  51. writeChannel = socket.write
  52. }
  53. launch { writeLines() }
  54. }
  55. override fun disconnect() {
  56. socket.close()
  57. sendChannel.close()
  58. coroutineContext.cancel()
  59. }
  60. override val receiveChannel
  61. get() = produce {
  62. byteBufferPool.useInstance { lineBuffer ->
  63. while (socket.isOpen) {
  64. val buffer = ?: return@produce
  65. var lastLine = 0
  66. for (i in 0 until buffer.limit()) {
  67. if (buffer[i] == CARRIAGE_RETURN || buffer[i] == LINE_FEED) {
  68. val length = i - lastLine + lineBuffer.position()
  69. if (length > 1) {
  70. val output = ByteBuffer.allocate(length)
  71. lineBuffer.flip()
  72. output.put(lineBuffer)
  73. lineBuffer.clear()
  74. output.put(buffer.array(), lastLine, i - lastLine)
  75. log.fine { "<<< ${String(output.array())}" }
  76. send(output.array())
  77. }
  78. lastLine = i + 1
  79. }
  80. }
  81. lineBuffer.put(buffer.array(), lastLine, buffer.limit() - lastLine)
  82. byteBufferPool.recycle(buffer)
  83. }
  84. }
  85. }
  86. private suspend fun writeLines() {
  87. for (line in sendChannel) {
  88. with(writeChannel) {
  89. log.fine { ">>> ${String(line)}" }
  90. writeAvailable(line, 0, line.size)
  91. writeByte(CARRIAGE_RETURN)
  92. writeByte(LINE_FEED)
  93. flush()
  94. }
  95. }
  96. }
  97. }