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ChannelStateHandlerTest.kt 15KB

  1. package com.dmdirc.ktirc.handlers
  2. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.IrcClient
  3. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.TestConstants
  4. import*
  5. import
  6. import com.dmdirc.ktirc.model.*
  7. import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.doReturn
  8. import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock
  9. import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*
  10. import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
  11. internal class ChannelStateHandlerTest {
  12. private val handler = ChannelStateHandler()
  13. private val channelStateMap = ChannelStateMap { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  14. private val serverState = ServerState("", "")
  15. private val ircClient = mock<IrcClient> {
  16. on { serverState } doReturn serverState
  17. on { channelState } doReturn channelStateMap
  18. on { isLocalUser(User("acidburn", "libby", "root.localhost")) } doReturn true
  19. on { isLocalUser("acidburn") } doReturn true
  20. }
  21. @Test
  22. fun `creates new state object for local joins`() {
  23. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelJoined(TestConstants.time, User("acidburn", "libby", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson"))
  24. assertTrue("#thegibson" in channelStateMap)
  25. }
  26. @Test
  27. fun `does not create new state object for remote joins`() {
  28. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelJoined(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson"))
  29. assertFalse("#thegibson" in channelStateMap)
  30. }
  31. @Test
  32. fun `adds joiners to channel state`() {
  33. channelStateMap += ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  34. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelJoined(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson"))
  35. assertTrue("zerocool" in channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users!!)
  36. }
  37. @Test
  38. fun `clears existing users when getting a new list`() {
  39. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  40. channel.users += ChannelUser("acidBurn")
  41. channel.users += ChannelUser("thePlague")
  42. channelStateMap += channel
  43. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("zeroCool")))
  44. assertEquals(1, channel.users.count())
  45. assertNotNull(channel.users["zeroCool"])
  46. }
  47. @Test
  48. fun `adds users from multiple name received events`() {
  49. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  50. channelStateMap += channel
  51. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("zeroCool")))
  52. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("acidBurn")))
  53. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("thePlague")))
  54. assertEquals(3, channel.users.count())
  55. assertNotNull(channel.users["zeroCool"])
  56. assertNotNull(channel.users["acidBurn"])
  57. assertNotNull(channel.users["thePlague"])
  58. }
  59. @Test
  60. fun `clears and readds users on additional names received`() {
  61. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  62. channelStateMap += channel
  63. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("zeroCool")))
  64. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesFinished(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson"))
  65. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("acidBurn")))
  66. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("thePlague")))
  67. assertEquals(2, channel.users.count())
  68. assertNotNull(channel.users["acidBurn"])
  69. assertNotNull(channel.users["thePlague"])
  70. }
  71. @Test
  72. fun `adds users with mode prefixes`() {
  73. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  74. channelStateMap += channel
  75. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ModePrefixes] = ModePrefixMapping("ov", "@+")
  76. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("@zeroCool", "@+acidBurn", "+thePlague", "cerealKiller")))
  77. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesFinished(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson"))
  78. assertEquals(4, channel.users.count())
  79. assertEquals("o", channel.users["zeroCool"]?.modes)
  80. assertEquals("ov", channel.users["acidBurn"]?.modes)
  81. assertEquals("v", channel.users["thePlague"]?.modes)
  82. assertEquals("", channel.users["cerealKiller"]?.modes)
  83. }
  84. @Test
  85. fun `adds users with full hosts`() {
  86. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  87. channelStateMap += channel
  88. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ModePrefixes] = ModePrefixMapping("ov", "@+")
  89. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesReceived(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", listOf("@zeroCool!dade@root.localhost", "+acidBurn!libby@root.localhost")))
  90. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelNamesFinished(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson"))
  91. assertEquals(2, channel.users.count())
  92. assertEquals("o", channel.users["zeroCool"]?.modes)
  93. assertEquals("v", channel.users["acidBurn"]?.modes)
  94. }
  95. @Test
  96. fun `removes state object for local parts`() {
  97. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  98. channelStateMap += channel
  99. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelParted(TestConstants.time, User("acidburn", "libby", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson"))
  100. assertFalse("#thegibson" in channelStateMap)
  101. }
  102. @Test
  103. fun `removes user from channel member list for remote parts`() {
  104. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  105. channel.users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  106. channelStateMap += channel
  107. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelParted(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson"))
  108. assertFalse("zerocool" in channel.users)
  109. }
  110. @Test
  111. fun `removes state object for local kicks`() {
  112. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  113. channelStateMap += channel
  114. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelUserKicked(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson", "acidburn", "Bye!"))
  115. assertFalse("#thegibson" in channelStateMap)
  116. }
  117. @Test
  118. fun `removes user from channel member list for remote kicks`() {
  119. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  120. channel.users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  121. channelStateMap += channel
  122. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ChannelUserKicked(TestConstants.time, User("acidburn", "libby", "root.localhost"), "#thegibson", "zerocool", "Bye!"))
  123. assertFalse("zerocool" in channel.users)
  124. }
  125. @Test
  126. fun `removes user from all channel member lists for quits`() {
  127. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  128. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  129. channelStateMap += this
  130. }
  131. with (ChannelState("#dumpsterdiving") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  132. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  133. channelStateMap += this
  134. }
  135. with (ChannelState("#chat") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  136. users += ChannelUser("AcidBurn")
  137. channelStateMap += this
  138. }
  139. handler.processEvent(ircClient, UserQuit(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost")))
  140. assertFalse("zerocool" in channelStateMap["#thegibson"]!!.users)
  141. assertFalse("zerocool" in channelStateMap["#dumpsterdiving"]!!.users)
  142. assertFalse("zerocool" in channelStateMap["#chat"]!!.users)
  143. assertTrue("acidburn" in channelStateMap["#chat"]!!.users)
  144. }
  145. @Test
  146. fun `raises ChannelQuit event for each channel a user quits from`() {
  147. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  148. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  149. channelStateMap += this
  150. }
  151. with (ChannelState("#dumpsterdiving") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  152. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  153. channelStateMap += this
  154. }
  155. with (ChannelState("#chat") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  156. users += ChannelUser("AcidBurn")
  157. channelStateMap += this
  158. }
  159. val events = handler.processEvent(ircClient, UserQuit(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "Hack the planet!"))
  160. val names = mutableListOf<String>()
  161. assertEquals(2, events.size)
  162. events.forEach { event ->
  163. (event as ChannelQuit).let {
  164. assertEquals(TestConstants.time, it.time)
  165. assertEquals("zerocool", it.user.nickname)
  166. assertEquals("Hack the planet!", it.reason)
  167. names.add(
  168. }
  169. }
  170. assertTrue("#thegibson" in names)
  171. assertTrue("#dumpsterdiving" in names)
  172. }
  173. @Test
  174. fun `renames user in channel member list for nick changes`() {
  175. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  176. channel.users += ChannelUser("acidBurn")
  177. channelStateMap += channel
  178. handler.processEvent(ircClient, UserNickChanged(TestConstants.time, User("acidburn", "libby", "root.localhost"), "acidB"))
  179. assertFalse("acidBurn" in channel.users)
  180. assertTrue("acidB" in channel.users)
  181. assertEquals("acidB", channel.users["acidB"]?.nickname)
  182. }
  183. @Test
  184. fun `raises ChannelNickChanged event for each channel a user changes nicks in`() {
  185. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  186. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  187. channelStateMap += this
  188. }
  189. with (ChannelState("#dumpsterdiving") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  190. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  191. channelStateMap += this
  192. }
  193. with (ChannelState("#chat") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  194. users += ChannelUser("AcidBurn")
  195. channelStateMap += this
  196. }
  197. val events = handler.processEvent(ircClient, UserNickChanged(TestConstants.time, User("zerocool", "dade", "root.localhost"), "zer0c00l"))
  198. val names = mutableListOf<String>()
  199. assertEquals(2, events.size)
  200. events.forEach { event ->
  201. (event as ChannelNickChanged).let {
  202. assertEquals(TestConstants.time, it.time)
  203. assertEquals("zerocool", it.user.nickname)
  204. assertEquals("zer0c00l", it.newNick)
  205. names.add(
  206. }
  207. }
  208. assertTrue("#thegibson" in names)
  209. assertTrue("#dumpsterdiving" in names)
  210. }
  211. @Test
  212. fun `sets mode discovered flag when discovered mode event received`() {
  213. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  214. channelStateMap += channel
  215. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ChannelModes] = arrayOf("ab", "cd", "ef", "gh")
  216. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+", emptyArray(), true))
  217. assertTrue(channel.modesDiscovered)
  218. }
  219. @Test
  220. fun `adds modes when discovered mode event received`() {
  221. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  222. channelStateMap += channel
  223. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ChannelModes] = arrayOf("ab", "cd", "ef", "gh")
  224. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+ceg", arrayOf("CCC", "EEE"), true))
  225. assertEquals("CCC", channel.modes['c'])
  226. assertEquals("EEE", channel.modes['e'])
  227. assertEquals("", channel.modes['g'])
  228. }
  229. @Test
  230. fun `adjusts complex modes when mode change event received`() {
  231. val channel = ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }
  232. channel.modes['c'] = "CCC"
  233. channel.modes['e'] = "EEE"
  234. channel.modes['h'] = ""
  235. channelStateMap += channel
  236. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ChannelModes] = arrayOf("ab", "cd", "ef", "gh")
  237. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "-c+d-eh+fg", arrayOf("CCC", "DDD", "FFF"), true))
  238. assertNull(channel.modes['c'])
  239. assertEquals("DDD", channel.modes['d'])
  240. assertNull(channel.modes['e'])
  241. assertEquals("FFF", channel.modes['f'])
  242. assertEquals("", channel.modes['g'])
  243. assertNull(channel.modes['h'])
  244. }
  245. @Test
  246. fun `handles unprivileged user gaining new mode`() {
  247. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  248. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  249. channelStateMap += this
  250. }
  251. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+o", arrayOf("zeroCool")))
  252. assertEquals("o", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  253. }
  254. @Test
  255. fun `handles privileged user gaining lesser mode`() {
  256. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  257. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool", "o")
  258. channelStateMap += this
  259. }
  260. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+v", arrayOf("zeroCool")))
  261. assertEquals("ov", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  262. }
  263. @Test
  264. fun `handles privileged user gaining greater mode`() {
  265. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  266. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool", "v")
  267. channelStateMap += this
  268. }
  269. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+o", arrayOf("zeroCool")))
  270. assertEquals("ov", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  271. }
  272. @Test
  273. fun `handles user gaining multiple modes`() {
  274. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  275. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool")
  276. channelStateMap += this
  277. }
  278. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "+vo", arrayOf("zeroCool", "zeroCool")))
  279. assertEquals("ov", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  280. }
  281. @Test
  282. fun `handles user losing multiple modes`() {
  283. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  284. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool", "ov")
  285. channelStateMap += this
  286. }
  287. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "-vo", arrayOf("zeroCool", "zeroCool")))
  288. assertEquals("", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  289. }
  290. @Test
  291. fun `handles mixture of user modes and normal modes`() {
  292. with (ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc }) {
  293. users += ChannelUser("ZeroCool", "v")
  294. channelStateMap += this
  295. }
  296. serverState.features[ServerFeature.ChannelModes] = arrayOf("ab", "cd", "ef", "gh")
  297. handler.processEvent(ircClient, ModeChanged(TestConstants.time, "#thegibson", "oa-v+b", arrayOf("zeroCool", "aaa", "zeroCool", "bbb")))
  298. assertEquals("o", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.users?.get("zeroCool")?.modes)
  299. assertEquals("aaa", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.modes?.get('a'))
  300. assertEquals("bbb", channelStateMap["#thegibson"]?.modes?.get('b'))
  301. }
  302. }