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sequence.txt 722B

  1. title KtIrc internal structure
  2. participant KtIrc User
  3. participant IrcClient
  4. participant LineBufferedSocket
  5. participant IRC Server
  6. IRC Server->LineBufferedSocket: Byte*
  7. LineBufferedSocket->IrcClient: ByteArray
  8. IrcClient->+MessageParser: ByteArray
  9. MessageParser-->-IrcClient: IrcMessage
  10. IrcClient->MessageHandler: IrcMessage
  11. MessageHandler->+Processors: IrcMessage
  12. Processors-->-MessageHandler: IrcEvent*
  13. MessageHandler->+Handlers: IrcEvent
  14. Handlers->IrcClient: Update state
  15. note right of Handlers: Handlers update the state held by the client,\nand may raise additional events themselves
  16. Handlers-->-MessageHandler: IrcEvent*
  17. MessageHandler->IrcClient: IrcEvent
  18. IrcClient->KtIrc User: onEvent(IrcEvent)