package com.dmdirc.ktirc import* import import import com.dmdirc.ktirc.messages.tagMap import com.dmdirc.ktirc.model.* import com.dmdirc.ktirc.util.currentTimeProvider import com.dmdirc.ktirc.util.generateLabel import io.ktor.util.KtorExperimentalAPI import io.mockk.* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.filter import import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.api.assertThrows import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference @KtorExperimentalAPI @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi internal class IrcClientImplTest { companion object { private const val HOST = "" private const val PORT = 12345 private const val NICK = "AcidBurn" private const val REAL_NAME = "Kate Libby" private const val USER_NAME = "acidb" private const val PASSWORD = "HackThePlanet" } private val readLineChannel = Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED) private val sendLineChannel = Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED) private val mockSocket = mockk { every { receiveChannel } returns readLineChannel every { sendChannel } returns sendLineChannel } private val mockSocketFactory = mockk<(CoroutineScope, String, Int, Boolean) -> LineBufferedSocket> { every { this@mockk.invoke(any(), eq(HOST), eq(PORT), any()) } returns mockSocket } private val mockEventHandler = mockk<(IrcEvent) -> Unit> { every { this@mockk.invoke(any()) } just Runs } private val profileConfig = ProfileConfig().apply { nickname = NICK realName = REAL_NAME username = USER_NAME } private val serverConfig = ServerConfig().apply { host = HOST port = PORT } private val normalConfig = IrcClientConfig(serverConfig, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig(), null) @BeforeEach fun setUp() { currentTimeProvider = { TestConstants.time } } @Test fun `uses socket factory to create a new socket on connect`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() verify(timeout = 500) { mockSocketFactory(client, HOST, PORT, false) } } @Test fun `uses socket factory to create a new tls on connect`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(IrcClientConfig(ServerConfig().apply { host = HOST port = PORT useTls = true }, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig(), null)) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() verify(timeout = 500) { mockSocketFactory(client, HOST, PORT, true) } } @Test fun `throws if socket already exists`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() assertThrows { client.connect() } } @Test fun `emits connection events with local time`() = runBlocking { currentTimeProvider = { TestConstants.time } val connectingSlot = slot() val connectedSlot = slot() every { mockEventHandler.invoke(capture(connectingSlot)) } just Runs every { mockEventHandler.invoke(capture(connectedSlot)) } just Runs val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.onEvent(mockEventHandler) client.connect() verify(timeout = 500) { mockEventHandler(ofType()) mockEventHandler(ofType()) } assertEquals(TestConstants.time, connectingSlot.captured.metadata.time) assertEquals(TestConstants.time, connectedSlot.captured.metadata.time) } @Test fun `sends basic connection strings`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() assertEquals("CAP LS 302", String(sendLineChannel.receive())) assertEquals("NICK $NICK", String(sendLineChannel.receive())) assertEquals("USER $USER_NAME 0 * :$REAL_NAME", String(sendLineChannel.receive())) } @Test fun `sends password first, when present`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(IrcClientConfig(ServerConfig().apply { host = HOST port = PORT password = PASSWORD }, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig(), null)) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() assertEquals("CAP LS 302", String(sendLineChannel.receive())) assertEquals("PASS $PASSWORD", String(sendLineChannel.receive())) } @Test fun `sends events to provided event handler`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.onEvent(mockEventHandler) GlobalScope.launch { readLineChannel.send(":the.gibson 001 acidBurn :Welcome to the IRC!".toByteArray()) } client.connect() verify(timeout = 500) { mockEventHandler(ofType()) } } @Test fun `gets case mapping from server features`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.serverState.features[ServerFeature.ServerCaseMapping] = CaseMapping.RfcStrict assertEquals(CaseMapping.RfcStrict, client.caseMapping) } @Test fun `indicates if user is local user or not`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.serverState.localNickname = "[acidBurn]" assertTrue(client.isLocalUser(User("{acidBurn}", "libby", "root.localhost"))) assertFalse(client.isLocalUser(User("acid-Burn", "libby", "root.localhost"))) } @Test fun `indicates if nickname is local user or not`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.serverState.localNickname = "[acidBurn]" assertTrue(client.isLocalUser("{acidBurn}")) assertFalse(client.isLocalUser("acid-Burn")) } @Test fun `uses current case mapping to check local user`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.serverState.localNickname = "[acidBurn]" client.serverState.features[ServerFeature.ServerCaseMapping] = CaseMapping.Ascii assertFalse(client.isLocalUser(User("{acidBurn}", "libby", "root.localhost"))) } @Test @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") fun `sends text to socket`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.send("testing 123") assertLineReceived("testing 123") } @Test fun `sends structured text to socket`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.send("testing", "123", "456") assertLineReceived("testing 123 456") } @Test fun `echoes message event when behaviour is set and cap is unsupported`() = runBlocking { val config = IrcClientConfig(serverConfig, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig().apply { alwaysEchoMessages = true }, null) val client = IrcClientImpl(config) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory val slot = slot() val mockkEventHandler = mockk<(IrcEvent) -> Unit>(relaxed = true) every { mockkEventHandler(capture(slot)) } just Runs client.onEvent(mockkEventHandler) client.connect() client.send("PRIVMSG", "#thegibson", "Mess with the best, die like the rest") assertTrue(slot.isCaptured) val event = slot.captured assertEquals("#thegibson", assertEquals("Mess with the best, die like the rest", event.message) assertEquals(NICK, event.user.nickname) assertEquals(TestConstants.time, event.metadata.time) } @Test fun `does not echo message event when behaviour is set and cap is supported`() = runBlocking { val config = IrcClientConfig(serverConfig, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig().apply { alwaysEchoMessages = true }, null) val client = IrcClientImpl(config) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.serverState.capabilities.enabledCapabilities[Capability.EchoMessages] = "" client.connect() client.onEvent(mockEventHandler) client.send("PRIVMSG", "#thegibson", "Mess with the best, die like the rest") verify(inverse = true) { mockEventHandler(ofType()) } } @Test fun `does not echo message event when behaviour is unset`() = runBlocking { val config = IrcClientConfig(serverConfig, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig().apply { alwaysEchoMessages = false }, null) val client = IrcClientImpl(config) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.onEvent(mockEventHandler) client.send("PRIVMSG", "#thegibson", "Mess with the best, die like the rest") verify(inverse = true) { mockEventHandler(ofType()) } } @Test fun `sends structured text to socket with tags`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.send(tagMap(MessageTag.AccountName to "acidB"), "testing", "123", "456") assertLineReceived("@account=acidB testing 123 456") } @Test fun `sends text to socket without label if cap is missing`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.sendAsync(tagMap(), "testing", "123") assertLineReceived("testing 123") } @Test fun `sends text to socket with added tags and label`() = runBlocking { generateLabel = { "abc123" } val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.serverState.capabilities.enabledCapabilities[Capability.LabeledResponse] = "" client.connect() client.sendAsync(tagMap(), "testing", "123") assertLineReceived("@draft/label=abc123 testing 123") } @Test fun `sends tagged text to socket with label`() = runBlocking { generateLabel = { "abc123" } val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.serverState.capabilities.enabledCapabilities[Capability.LabeledResponse] = "" client.connect() client.sendAsync(tagMap(MessageTag.AccountName to "x"), "testing", "123") assertLineReceived("@account=x;draft/label=abc123 testing 123") } @Test fun `disconnects the socket`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() client.disconnect() verify(timeout = 500) { mockSocket.disconnect() } } @Test @ObsoleteCoroutinesApi fun `sends messages in order`() = runBlocking { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) client.socketFactory = mockSocketFactory client.connect() (0..100).forEach { client.send("TEST", "$it") } assertEquals(100, withTimeoutOrNull(500) { var next = 0 for (line in { String(it) }.filter { it.startsWith("TEST ") }) { assertEquals("TEST $next", line) if (++next == 100) { break } } next }) } @Test fun `defaults local nickname to profile`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) assertEquals(NICK, client.serverState.localNickname) } @Test fun `defaults server name to host name`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(normalConfig) assertEquals(HOST, client.serverState.serverName) } @Test fun `exposes behaviour config`() { val client = IrcClientImpl(IrcClientConfig( ServerConfig().apply { host = HOST }, profileConfig, BehaviourConfig().apply { requestModesOnJoin = true }, null)) assertTrue(client.behaviour.requestModesOnJoin) } @Test fun `reset clears all state`() { with(IrcClientImpl(normalConfig)) { userState += User("acidBurn") channelState += ChannelState("#thegibson") { CaseMapping.Rfc } serverState.serverName = "root.$HOST" reset() assertEquals(0, userState.count()) assertEquals(0, channelState.count()) assertEquals(HOST, serverState.serverName) } } @Test fun `sends connect error when host is unresolvable`() = runBlocking { every { mockSocket.connect() } throws UnresolvedAddressException() with(IrcClientImpl(normalConfig)) { socketFactory = mockSocketFactory withTimeout(500) { launch { delay(50) connect() } val event = waitForEvent() assertEquals(ConnectionError.UnresolvableAddress, event.error) } } } @Test fun `sends connect error when tls certificate is bad`() = runBlocking { every { mockSocket.connect() } throws CertificateException("Boooo") with(IrcClientImpl(normalConfig)) { socketFactory = mockSocketFactory withTimeout(500) { launch { delay(50) connect() } val event = waitForEvent() assertEquals(ConnectionError.BadTlsCertificate, event.error) assertEquals("Boooo", event.details) } } } @Test fun `identifies channels that have a prefix in the chantypes feature`() { with(IrcClientImpl(normalConfig)) { serverState.features[ServerFeature.ChannelTypes] = "&~" assertTrue(isChannel("&dumpsterdiving")) assertTrue(isChannel("~hacktheplanet")) assertFalse(isChannel("#root")) assertFalse(isChannel("acidBurn")) assertFalse(isChannel("")) assertFalse(isChannel("acidBurn#~")) } } private suspend inline fun IrcClient.waitForEvent(): T { val mutex = Mutex(true) val value = AtomicReference() onEvent { if (it is T) { value.set(it) mutex.unlock() } } mutex.lock() return value.get() } private suspend fun assertLineReceived(expected: String) { assertEquals(true, withTimeoutOrNull(500) { for (line in { String(it) }) { println(line) if (line == expected) { return@withTimeoutOrNull true } } false }) { "Expected to receive $expected" } } }