package com.dmdirc.ktirc.messages import com.dmdirc.ktirc.IrcClient import com.dmdirc.ktirc.model.MessageTag /** Sends a message to ask the server to list capabilities. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendCapabilityList() = send("CAP", "LS", "302") /** Sends a message indicating the end of capability negotiation. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendCapabilityEnd() = send("CAP", "END") /** Sends a message requesting the specified caps are enabled. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendCapabilityRequest(capabilities: Collection) = send("CAP", "REQ", capabilities.joinToString(" ")) /** Sends a request to join the given channel. */ fun IrcClient.sendJoin(channel: String) = send("JOIN", channel) /** Sends a request to part the given channel. */ fun IrcClient.sendPart(channel: String, reason: String? = null) = reason?.let { send("PART", channel, reason) } ?: send("PART", channel) /** Sends a request to see the modes of a given target. */ fun IrcClient.sendModeRequest(target: String) = send("MODE", target) /** Sends a request to change to the given nickname. */ fun IrcClient.sendNickChange(nick: String) = send("NICK", nick) /** Sends the connection password to the server. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendPassword(password: String) = send("PASS", password) /** Sends a response to a PING event. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendPong(nonce: ByteArray) = send("PONG", String(nonce)) /** Sends a CTCP message of the specified [type] and with optional [data] to [target] (a user or a channel). */ fun IrcClient.sendCtcp(target: String, type: String, data: String? = null) = sendMessage(target, "\u0001${type.toUpperCase()}${data?.let { " $it" } ?: ""}\u0001") /** Sends an action to the given [target] (a user or a channel). */ fun IrcClient.sendAction(target: String, action: String) = sendCtcp(target, "ACTION", action) /** Sends a private message to a user or channel. */ fun IrcClient.sendMessage(target: String, message: String, inReplyTo: String? = null) = send( inReplyTo?.let { tagMap(MessageTag.Reply to inReplyTo) } ?: emptyMap(), "PRIVMSG", target, message) /** * Sends a tag-only message. * * If [inReplyTo] is specified then the [MessageTag.Reply] tag will be automatically added. */ fun IrcClient.sendTagMessage(target: String, tags: Map, inReplyTo: String? = null) { send(inReplyTo?.let { tags + (MessageTag.Reply to inReplyTo) } ?: tags, "TAGMSG", target) } /** Sends a message to register a user with the server. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendUser(userName: String, realName: String) = send("USER", userName, "0", "*", realName) /** Starts an authentication request. */ internal fun IrcClient.sendAuthenticationMessage(data: String = "+") = send("AUTHENTICATE", data) /** * Utility method for creating a map of tags to avoid type inference problems. */ fun tagMap(vararg tags: Pair) = mapOf(*tags)