package import com.dmdirc.ktirc.util.logger import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.produce import import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import import import internal interface LineBufferedSocket { @Throws(CertificateException::class) fun connect() fun disconnect() val sendChannel: SendChannel val receiveChannel: ReceiveChannel } /** * Asynchronous socket that buffers incoming data and emits individual lines. */ // TODO: Expose advanced TLS options @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi internal class LineBufferedSocketImpl(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, private val host: String, private val ip: String, private val port: Int, private val tls: Boolean = false) : CoroutineScope, LineBufferedSocket { companion object { const val CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\r'.toByte() const val LINE_FEED = '\n'.toByte() } override val coroutineContext = coroutineScope.newCoroutineContext(Dispatchers.IO) override val sendChannel: Channel = Channel(Channel.UNLIMITED) var tlsTrustManager: X509TrustManager? = null private val log by logger() private lateinit var socket: Socket private lateinit var writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel override fun connect() { { "Connecting..." } socket = PlainTextSocket(this) runBlocking { if (tls) { with (SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2")) { init(null, tlsTrustManager?.let { arrayOf(it) }, SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong()) socket = TlsSocket(this@LineBufferedSocketImpl, socket, this, host) } } socket.connect(InetSocketAddress(ip, port)) writeChannel = socket.write } launch { writeLines() } } override fun disconnect() { { "Disconnecting..." } socket.close() coroutineContext.cancel() } override val receiveChannel get() = produce { val lineBuffer = ByteArray(16384) var nextByteOffset = 0 while (socket.isOpen) { var lineStart = 0 val bytesRead = { position(nextByteOffset) }) for (i in nextByteOffset until nextByteOffset + bytesRead) { if (lineBuffer[i] == CARRIAGE_RETURN || lineBuffer[i] == LINE_FEED) { if (lineStart < i) { val line = lineBuffer.sliceArray(lineStart until i) log.fine { "<<< ${String(line)}" } send(line) } lineStart = i + 1 } } lineBuffer.copyInto(lineBuffer, 0, lineStart) nextByteOffset += bytesRead - lineStart } } private suspend fun writeLines() { for (line in sendChannel) { with(writeChannel) { log.fine { ">>> ${String(line)}" } writeAvailable(line, 0, line.size) writeByte(CARRIAGE_RETURN) writeByte(LINE_FEED) flush() } } } }