# KtIrc [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/csmith/KtIrc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/csmith/KtIrc) [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/c01221cbf9cf413ba4d94cb8c80e334a)](https://www.codacy.com/app/csmith/KtIrc?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=csmith/KtIrc&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/csmith/KtIrc/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/csmith/KtIrc) [![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/dmdirc/releases/ktirc/images/download.svg)](https://bintray.com/dmdirc/releases/ktirc/_latestVersion) KtIrc is a Kotlin JVM library for connecting to and interacting with IRC servers. It is still in an early stage of development. ## Features #### Built for Kotlin KtIrc is written in and designed for use in Kotlin; it uses extension methods, DSLs, sealed classes, and so on, to make it much easier to use than an equivalent Java library. #### Coroutine-powered KtIrc uses co-routines for all of its input/output which lets it deal with IRC messages in the background while your app does other things, without the overhead of creating a new thread per IRC client. #### Modern IRC standards KtIrc supports many IRCv3 features such as SASL authentication, message IDs, server timestamps, replies, reactions, account tags, and more. These features (where server support is available) make it easier to develop bots and clients, and enhance IRC with new user-facing functionality. ## Setup KtIrc is published to JCenter, so adding it to a gradle build is as simple as: ```groovy repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { implementation("com.dmdirc:ktirc:") } ``` ## Usage Clients are created using a DSL and the `IrcClient` function. At a minimum you must specify a server and a profile. A simple bot might look like: ```kotlin val client = IrcClient { server { host = "my.server.com" } profile { nickname = "nick" username = "username" realName = "Hi there" } } client.onEvent { event -> when (event) { is ServerReady -> client.sendJoin("#ktirc") is ServerDisconnected -> client.connect() is MessageReceived -> if (event.message == "!test") client.reply(event, "Test successful!") } } client.connect() ``` ## Known issues / FAQ ### KtIrc connects over IPv4 even when host has IPv6 This is an issue with the Java standard library. You can change its behaviour by defining the system property `java.net.preferIPv6Addresses` to `true`, e.g. by running Java with `-Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true` or calling `System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv6Addresses","true");` in code. ## Developing KtIrc ### Lifecycle of a message ![architecture diagram](docs/sequence.png) The `LineBufferedSocket` class receives bytes from the IRC server. Whenever it encounters a complete line (terminated by a `CR`, `LF` or `CRLF`), it passes it to the `IrcClient` as a `ByteArray`. The `MessageParser` breaks up the line into its component parts (tags, prefixes, commands, and parameters) and returns them as an `IrcMessage`. The `IrcMessage` is given to the `MessageHandler`, which tries to find a processor that can handle the command in the message. The processor's job is to convert the message into an `IrcEvent` subclass. Processors do not get given any contextual information or state, their job is simply to convert the message as received into an event. The events are returned to the `MessageHandler` which then passes them on to all registered event handlers. The job of the event handlers is twofold: firstly, use the events to update the state of KtIrc (for example, after receiving a `JOIN` message, the `ChannelStateHandler` will add the user to the list of users in the channel, while the `UserStateHandler` may update the user's hostname if we hadn't previously seen it). Secondly, the event handlers may themselves raise events. This is useful for higher-order events such as `ServerReady` that depend on a variety of factors and states. Handlers themselves may not keep state, as they will be shared across multiple instances of `IrcClient` and won't be reset on reconnection. State is instead stored in the various `*State` properties of the `IrcClient` such as `serverState` and `channelState`. Fields that should not be exposed to users of KtIrc can be placed in these public state objects but marked as `internal`. All the generated events (from processors or from event handlers) are passed to the `IrcClient`, which in turn passes them to the library user via the delegates passed to the `onEvent` method. ### Contributing Contributing is welcomed and encouraged! Please try to add unit tests for new features, and maintain a code style consistent with the existing code. ### Licence The code in this repository is released under the MIT licence. See the [LICENCE](LICENCE) file for more info.