# KtIrc [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/csmith/KtIrc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/csmith/KtIrc) [![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/dmdirc/releases/ktirc/images/download.svg)](https://bintray.com/dmdirc/releases/ktirc/_latestVersion) KtIrc is a Kotlin JVM library for connecting to and interacting with IRC servers. It is still in an early stage of development. ## Setup KtIrc is published to JCenter, so adding it to a gradle build is as simple as: ```groovy repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { implementation("com.dmdirc:ktirc:") } ``` ## Usage The main interface for interacting with KtIrc is the `IrcClientImpl` class. A simple bot might look like: ```kotlin val client = IrcClientImpl(Server("my.server.com", 6667), Profile("nick", "realName", "userName")) client.onEvent { event -> when (event) { is ServerWelcome -> client.send(joinMessage("#ktirc")) is MessageReceived -> if (event.message == "!test") client.send(privmsgMessage(event.target, "Test successful!")) } } client.connect() ``` ## Contributing Contributing is welcomed and encouraged! Please try to add unit tests for new features, and maintain a code style consistent with the existing code. ## Licence The code in this repository is released under the MIT licence. See the [LICENCE](LICENCE) file for more info.