package import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments.arguments import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource import internal class MessageParserTest { companion object { @JvmStatic @Suppress("unused") fun ircMessageArgumentsProvider(): Stream = Stream.of( arguments("test", null, null, "test", emptyList()), arguments("test 1 2", null, null, "test", listOf("1", "2")), arguments("test 1 2 ", null, null, "test", listOf("1", "2")), arguments("test :1 2", null, null, "test", listOf("1 2")), arguments("test :1 2 ", null, null, "test", listOf("1 2 ")), arguments("123 :1 2 ", null, null, "123", listOf("1 2 ")), arguments(":test abc 1 2 ", null, "test", "abc", listOf("1", "2")), arguments("@tags :test abc 1 2 :three four", "tags", "test", "abc", listOf("1", "2", "three four")), arguments("@tags abc 1 2 : three four ", "tags", null, "abc", listOf("1", "2", " three four ")) ) } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("ircMessageArgumentsProvider") fun `Parses IRC messages`(input: String, tags: String?, prefix: String?, command: String, params: List) { val parsed = MessageParser().parse(input.toByteArray()) assertEquals(tags, parsed.tags?.let { String(it) }) { "Expected '$input' to have tags '$tags'" } assertEquals(prefix, parsed.prefix?.let { String(it) }) { "Expected '$input' to have prefix '$prefix'" } assertEquals(command, parsed.command) { "Expected '$input' to have command '$command'" } assertEquals(params, { String(it) }) { "Expected '$input' to have params '$params'" } } } internal class CursorByteArrayTest { @Test fun `Peek returns next byte without advancing cursor`() { val cursorByteArray = CursorByteArray(byteArrayOf(0x08, 0x09, 0x10)) assertEquals(0x08, cursorByteArray.peek()) { "Peek should return the byte at the start" } assertEquals(0x08, cursorByteArray.peek()) { "Peek shouldn't advance the cursor" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 2 assertEquals(0x10, cursorByteArray.peek()) { "Peek should return the byte at the current cursor" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 3 assertThrows(, { cursorByteArray.peek() }) { "Peek should throw if cursor is out of bounds" } } @Test fun `Exhausted returns true when no more bytes available`() { val cursorByteArray = CursorByteArray(byteArrayOf(0x08, 0x09, 0x10)) assertFalse(cursorByteArray.exhausted()) { "Exhausted should be false with a new array" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 1 assertFalse(cursorByteArray.exhausted()) { "Exhausted should be false with an in-bound cursor" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 2 assertFalse(cursorByteArray.exhausted()) { "Exhausted should be false at the last element" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 3 assertTrue(cursorByteArray.exhausted()) { "Exhausted should be true when past the last element" } assertTrue(CursorByteArray(byteArrayOf()).exhausted()) { "Exhausted should be true on an empty array" } } @Test fun `TakeWord reads next word and advances cursor beyond trailing whitespace`() { val cursorByteArray = CursorByteArray("Hello this is a test".toByteArray()) assertEquals("Hello", String(cursorByteArray.takeWord())) { "TakeWord should read first word" } assertEquals(6, cursorByteArray.cursor) { "TakeWord should advance cursor to next word" } assertEquals("this", String(cursorByteArray.takeWord())) { "TakeWord should read word at cursor" } assertEquals(14, cursorByteArray.cursor) { "TakeWord should advance cursor past trailing whitespace" } assertEquals("s", String(cursorByteArray.takeWord(1))) { "TakeWord should skip given number of bytes" } cursorByteArray.cursor = 22 assertEquals("test", String(cursorByteArray.takeWord())) { "TakeWord should read word at end" } assertEquals(26, cursorByteArray.cursor) { "TakeWord should advance cursor past last word" } } @Test fun `TakeRemaining takes all remaining bytes and advances the cursor to exhaustion`() { var cursorByteArray = CursorByteArray("Test1234".toByteArray(), 4) assertEquals("1234", String(cursorByteArray.takeRemaining())) { "TakeRemaining should return remaining bytes" } assertEquals(8, cursorByteArray.cursor) { "TakeRemaining should advance cursor to end of array" } cursorByteArray = CursorByteArray("Test1234".toByteArray(), 0) assertEquals("est1234", String(cursorByteArray.takeRemaining(1))) { "TakeRemaining should skip specified number of bytes" } assertEquals(8, cursorByteArray.cursor) { "TakeRemaining should advance cursor to end of array when skipping" } } private fun byteArrayOf(vararg bytes: Byte) = ByteArray(bytes.size) { i -> bytes[i] } }