package /** * Parses a message received from an IRC server. * * IRC messages consist of: * * - Optionally, IRCv3 message tags. Identified with an '@' character * - Optionally, a prefix, identified with an ':' character * - A command in the form of a consecutive sequence of letters or exactly three numbers * - Some number of space-separated parameters * - Optionally, a final 'trailing' parameter prefixed with a ':' character * * For example: * * @aaa=bbb;ccc; :nick! PRIVMSG #someChannel :This is a test message * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * IRCv3 tags Prefix Cmd Param #1 Trailing parameter * * or: * * PING 12345678 * ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ * Cmd Param #1 */ class MessageParser { companion object { private const val AT = '@'.toByte() private const val COLON = ':'.toByte() } fun parse(message: ByteArray) = CursorByteArray(message).run { IrcMessage(takeTags(), takePrefix(), String(takeWord()), takeParams().toList()) } /** * Attempts to read IRCv3 tags from the message. */ private fun CursorByteArray.takeTags() = takeOptionalPrefixedSection(AT) /** * Attempts to read a prefix from the message. */ private fun CursorByteArray.takePrefix() = takeOptionalPrefixedSection(COLON) /** * Read a single parameter from the message. If the parameter is a trailing one, the entire message will be * consumed. */ private fun CursorByteArray.takeParam() = when (peek()) { COLON -> takeRemaining(skip = 1) else -> takeWord() } /** * Reads all remaining parameters from the message. */ private fun CursorByteArray.takeParams() = sequence { while (!exhausted()) { yield(takeParam()) } } private fun CursorByteArray.takeOptionalPrefixedSection(prefix: Byte) = when { exhausted() -> null peek() == prefix -> takeWord(skip = 1) else -> null } } class IrcMessage(val tags: ByteArray?, val prefix: ByteArray?, val command: String, val params: List) /** * A ByteArray with a 'cursor' that tracks the current read position. */ internal class CursorByteArray(private val data: ByteArray, var cursor: Int = 0) { companion object { private const val SPACE = ' '.toByte() } /** * Returns whether or not the cursor has reached the end of the array. */ fun exhausted() = cursor >= data.size /** * Returns the next byte in the array without advancing the cursor. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the array is [exhausted]. */ @Throws(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException::class) fun peek() = data[cursor] /** * Returns the next "word" in the byte array - that is, all non-space characters up until the next space. * * After calling this method, the cursor will be advanced to the start of the next word (i.e., it will skip over * any number of space characters). * * @param skip Number of bytes to omit from the start of the word */ fun takeWord(skip: Int = 0) = data.sliceArray(cursor + skip until seekTo { it == SPACE }).apply { seekTo { it != SPACE } } /** * Takes all remaining bytes from the cursor until the end of the array. * * @param skip Number of bytes to omit from the start of the remainder */ fun takeRemaining(skip: Int = 0) = data.sliceArray(cursor + skip until data.size).apply { cursor = data.size } private fun seekTo(matcher: (Byte) -> Boolean): Int { while (!exhausted() && !matcher(peek())) { cursor++ } return cursor } }