package import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.produce import import import interface LineBufferedSocket { // TODO: This is a bit pants. var debugReceiver: ((String) -> Unit)? suspend fun connect() fun disconnect() suspend fun sendLine(line: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = line.size) suspend fun sendLine(line: String) fun readLines(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): ReceiveChannel } /** * Asynchronous socket that buffers incoming data and emits individual lines. */ // TODO: TLS options class KtorLineBufferedSocket(private val host: String, private val port: Int): LineBufferedSocket { companion object { const val CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\r'.toByte() const val LINE_FEED = '\n'.toByte() } // TODO: This is a bit pants. override var debugReceiver: ((String) -> Unit)? = null private lateinit var socket: Socket private lateinit var readChannel: ByteReadChannel private lateinit var writeChannel: ByteWriteChannel override suspend fun connect() { socket = aSocket(ActorSelectorManager(ioCoroutineDispatcher)).tcp().connect(InetSocketAddress(host, port)) readChannel = socket.openReadChannel() writeChannel = socket.openWriteChannel() } override fun disconnect() { socket.close() } override suspend fun sendLine(line: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int) { with (writeChannel) { debugReceiver?.let { it(">>> ${String(line, offset, length)}") } writeAvailable(line, offset, length) writeByte(CARRIAGE_RETURN) writeByte(LINE_FEED) flush() } } override suspend fun sendLine(line: String) = sendLine(line.toByteArray()) override fun readLines(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) = coroutineScope.produce { val lineBuffer = ByteArray(4096) var index = 0 while (!readChannel.isClosedForRead) { var start = index val count = readChannel.readAvailable(lineBuffer, index, lineBuffer.size - index) for (i in index until index + count) { if (lineBuffer[i] == CARRIAGE_RETURN || lineBuffer[i] == LINE_FEED) { if (start < i) { val line = lineBuffer.sliceArray(start until i) debugReceiver?.let { it("<<< ${String(line)}") } send(line) } start = i + 1 } } lineBuffer.copyInto(lineBuffer, 0, start) index = count + index - start } } }