package com.dmdirc.ktirc.model import /** * Maintains a set of strings that are compared case-insensitively according to the provided [CaseMapping] * * If the case mapping changes during the lifetime of this set, it is presumed that all items will also be * unique in the new case mapping. Otherwise, the behaviour of this class is undefined. */ class CaseInsensitiveSet(private val caseMappingProvider: () -> CaseMapping) : Iterable { private val items = HashSet() operator fun plusAssign(item: String) { if (!contains(item)) { items += item } } operator fun minusAssign(item: String) { items.removeIf { caseMappingProvider().areEquivalent(it, item) } } operator fun contains(item: String) = items.any { caseMappingProvider().areEquivalent(it, item) } override operator fun iterator() = items.iterator() fun isEmpty() = items.isEmpty() }