package /** * Supported options for mapping between uppercase and lowercase characters. */ enum class CaseMapping(private val lowerToUpperMapping: Pair) { /** Standard ASCII mapping, `a-z` is mapped to `A-Z`. */ Ascii(97..122 to 65..90), /** Mapping probably intended by RFC14159, `a-z{|}~` is mapped to `A-Z[\]^`. */ Rfc(97..126 to 65..94), /** Mapping according to a strict interpretation of RFC14159, `a-z{|}` is mapped to `A-Z[\]]`. */ RfcStrict(97..125 to 65..93); companion object { internal fun fromName(name: String) = when(name.toLowerCase()) { "ascii" -> Ascii "rfc1459" -> Rfc "rfc1459-strict" -> RfcStrict else -> Rfc } } /** * Determines if the two strings are equivalent under the casemapping rules. */ fun areEquivalent(string1: String, string2: String): Boolean { return string1.length == string2.length && { (c1, c2) -> areEquivalent(c1, c2) } } private fun areEquivalent(char1: Char, char2: Char) = char1 == char2 || char1.toUpper() == char2.toUpper() private fun Char.toUpper() = this + if (this.toInt() in lowerToUpperMapping.first) lowerToUpperMapping.second.start - lowerToUpperMapping.first.start else 0 }