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ivy.xml 770B

  1. <ivy-module version="2.0">
  2. <info organisation="com.dmdirc" module="utils"/>
  3. <configurations>
  4. <conf name="build" description="Everything needed to build"/>
  5. <conf name="compile" description="Everything needed to compile"/>
  6. <conf name="test" description="Everything needed to test"/>
  7. <conf name="default" extends="build,compile,test"/>
  8. </configurations>
  9. <dependencies defaultconfmapping="*->default">
  10. <dependency org="com.github.shanemcc" name="jgit-describe" rev="0.3" conf="build" />
  11. <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.+" conf="test" />
  12. <dependency org="org.mockito" name="mockito-all" rev="1.+" conf="test" />
  13. <exclude org="ant" module="ant"/>
  14. </dependencies>
  15. </ivy-module>