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build-gitversion.xml 1.0KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project basedir=".">
  3. <macrodef name="gitversion">
  4. <attribute name="target"/>
  5. <attribute name="outputproperty"/>
  6. <attribute name="gitdir" default=".git"/>
  7. <sequential>
  8. <local name="lastcommit"/>
  9. <exec executable="git" outputproperty="lastcommit">
  10. <arg value="--git-dir"/>
  11. <arg value="@{gitdir}"/>
  12. <arg value="rev-list"/>
  13. <arg value="--max-count=1"/>
  14. <arg value="HEAD"/>
  15. <arg value="--"/>
  16. <arg value="@{target}"/>
  17. </exec>
  18. <exec executable="git" outputproperty="@{outputproperty}">
  19. <arg value="--git-dir"/>
  20. <arg value="@{gitdir}"/>
  21. <arg value="describe"/>
  22. <arg value="--tags"/>
  23. <arg value="--always"/>
  24. <arg value="${lastcommit}"/>
  25. </exec>
  26. </sequential>
  27. </macrodef>
  28. </project>