/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 DMDirc Developers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.addons.nowplaying; import com.dmdirc.actions.CoreActionType; import com.dmdirc.addons.ui_swing.UIUtilities; import com.dmdirc.config.IdentityManager; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PluginPreferencesCategory; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesCategory; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesDialogModel; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.ActionController; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.ActionListener; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.CommandController; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.actions.ActionType; import com.dmdirc.plugins.Plugin; import com.dmdirc.plugins.PluginInfo; import com.dmdirc.plugins.implementations.BaseCommandPlugin; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Plugin that allows users to advertise what they're currently playing or * listening to. */ public class NowPlayingPlugin extends BaseCommandPlugin implements ActionListener { /** The sources that we know of. */ private final List sources = new ArrayList(); /** The managers that we know of. */ private final List managers = new ArrayList(); /** The user's preferred order for source usage. */ private List order; /** This plugin's plugin info. */ private final PluginInfo pluginInfo; /** The action controller to use. */ private final ActionController actionController; /** * Creates a new instance of this plugin. * * @param pluginInfo This plugin's plugin info * @param actionController The action controller to register listeners with * @param commandController Command controller to register commands */ public NowPlayingPlugin(final PluginInfo pluginInfo, final ActionController actionController, final CommandController commandController) { super(commandController); this.pluginInfo = pluginInfo; this.actionController = actionController; registerCommand(new NowPlayingCommand(this), NowPlayingCommand.INFO); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onLoad() { sources.clear(); managers.clear(); loadSettings(); actionController.registerListener(this, CoreActionType.PLUGIN_LOADED, CoreActionType.PLUGIN_UNLOADED); for (PluginInfo target : pluginInfo.getMetaData().getManager().getPluginInfos()) { if (target.isLoaded()) { addPlugin(target); } } super.onLoad(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onUnload() { sources.clear(); managers.clear(); actionController.unregisterListener(this); super.onUnload(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void showConfig(final PreferencesDialogModel manager) { final ConfigPanel configPanel = UIUtilities.invokeAndWait( new Callable() { @Override public ConfigPanel call() { return new ConfigPanel(NowPlayingPlugin.this, order); } }); final PreferencesCategory category = new PluginPreferencesCategory( pluginInfo, "Now Playing", "", "category-nowplaying", configPanel); manager.getCategory("Plugins").addSubCategory(category); } /** * Saves the plugins settings. * * @param newOrder The new order for sources */ protected void saveSettings(final List newOrder) { order = newOrder; IdentityManager.getIdentityManager().getGlobalConfigIdentity() .setOption(getDomain(), "sourceOrder", order); } /** Loads the plugins settings. */ private void loadSettings() { if (IdentityManager.getIdentityManager().getGlobalConfiguration() .hasOptionString(getDomain(), "sourceOrder")) { order = IdentityManager.getIdentityManager().getGlobalConfiguration() .getOptionList(getDomain(), "sourceOrder"); } else { order = new ArrayList(); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void processEvent(final ActionType type, final StringBuffer format, final Object... arguments) { if (type == CoreActionType.PLUGIN_LOADED) { addPlugin((PluginInfo) arguments[0]); } else if (type == CoreActionType.PLUGIN_UNLOADED) { removePlugin((PluginInfo) arguments[0]); } } /** * Checks to see if a plugin implements one of the Media Source interfaces * and if it does, adds the source(s) to our list. * * @param target The plugin to be tested */ private void addPlugin(final PluginInfo target) { final Plugin targetPlugin = target.getPlugin(); if (targetPlugin instanceof MediaSource) { sources.add((MediaSource) targetPlugin); addSourceToOrder((MediaSource) targetPlugin); } if (targetPlugin instanceof MediaSourceManager) { managers.add((MediaSourceManager) targetPlugin); if (((MediaSourceManager) targetPlugin).getSources() != null) { for (MediaSource source : ((MediaSourceManager) targetPlugin).getSources()) { addSourceToOrder(source); } } } } /** * Checks to see if the specified media source needs to be added to our * order list, and adds it if neccessary. * * @param source The media source to be tested */ private void addSourceToOrder(final MediaSource source) { if (!order.contains(source.getAppName())) { order.add(source.getAppName()); } } /** * Checks to see if a plugin implements one of the Media Source interfaces * and if it does, removes the source(s) from our list. * * @param target The plugin to be tested */ private void removePlugin(final PluginInfo target) { final Plugin targetPlugin = target.getPlugin(); if (targetPlugin instanceof MediaSource) { sources.remove((MediaSource) targetPlugin); } if (targetPlugin instanceof MediaSourceManager) { managers.remove((MediaSourceManager) targetPlugin); } } /** * Determines if there are any valid sources (paused or not). * * @return True if there are running sources, false otherwise */ public boolean hasRunningSource() { for (final MediaSource source : getSources()) { if (source.getState() != MediaSourceState.CLOSED) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Retrieves the "best" source to use for displaying media information. * The best source is defined as the earliest in the list that is running * and not paused, or, if no such source exists, the earliest in the list * that is running and paused. If neither condition is satisified returns * null. * * @return The best source to use for media info */ public MediaSource getBestSource() { MediaSource paused = null; final List possibleSources = getSources(); Collections.sort(possibleSources, new MediaSourceComparator(order)); for (final MediaSource source : possibleSources) { if (source.getState() != MediaSourceState.CLOSED) { if (source.getState() == MediaSourceState.PLAYING) { return source; } else if (paused == null) { paused = source; } } } return paused; } /** * Substitutes the keywords in the specified format with the values with * values from the specified source. * * @param format The format to be substituted * @param source The source whose values should be used * @return The substituted string */ public String doSubstitution(final String format, final MediaSource source) { final String artist = source.getArtist(); final String title = source.getTitle(); final String album = source.getAlbum(); final String app = source.getAppName(); final String bitrate = source.getBitrate(); final String filetype = source.getFormat(); final String length = source.getLength(); final String time = source.getTime(); final String state = source.getState().getNiceName(); return format.replace("$artist", sanitise(artist)) .replace("$title", sanitise(title)) .replace("$album", sanitise(album)) .replace("$app", sanitise(app)) .replace("$bitrate", sanitise(bitrate)) .replace("$format", sanitise(filetype)) .replace("$length", sanitise(length)) .replace("$state", sanitise(state)) .replace("$time", sanitise(time)); } /** * Sanitises the specified String so that it may be used as the replacement * in a call to String.replaceAll. Namely, at present, this method returns * an empty String if it is passed a null value; otherwise the input is * returned as-is. * * @param input The string to be sanitised * @return A sanitised version of the String * @since 0.6.3 */ protected static String sanitise(final String input) { return input == null ? "" : input; } /** * Retrieves a source based on its name. * * @param name The name to search for * @return The source with the specified name or null if none were found. */ public MediaSource getSource(final String name) { for (final MediaSource source : getSources()) { if (source.getAppName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return source; } } return null; } /** * Retrieves all the sources registered with this plugin. * * @return All known media sources */ public List getSources() { final List res = new ArrayList(sources); for (MediaSourceManager manager : managers) { res.addAll(manager.getSources()); } return res; } }