--- categories: - name: &General Swing UI description: These config options apply only to the swing UI. parent: GUI icon: category-gui domain: ui items: - type: multichoice key: lookandfeel title: Look and feel help: The Java look and feel to use source: com.dmdirc.addons.ui_swing.config.LookAndFeelProvider restart: true - type: multichoice key: framemanager title: Window manager help: Which window manager should be used? source: com.dmdirc.addons.ui_swing.config.FrameManagerProvider restart: true - type: multichoice key: framemanagerPosition title: Window manager position help: Where should the window manager be positioned? values: top: Top bottom: Bottom left: Left right: Right restart: true - type: font key: textPaneFontName title: Textpane font help: Font for the textpane restart: true - type: integer key: textPaneFontSize title: Textpane font size help: Font size for the textpane restart: true - type: boolean key: sortrootwindows title: Sort root windows help: Sort root windows in the frame managers? - type: boolean key: sortchildwindows title: Sort child windows help: Sort child windows in the frame managers? - name: Nicklist icon: nicklist parent: *General items: - type: optional colour domain: ui key: nicklistbackgroundcolour title: Nicklist background colour help: Background colour to use for the nicklist - type: optional colour domain: ui key: nicklistforegroundcolour title: Nicklist foreground colour help: Foreground colour to use for the nicklist - type: optional colour domain: ui key: nicklistAltBackgroundColour title: Alternate background colour help: Background colour to use for every other nicklist entry - type: boolean domain: nicklist key: sortByMode title: Sort nicklist by user mode help: Sort nicknames by the modes they have? - type: boolean domain: nicklist key: sortByCase title: Sort nicklist by case help: Sort nicknames in a case-sensitive manner? - name: Advanced parent: *General domain: $plugin items: - type: integer domain: ui key: frameBufferSize title: Window buffer size help: The maximum number of lines in a window buffer validator: type: numerical min: 10 - type: boolean key: mdiBarVisibility title: MDI Bar Visibility help: Controls the visibility of the MDI bar - type: boolean domain: ui key: useOneTouchExpandable title: Use one touch expandable split panes? help: Use one touch expandable arrows for collapsing/expanding the split panes - type: integer key: windowMenuItems title: Window menu item count help: Number of items to show in the window menu - type: integer key: windowMenuScrollInterval title: Window menu scroll interval help: Number of milliseconds to pause when autoscrolling in the window menu - type: boolean key: shownicklist title: Show nicklist? help: Do you want the nicklist visible - type: boolean key: showfulltopic title: Show full topic in topic bar? help: Do you want to show the full topic in the topic bar or just first line? - type: boolean key: hideEmptyTopicBar title: Hide empty topic bar? help: Do you want to hide the topic bar when there is no topic - type: boolean key: textpanelinenotifications title: New line notification help: Do you want to be notified about new lines whilst scrolled up?