/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Chris Smith, Shane Mc Cormack, Gregory Holmes * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.addons.dcc; import com.dmdirc.Main; import com.dmdirc.Server; import com.dmdirc.actions.ActionManager; import com.dmdirc.actions.CoreActionType; import com.dmdirc.actions.interfaces.ActionType; import com.dmdirc.addons.dcc.actions.DCCActions; import com.dmdirc.addons.dcc.io.DCC; import com.dmdirc.addons.dcc.io.DCCChat; import com.dmdirc.addons.dcc.io.DCCTransfer; import com.dmdirc.addons.dcc.kde.KFileChooser; import com.dmdirc.addons.ui_swing.SwingController; import com.dmdirc.commandparser.CommandManager; import com.dmdirc.config.Identity; import com.dmdirc.config.IdentityManager; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PluginPreferencesCategory; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesCategory; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesDialogModel; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesSetting; import com.dmdirc.config.prefs.PreferencesType; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.ActionListener; import com.dmdirc.logger.ErrorLevel; import com.dmdirc.logger.Logger; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ClientInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.Parser; import com.dmdirc.plugins.Plugin; import com.dmdirc.plugins.PluginManager; import com.dmdirc.ui.WindowManager; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** * This plugin adds DCC to dmdirc. * * @author Shane 'Dataforce' McCormack */ public final class DCCPlugin extends Plugin implements ActionListener { /** The DCCCommand we created. */ private DCCCommand command; /** Our DCC Container window. */ private PlaceholderContainer container; /** * Creates a new instance of the DCC Plugin. */ public DCCPlugin() { super(); } /** * Ask a question, if the answer is the answer required, then recall handleProcessEvent. * * @param question Question to ask * @param title Title of question dialog * @param desiredAnswer Answer required * @param type Actiontype to pass back * @param format StringBuffer to pass back * @param arguments arguments to pass back */ public void askQuestion(final String question, final String title, final int desiredAnswer, final ActionType type, final StringBuffer format, final Object... arguments) { // New thread to ask the question in to stop us locking the UI final Thread questionThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, question, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (result == desiredAnswer) { handleProcessEvent(type, format, true, arguments); } } }, "QuestionThread: " + title); // Start the thread questionThread.start(); } /** * Ask the location to save a file, then start the download. * * @param nickname Person this dcc is from. * @param send The DCCSend to save for. * @param parser The parser this send was received on * @param reverse Is this a reverse dcc? * @param sendFilename The name of the file which is being received * @param token Token used in reverse dcc. */ public void saveFile(final String nickname, final DCCTransfer send, final Parser parser, final boolean reverse, final String sendFilename, final String token) { // New thread to ask the user where to save in to stop us locking the UI final Thread dccThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { final JFileChooser jc = KFileChooser.getFileChooser(DCCPlugin.this, IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOption(getDomain(), "receive.savelocation")); jc.setDialogTitle("Save " + sendFilename + " As - DMDirc"); jc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); jc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); jc.setSelectedFile(new File(send.getFileName())); int result; if (IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "receive.autoaccept")) { result = JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION; } else { result = jc.showSaveDialog(((SwingController) PluginManager .getPluginManager().getPluginInfoByName("ui_swing") .getPlugin()).getMainFrame()); } if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { send.setFileName(jc.getSelectedFile().getPath()); boolean resume = false; if (jc.getSelectedFile().exists()) { if (send.getFileSize() > -1 && send.getFileSize() <= jc.getSelectedFile().length()) { if (IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "receive.autoaccept")) { return; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( ((SwingController) PluginManager .getPluginManager().getPluginInfoByName("ui_swing") .getPlugin()).getMainFrame(), "This file has already been completed, or is longer than the file you are receiving.\nPlease choose a different file.", "Problem with selected file", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); saveFile(nickname, send, parser, reverse, sendFilename, token); return; } } else { if (IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "receive.autoaccept")) { resume = true; } else { result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( ((SwingController) PluginManager .getPluginManager().getPluginInfoByName("ui_swing") .getPlugin()).getMainFrame(), "This file exists already, do you want to resume an exisiting download?", "Resume Download?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); resume = (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } } } if (reverse && !token.isEmpty()) { new TransferContainer(DCCPlugin.this, send, "*Receive: " + nickname, nickname, null); send.setToken(token); if (resume) { if (IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "receive.reverse.sendtoken")) { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "RESUME " + sendFilename + " 0 " + jc.getSelectedFile().length() + " " + token); } else { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "RESUME " + sendFilename + " 0 " + jc.getSelectedFile().length()); } } else { if (listen(send)) { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "SEND " + sendFilename + " " + DCC.ipToLong(getListenIP(parser)) + " " + send.getPort() + " " + send.getFileSize() + " " + token); } else { // Listen failed. } } } else { new TransferContainer(DCCPlugin.this, send, "Receive: " + nickname, nickname, null); if (resume) { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "RESUME " + sendFilename + " " + send.getPort() + " " + jc.getSelectedFile().length()); } else { send.connect(); } } } } }, "saveFileThread: " + sendFilename); // Start the thread dccThread.start(); } /** * Process an event of the specified type. * * @param type The type of the event to process * @param format Format of messages that are about to be sent. (May be null) * @param arguments The arguments for the event */ @Override public void processEvent(final ActionType type, final StringBuffer format, final Object... arguments) { handleProcessEvent(type, format, false, arguments); } /** * Make the given DCC start listening. * This will either call dcc.listen() or dcc.listen(startPort, endPort) * depending on config. * * @param dcc DCC to start listening. * @return True if Socket was opened. */ protected boolean listen(final DCC dcc) { final boolean usePortRange = IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "firewall.ports.usePortRange"); final int startPort = IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionInt(getDomain(), "firewall.ports.startPort"); final int endPort = IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionInt(getDomain(), "firewall.ports.endPort"); try { if (usePortRange) { dcc.listen(startPort, endPort); } else { dcc.listen(); } return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } /** * Process an event of the specified type. * * @param type The type of the event to process * @param format Format of messages that are about to be sent. (May be null) * @param dontAsk Don't ask any questions, assume yes. * @param arguments The arguments for the event */ public void handleProcessEvent(final ActionType type, final StringBuffer format, final boolean dontAsk, final Object... arguments) { if (IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "receive.autoaccept") && !dontAsk) { handleProcessEvent(type, format, true, arguments); return; } if (type == CoreActionType.SERVER_CTCP) { final String ctcpType = (String) arguments[2]; final String[] ctcpData = ((String) arguments[3]).split(" "); if (ctcpType.equalsIgnoreCase("DCC")) { if (ctcpData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("chat") && ctcpData.length > 3) { final String nickname = ((ClientInfo) arguments[1]).getNickname(); if (dontAsk) { final DCCChat chat = new DCCChat(); try { chat.setAddress(Long.parseLong(ctcpData[2]), Integer.parseInt(ctcpData[3])); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return; } final String myNickname = ((Server) arguments[0]).getParser().getLocalClient().getNickname(); final DCCFrameContainer f = new ChatContainer(this, chat, "Chat: " + nickname, myNickname, nickname); f.addLine("DCCChatStarting", nickname, chat.getHost(), chat.getPort()); chat.connect(); } else { ActionManager.processEvent(DCCActions.DCC_CHAT_REQUEST, null, ((Server) arguments[0]), nickname); askQuestion("User " + nickname + " on " + ((Server) arguments[0]).toString() + " would like to start a DCC Chat with you.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "DCC Chat Request", JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, type, format, arguments); return; } } else if (ctcpData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("send") && ctcpData.length > 3) { final String nickname = ((ClientInfo) arguments[1]).getNickname(); final String filename; String tmpFilename; // Clients tend to put files with spaces in the name in "" so lets look for that. final StringBuilder filenameBits = new StringBuilder(); int i; final boolean quoted = ctcpData[1].startsWith("\""); if (quoted) { for (i = 1; i < ctcpData.length; i++) { String bit = ctcpData[i]; if (i == 1) { bit = bit.substring(1); } if (bit.endsWith("\"")) { filenameBits.append(" " + bit.substring(0, bit.length() - 1)); break; } else { filenameBits.append(" " + bit); } } tmpFilename = filenameBits.toString().trim(); } else { tmpFilename = ctcpData[1]; i = 1; } // Try to remove path names if sent. // Change file separatorChar from other OSs first if (File.separatorChar == '/') { tmpFilename = tmpFilename.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); } else { tmpFilename = tmpFilename.replace('/', File.separatorChar); } // Then get just the name of the file. filename = (new File(tmpFilename)).getName(); final String ip = ctcpData[++i]; final String port = ctcpData[++i]; long size; if (ctcpData.length + 1 > i) { try { size = Integer.parseInt(ctcpData[++i]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { size = -1; } } else { size = -1; } final String token = (ctcpData.length - 1 > i && !ctcpData[i + 1].equals("T")) ? ctcpData[++i] : ""; // Ignore incorrect ports, or non-numeric IP/Port try { int portInt = Integer.parseInt(port); if (portInt > 65535 || portInt < 0) { return; } Long.parseLong(ip); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return; } DCCTransfer send = DCCTransfer.findByToken(token); if (send == null && !dontAsk) { if (!token.isEmpty() && !port.equals("0")) { // This is a reverse DCC Send that we no longer care about. return; } else { ActionManager.processEvent(DCCActions.DCC_SEND_REQUEST, null, ((Server) arguments[0]), nickname, filename); askQuestion("User " + nickname + " on " + ((Server) arguments[0]).toString() + " would like to send you a file over DCC.\n\nFile: " + filename + "\n\nDo you want to continue?", "DCC Send Request", JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, type, format, arguments); return; } } else { final boolean newSend = send == null; if (newSend) { send = new DCCTransfer(IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionInt(getDomain(), "send.blocksize")); send.setTurbo(IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOptionBool(getDomain(), "send.forceturbo")); } try { send.setAddress(Long.parseLong(ip), Integer.parseInt(port)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return; } if (newSend) { send.setFileName(filename); send.setFileSize(size); saveFile(nickname, send, ((Server) arguments[0]).getParser(), "0".equals(port), (quoted) ? "\"" + filename + "\"" : filename, token); } else { send.connect(); } } } else if ((ctcpData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resume") || ctcpData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("accept")) && ctcpData.length > 2) { final String filename; // Clients tend to put files with spaces in the name in "" so lets look for that. final StringBuilder filenameBits = new StringBuilder(); int i; final boolean quoted = ctcpData[1].startsWith("\""); if (quoted) { for (i = 1; i < ctcpData.length; i++) { String bit = ctcpData[i]; if (i == 1) { bit = bit.substring(1); } if (bit.endsWith("\"")) { filenameBits.append(" " + bit.substring(0, bit.length() - 1)); break; } else { filenameBits.append(" " + bit); } } filename = filenameBits.toString().trim(); } else { filename = ctcpData[1]; i = 1; } try { final int port = Integer.parseInt(ctcpData[++i]); final int position = Integer.parseInt(ctcpData[++i]); final String token = (ctcpData.length - 1 > i) ? " " + ctcpData[++i] : ""; // Now look for a dcc that matches. for (DCCTransfer send : DCCTransfer.getTransfers()) { if (send.getPort() == port && (new File(send.getFileName())).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) { if ((!token.isEmpty() && !send.getToken().isEmpty()) && (!token.equals(send.getToken()))) { continue; } final Parser parser = ((Server) arguments[0]).getParser(); final String nickname = ((ClientInfo) arguments[1]).getNickname(); if (ctcpData[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "ACCEPT " + ((quoted) ? "\"" + filename + "\"" : filename) + " " + port + " " + send.setFileStart(position) + token); } else { send.setFileStart(position); if (port == 0) { // Reverse dcc if (listen(send)) { if (send.getToken().isEmpty()) { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "SEND " + ((quoted) ? "\"" + filename + "\"" : filename) + " " + DCC.ipToLong(send.getHost()) + " " + send.getPort() + " " + send.getFileSize()); } else { parser.sendCTCP(nickname, "DCC", "SEND " + ((quoted) ? "\"" + filename + "\"" : filename) + " " + DCC.ipToLong(send.getHost()) + " " + send.getPort() + " " + send.getFileSize() + " " + send.getToken()); } } else { // Listen failed. } } else { send.connect(); } } } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } } } } /** * Retrieves the container for the placeholder. * * @since 0.6.4 * @return This plugin's placeholder container */ public synchronized PlaceholderContainer getContainer() { if (container == null) { createContainer(); } return container; } /** * Removes the cached container. * * @since 0.6.4 */ public synchronized void removeContainer() { container = null; } /** * Create the container window. */ protected void createContainer() { container = new PlaceholderContainer(this); WindowManager.addWindow(container); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void domainUpdated() { final Identity defaults = IdentityManager.getAddonIdentity(); defaults.setOption(getDomain(), "receive.savelocation", Main.getConfigDir() + "downloads" + System.getProperty("file.separator")); } /** * Called when the plugin is loaded. */ @Override public void onLoad() { final File dir = new File(IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOption(getDomain(), "receive.savelocation")); if (dir.exists()) { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { Logger.userError(ErrorLevel.LOW, "Unable to create download dir (file exists instead)"); } } else { try { dir.mkdirs(); dir.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.userError(ErrorLevel.LOW, "Unable to create download dir"); } } command = new DCCCommand(this); CommandManager.registerCommand(command); ActionManager.registerActionTypes(DCCActions.values()); ActionManager.addListener(this, CoreActionType.SERVER_CTCP); } /** * Called when this plugin is Unloaded. */ @Override public synchronized void onUnload() { CommandManager.unregisterCommand(command); ActionManager.removeListener(this); if (container != null) { container.close(); } } /** * Get the IP Address we should send as our listening IP. * * @return The IP Address we should send as our listening IP. */ public String getListenIP() { return getListenIP(null); } /** * Get the IP Address we should send as our listening IP. * * @param parser Parser the IRC Parser where this dcc is initiated * @return The IP Address we should send as our listening IP. */ public String getListenIP(final Parser parser) { final String configIP = IdentityManager.getGlobalConfig().getOption(getDomain(), "firewall.ip"); if (!configIP.isEmpty()) { try { return InetAddress.getByName(configIP).getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { //Fallthrough } } if (parser != null) { final String myHost = parser.getLocalClient().getHostname(); if (!myHost.isEmpty()) { try { return InetAddress.getByName(myHost).getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { /* Will return default host below */ } } } try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // This is almost certainly not what we want, but we can't work out // the right one. return ""; } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void showConfig(final PreferencesDialogModel manager) { final PreferencesCategory general = new PluginPreferencesCategory(getPluginInfo(), "DCC", "", "category-dcc"); final PreferencesCategory firewall = new PluginPreferencesCategory(getPluginInfo(), "Firewall", ""); final PreferencesCategory sending = new PluginPreferencesCategory(getPluginInfo(), "Sending", ""); final PreferencesCategory receiving = new PluginPreferencesCategory(getPluginInfo(), "Receiving", ""); manager.getCategory("Plugins").addSubCategory(general.setInlineAfter()); general.addSubCategory(firewall.setInline()); general.addSubCategory(sending.setInline()); general.addSubCategory(receiving.setInline()); firewall.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.TEXT, getDomain(), "firewall.ip", "Forced IP", "What IP should be sent as our IP (Blank = work it out)")); firewall.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.BOOLEAN, getDomain(), "firewall.ports.usePortRange", "Use Port Range", "Useful if you have a firewall that only forwards specific ports")); firewall.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.INTEGER, getDomain(), "firewall.ports.startPort", "Start Port", "Port to try to listen on first")); firewall.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.INTEGER, getDomain(), "firewall.ports.endPort", "End Port", "Port to try to listen on last")); receiving.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.DIRECTORY, getDomain(), "receive.savelocation", "Default save location", "Where the save as window defaults to?")); sending.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.BOOLEAN, getDomain(), "send.reverse", "Reverse DCC", "With reverse DCC, the sender connects rather than " + "listens like normal dcc")); sending.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.BOOLEAN, getDomain(), "send.forceturbo", "Use Turbo DCC", "Turbo DCC doesn't wait for ack packets. this is " + "faster but not always supported.")); receiving.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.BOOLEAN, getDomain(), "receive.reverse.sendtoken", "Send token in reverse receive", "If you have problems with reverse dcc receive resume," + " try toggling this.")); general.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.INTEGER, getDomain(), "send.blocksize", "Blocksize to use for DCC", "Change the block size for send/receive, this can " + "sometimes speed up transfers.")); general.addSetting(new PreferencesSetting(PreferencesType.BOOLEAN, getDomain(), "general.percentageInTitle", "Show percentage of transfers in the window title", "Show the current percentage of transfers in the DCC window title")); } }