# This is a DMDirc configuration file. # This section indicates which sections below take key/value # pairs, rather than a simple list. It should be placed above # any sections that take key/values. keysections: metadata requires updates defaults version icons metadata: author=Chris mainclass=com.dmdirc.addons.osd.OsdPlugin description=Provides command to show on screen display name=osd nicename=OSD Plugin requires: parent=ui_swing updates: id=3 version: friendly=1.0 provides: osd command required-services: swing ui defaults: locationX=20 locationY=20 newbehaviour=down bgcolour=2222aa fgcolour=ffffff fontSize=20 timeout=true:15 width=500 maxWindows=false:5 exports: showOSD in com.dmdirc.addons.osd.OsdPlugin as showNotification icons: category-osd=plugin://osd:com/dmdirc/addons/osd/icon.png