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config.yml 1.9KB

  1. ---
  2. version: 2
  3. jobs:
  4. build:
  5. environment:
  6. TERM: dumb
  7. _JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Xmx3g"
  8. GRADLE_OPTS: "-Xmx2g -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=2"
  9. docker: # run the steps with Docker
  10. - image: circleci/openjdk:8-jdk
  11. steps:
  12. - checkout
  13. - restore_cache:
  14. key: v1-gradle-wrapper-{{ checksum "gradle/wrapper/" }}
  15. - restore_cache:
  16. key: v1-gradle-cache-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}
  17. - run: if [ -e .git/shallow ]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
  18. - run: git fetch --tags
  19. - run: git submodule update --init --remote
  20. - run: ./gradlew dependencies
  21. - run: ./gradlew test jacocoTestReport coveralls
  22. - save_cache:
  23. paths:
  24. - ~/.gradle/wrapper
  25. key: v1-gradle-wrapper-{{ checksum "gradle/wrapper/" }}
  26. - save_cache:
  27. paths:
  28. - ~/.gradle/caches
  29. key: v1-gradle-cache-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}
  30. - run:
  31. name: Prepare test output
  32. command: |
  33. mkdir -p ~/test-results/junit/
  34. find . -type f -regex ".*/build/test-results/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/test-results/junit/ \;
  35. - store_test_results:
  36. path: ~/test-results
  37. - store_artifacts:
  38. path: ~/test-results/junit
  39. - persist_to_workspace:
  40. root: .
  41. paths:
  42. - .
  43. publishSnapshot:
  44. environment:
  45. TERM: dumb
  46. _JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Xmx3g"
  47. GRADLE_OPTS: "-Xmx2g -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.workers.max=2"
  48. docker:
  49. - image: circleci/openjdk:8-jdk
  50. steps:
  51. - attach_workspace:
  52. at: .
  53. - run: ./gradlew publishSnapshot
  54. workflows:
  55. version: 2
  56. build_and_publish:
  57. jobs:
  58. - build
  59. - publishSnapshot:
  60. filters:
  61. branches:
  62. only: master
  63. requires:
  64. - build