/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 DMDirc Developers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.parser.irc; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.Encoder; import com.dmdirc.parser.irc.IRCReader.ReadLine; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; public class IRCReaderTest { /** Reads and verifies a single line. */ @Test public void testReadLine() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) 't', (int) 'e', (int) 's', (int) 't', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); final IRCReader reader = new IRCReader(stream, encoder); final ReadLine line = reader.readLine(); assertEquals("test", line.getLine()); } /** Reads and verifies a single line with only a trailing LF. */ @Test public void testReadLineWithOnlyLF() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) 't', (int) 'e', (int) 's', (int) 't', (int) '\n'); final IRCReader reader = new IRCReader(stream, encoder); final ReadLine line = reader.readLine(); assertEquals("test", line.getLine()); } /** Reads and verifies a single line with a trailing parameter. */ @Test public void testReadLineWithParameter() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) 't', (int) 'e', (int) ' ', (int) 't', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'f', (int) 'o', (int) 'o', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); when(encoder.encode((String) isNull(), (String) isNull(), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), eq(3))) .thenReturn("encoded"); final IRCReader reader = new IRCReader(stream, encoder); final ReadLine line = reader.readLine(); assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"te", "t", "encoded",}, line.getTokens()); } /** Reads and verifies a single line with a trailing parameter. */ @Test public void testReadLineWithMultipleSpaces() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) 'f', (int) 'o', (int) 'o', (int) ' ', (int) 'b', (int) 'a', (int) 'r', (int) ' ', (int) ' ', (int) 'b', (int) 'a', (int) 'z', (int) ' ', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'q', (int) 'u', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) ' ', (int) 'b', (int) 'a', (int) 'z', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); when(encoder.encode((String) isNull(), (String) isNull(), (byte[]) anyObject(), eq(15), eq(8))) .thenReturn("qux baz"); final IRCReader reader = new IRCReader(stream, encoder); final ReadLine line = reader.readLine(); assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"foo", "bar", "baz", "qux baz",}, line.getTokens()); } /** Verifies that a source is extracted properly. */ @Test public void testGetSource() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'o', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode(eq("src"), anyString(), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that no source is passed if the source is empty. */ @Test public void testGetEmptySource() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) ' ', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'o', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode((String) isNull(), anyString(), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that a destination is extracted properly. */ @Test public void testGetDestination() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) 'y', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'z', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode(anyString(), eq("y"), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that no destination is extracted if there's no source. */ @Test public void testGetDestinationNoSource() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) '_', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) 'y', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'z', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode(anyString(), (String) isNull(), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that no destination is extracted if there are too few args. */ @Test public void testGetDestinationTooShort() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'a', (int) 'b', (int) 'z', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode(anyString(), (String) isNull(), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that a numeric's destination is extracted properly. */ @Test public void testGetDestinationWithNumeric() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) '1', (int) ' ', (int) 'x', (int) ' ', (int) 'y', (int) ' ', (int) 'z', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'x', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).readLine(); verify(encoder).encode(anyString(), eq("y"), (byte[]) anyObject(), anyInt(), anyInt()); } /** Verifies that the close call is proxied to the stream. */ @Test public void testClose() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); new IRCReader(stream, encoder).close(); verify(stream).close(); } /** Verifies that the reader works with improperly coded unicode. */ @Test public void testHandlesBadCoding() throws IOException { final InputStream stream = mock(InputStream.class); final Encoder encoder = mock(Encoder.class); when(stream.read()).thenReturn((int) ':', (int) 's', (int) 'r', (int) 'c', (int) ' ', (int) '1', (int) ' ', 0xF6, (int) ' ', (int) 'y', (int) ' ', (int) 'z', (int) ' ', (int) ':', (int) 'x', (int) '\r', (int) '\n'); when(encoder.encode(anyString(), anyString(), (byte[]) any(), anyInt(), anyInt())).thenReturn("x"); final ReadLine line = new IRCReader(stream, encoder, Charset.forName("UTF-8")).readLine(); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { ":src", "1", "\uFFFD", "y", "z", "x" }, line.getTokens()); } }