/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 DMDirc Developers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.parser.irc; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.MyInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ParserError; import com.dmdirc.harness.parser.TestParser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.Parser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.AuthNoticeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.CallbackNotFoundException; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.CallbackInterface; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ChannelKickListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ConnectErrorListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ErrorInfoListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.NumericListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ServerErrorListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ServerReadyListener; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; public class IRCParserTest { private interface TestCallback extends CallbackInterface { } @Test(expected=CallbackNotFoundException.class) public void testIssue42() { // Invalid callback names are silently ignored instead of raising exceptions final IRCParser myParser = new IRCParser(); myParser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(TestCallback.class, mock(TestCallback.class)); } @Test public void testIssue1674() { // parser nick change error with dual 001 final ErrorInfoListener error = mock(ErrorInfoListener.class); final TestParser myParser = new TestParser(); myParser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(ErrorInfoListener.class, error); myParser.injectConnectionStrings(); myParser.nick = "nick2"; myParser.injectConnectionStrings(); myParser.injectLine(":nick2!ident@host NICK :nick"); verify(error, never()).onErrorInfo(same(myParser), (Date) anyObject(), (ParserError) anyObject()); } @Test public void testTokeniser() { final String line1 = "a b c d e"; final String line2 = "a b c :d e"; final String line3 = ":a b:c :d e"; final String line4 = null; final String[] res1 = IRCParser.tokeniseLine(line1); final String[] res2 = IRCParser.tokeniseLine(line2); final String[] res3 = IRCParser.tokeniseLine(line3); final String[] res4 = IRCParser.tokeniseLine(line4); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(res1, new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"})); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(res2, new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d e"})); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(res3, new String[]{":a", "b:c", "d e"})); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(res4, new String[]{""})); } @Test public void testSendConnectionStrings1() throws URISyntaxException { final MyInfo myInfo = new MyInfo(); myInfo.setNickname("Nickname"); myInfo.setRealname("Real name"); myInfo.setUsername("Username"); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(myInfo, new URI("irc://irc.testing.dmdirc:6667/")); parser.sendConnectionStrings(); assertEquals(3, parser.sentLines.size()); assertTrue("Should send CAP LS line", Arrays.equals(parser.getLine(0), new String[]{"CAP", "LS"})); assertTrue("Should send nickname line", Arrays.equals(parser.getLine(1), new String[]{"NICK", "Nickname"})); final String[] userParts = parser.getLine(2); assertEquals("First token should be USER", "USER", userParts[0]); assertEquals("USER should contain username", myInfo.getUsername().toLowerCase(), userParts[1].toLowerCase()); assertEquals("USER should contain server name", "irc.testing.dmdirc", userParts[3]); assertEquals("USER should contain real name", "Real name", userParts[4]); } @Test public void testSendConnectionStrings2() throws URISyntaxException { final MyInfo myInfo = new MyInfo(); myInfo.setNickname("Nickname"); myInfo.setRealname("Real name"); myInfo.setUsername("Username"); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(myInfo, new URI("irc://password@irc.testing.dmdirc:6667/")); parser.sendConnectionStrings(); assertEquals(4, parser.sentLines.size()); assertTrue("Should send password line", Arrays.equals(parser.getLine(1), new String[]{"PASS", "password"})); } @Test public void testPingPong() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.injectLine("PING :flubadee7291"); assertTrue("Should reply to PINGs with PONGs", Arrays.equals(parser.getLine(0), new String[]{"PONG", "flubadee7291"})); } @Test public void testError() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final ServerErrorListener test = mock(ServerErrorListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(ServerErrorListener.class, test); parser.injectLine("ERROR :You smell of cheese"); verify(test).onServerError(same(parser), (Date) anyObject(), eq("You smell of cheese")); } @Test public void testAuthNotice() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final AuthNoticeListener test = mock(AuthNoticeListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(AuthNoticeListener.class, test); parser.sendConnectionStrings(); parser.injectLine("NOTICE AUTH :Random auth notice?"); verify(test).onNoticeAuth(same(parser), (Date) anyObject(), eq("Random auth notice?")); } @Test public void testAuthNoticeTwenty() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final AuthNoticeListener test = mock(AuthNoticeListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(AuthNoticeListener.class, test); parser.sendConnectionStrings(); parser.injectLine(":us.ircnet.org 020 * :Stupid notice"); verify(test).onNoticeAuth(same(parser), (Date) anyObject(), eq("Stupid notice")); } @Test public void testPre001NickChange() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final AuthNoticeListener test = mock(AuthNoticeListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(AuthNoticeListener.class, test); parser.sendConnectionStrings(); parser.injectLine(":chris!@ NICK :user2"); verify(test, never()).onNoticeAuth((Parser) anyObject(), (Date) anyObject(), anyString()); } @Test public void testNumeric() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final NumericListener test = mock(NumericListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(NumericListener.class, test); parser.injectLine(":server 001 nick :Hi there, nick"); verify(test).onNumeric(same(parser), (Date) anyObject(), eq(1), eq(new String[]{":server", "001", "nick", "Hi there, nick"})); } @Test public void testServerReady() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final ServerReadyListener test = mock(ServerReadyListener.class); final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(ServerReadyListener.class, test); final String[] strings = { "NOTICE AUTH :Blah, blah", ":server 020 * :Blah! Blah!", ":server 001 nick :Welcome to the Testing IRC Network, nick", ":server 002 nick :Your host is server.net, running version foo", "NOTICE AUTH :I'm a retarded server", ":server 003 nick :This server was created Sun Jan 6 2008 at 17:34:54 CET", ":server 004 nick server.net foo dioswkgxRXInP biklmnopstvrDcCNuMT bklov", ":server 005 nick WHOX WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES USERIP :are supported by this server", ":server 005 nick MAXNICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=250 AWAYLEN=160 :are supported " + "by this server", ":server 375 nick :zomg, motd!", }; for (String string : strings) { verify(test, never()).onServerReady((Parser) anyObject(), (Date) anyObject()); parser.injectLine(string); } verify(test).onServerReady(same(parser), (Date) anyObject()); } @Test public void test005Parsing() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); final String[] strings = { ":server 001 nick :Welcome to the Testing IRC Network, nick", ":server 002 nick :Your host is server.net, running version foo", ":server 003 nick :This server was created Sun Jan 6 2008 at 17:34:54 CET", ":server 004 nick server.net foo dioswkgxRXInP biklmnopstvrDcCNuMT bklov", ":server 005 nick WHOX WALLCHOPS WALLVOICES NETWORK=moo :are supported by" + " this server", ":server 005 nick MAXNICKLEN=15 MAXLIST=b:10,e:22,I:45 :are supported by" + " this server", ":server 375 nick :zomg, motd!", }; for (String string : strings) { parser.injectLine(string); } assertEquals(10, parser.getMaxListModes('b')); assertEquals(22, parser.getMaxListModes('e')); assertEquals(45, parser.getMaxListModes('I')); assertEquals("getMaxListModes should return 0 for unknowns;", 0, parser.getMaxListModes('z')); assertEquals("moo", parser.getNetworkName()); assertEquals("server", parser.getServerName()); } @Test public void testBindIP() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.setBindIP("abc.def.ghi.123"); assertEquals("abc.def.ghi.123", parser.getBindIP()); } @Test public void testAutoListMode() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.setAutoListMode(false); assertFalse(parser.getAutoListMode()); parser.setAutoListMode(true); assertTrue(parser.getAutoListMode()); } @Test public void testRemoveAfterCallback() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.setRemoveAfterCallback(false); assertFalse(parser.getRemoveAfterCallback()); parser.setRemoveAfterCallback(true); assertTrue(parser.getRemoveAfterCallback()); } @Test public void testAddLastLine() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.setAddLastLine(false); assertFalse(parser.getAddLastLine()); parser.setAddLastLine(true); assertTrue(parser.getAddLastLine()); } @Test public void testDisconnectOnFatal() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); parser.setDisconnectOnFatal(false); assertFalse(parser.getDisconnectOnFatal()); parser.setDisconnectOnFatal(true); assertTrue(parser.getDisconnectOnFatal()); } @Test public void testTrustManager() { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(parser.getDefaultTrustManager(), parser.getTrustManager())); parser.setTrustManagers(new TrustManager[0]); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new TrustManager[0], parser.getTrustManager())); } @Test public void testGetParam() { assertEquals("abc def", TestParser.getParam("foo :abc def")); assertEquals("bar :abc def", TestParser.getParam("foo :bar :abc def")); assertEquals("abc def", TestParser.getParam("abc def")); } @Test public void testKick() throws CallbackNotFoundException { final TestParser parser = new TestParser(); final ChannelKickListener ick = mock(ChannelKickListener.class); parser.injectConnectionStrings(); parser.injectLine(":nick JOIN #D"); parser.getCallbackManager().addCallback(ChannelKickListener.class, ick, "#D"); parser.injectLine(":bar!me@moo KICK #D nick :Bye!"); verify(ick).onChannelKick(same(parser), (Date) anyObject(), (IRCChannelInfo) anyObject(), (IRCChannelClientInfo) anyObject(), (IRCChannelClientInfo) anyObject(), anyString(), anyString()); } @Test public void testIllegalPort2() throws URISyntaxException { final TestParser tp = new TestParser(new MyInfo(), new URI("irc://")); final ConnectErrorListener tiei = mock(ConnectErrorListener.class); tp.getCallbackManager().addCallback(ConnectErrorListener.class, tiei); tp.runSuper(); verify(tiei).onConnectError(same(tp), (Date) anyObject(), (ParserError) anyObject()); } }